Collection of Akemaro's Recent Compositions, "Baptism by Fire"
火の洗礼 (Hi no Senrei), May  1949

  ただ神の 大御心に適はむと 努むる人こそ真人なりけり

Those who pursue
Efforts to be in accord
With the Almighty God
Are indeed what
Human beings should be.

#1, page 75, S5-99B 
S4-410A ただ神の 大御心にかなはむと 努むる人こそ真人なりけり In untitled section of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 3, #1, page 1, April 20, 1949; S6-131B 只神の 大御心に叶はむと 努むる人こそ真人なりけり In a section titled “Untitled” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, May 28, 1951, page 98, #439; previous translations Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 76A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 76A; Prayers and Poems, page 76A; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 76 & 230, #183; Book of Gosanka, #56, page 14; used in Japanese later publications as 只神の 大御心に叶はむと 努むる人こそ真人なりけれ
   Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
An individual who does his best / To live in accord with God’s Will / Is indeed a genuine person.
   Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
Individuals / Who do their best, try to live / In accord with God, / With His Will, are then indeed / Genuine human beings.
   Prayers and Poems translation
Individuals / Who do their best, / To live in accord / With God’s Will / Are indeed genuine human beings.
   Book of Gosanka translation
He who strives his best / To please God and only Him, / To do as He wills— / Is truly a man of God— / A man God made him to be.
  人の罪 咎むる人こそ神よりの 尤めを蒙ぶる人にぞありける
416   Those individuals who
Censure others for
Their sins are the very
Ones who will be censured
By God. 
#2, page 75, S5-99C 
S4-410B  人の罪 咎むる人こそ神よりの 尤めをかかぶる人にぞありける In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 3, #2, page 1, April 20, 1949; S6-131C 人の罪 尤むる人こそ神よりの 咎め蒙ぶる人にぞありける In a set of poems titled “Untitled” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #440, page 98, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 75A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 75A; Prayers and Poems, page 75A; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, pages 17 and 122, #33; Book of Gosanka, #65, page 17.
   Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Let us be aware that it is the individual / Always censuring others for their sins / Who is reproved by God.
   Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
Let us be aware / It’s the individual / Always censuring / Others for their seeming wrongs / Who is corrected by God.
   Prayers and Poems translation
Let us be aware / That it is the individual / Who is always censuring others / For their seeming wrongs, / Who is corrected by God.
   Book of Gosanka translation
The man who finds fault / And censures his fellow man / For his sins and ills / Will be the one last to be / Strictly admonished by God.

人の世の 苦楽の本は皆己が 手に作るなり心せよみな

417   All of you be aware that
The joys and pains
Of the people
Of the world are made
With their very own hands.
#3, page 75, S5-99D
S4-410C 人の世の 苦楽の本は皆己が 手につくるなり心せよみな In an untitled section of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 3, page 1, April 20, 1949; S6-126A 人の世の 苦楽の因はみな己が 手もて作りしものにありけるIn a section of poems titled “Random Thoughts” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 93, #413; previous translations in Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 77B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 77B, Prayers and Poems, page 77B, and Book of Gosanka, page 15 (#59) based on slightly altered Japanese text人の世の 苦楽の因はみな己が 手もて作りしものにありけり
   S6-126A translation
The joys and the / Pains of the / People of the world / Are made with / Their very own hands.
      Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Let us always be aware that the true cause / Of happiness or unhappiness in our lives / Is always created by our own hands.
      Prayers and Gosanka translation
Let us be aware / That the true source of sorrow / Or joy in our lives / Is always something we’ve made, / Created by our own hands.
      Prayers and Poems translation
Let us be aware / That the true source of sorrow / Or joy in our lives / Is always something we have made, / Created by our own hands.
      Book of Gosanka translation
In the world of man, / The root of all joys or pains / Is in man himself; / For with his own hands makes he, / His own pleasures or sorrows.

諸人よ 心許すな大いなる 神の審判の来らむとする今

418   Everyone, everywhere!
Lower not your guard
For the great
Judgement of God
Is coming now.
#4, page 75, S5-100A 
S4-421B 諸人よ 心許すな大いなる 神の審判のはや来らんとすも In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 5, #1, page 1, June 25, 1949; S6-80B 諸人よ 心ゆるすな厳めしき 神の裁きのやがて来たらむ In a set of poems titled “Judgment” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #195, page 44, May 28, 1951.
   S4-421B translation
Everyone, everywhere! / Lower not your guard / For the great / Judgement of God / Soon is coming.
   S6-80B translation
Everyone, everywhere! / Lower not your guard / For God’s / Judgement / Is finally coming.

神は無しと いと誇らしげに言ふ人の あわてふためく時ぞ来にける

419   Coming is the time
When will wriggle and
Squirm those
Individuals who so boastfully
Claimed there is no God.
#5, page 75, S5-100B
S4-421C 神は無しと いと誇らしげに言ふ人の あわてふためく時ぞ来にける In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 5, #2, page 1, June 25, 1949; S6-80C 神は無しと いと誇らし気に言ひし人の 狼狽ふためく時ぞ来にける In a set of poems titled “Judgment” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #196, page 44, May 28, 1951.

キリストの 唱えし最後の裁きとは 神の霊火に世ぞ浄むなり

420   The last judgment
Proclaimed by Christ
Is the age in which
The world is purified
In the divine fire of God.
#6, page 76, S5-100C
S4-422A キリストの 唱えし最後の裁きとは 神の霊火に世ぞ浄むなり In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 5, #3, page 1, June 25, 1949; S6-80E キリストの 唱へし最後の審判とは 火の洗霊火の事にぞありける In a set of poems titled “Judgment” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #198, page 45, May 28, 1951.
      S6-80E translation
The last judgement, / Proclaimed by / Christ, is the / Spiritual / Baptism of fire.

世の汚れ 洗ひ浄めて新しき 神の世建つる裁きの業かな

421 Cleansing and purifying
The impurities of the world,
Constructing the age
Of God is what
The task of judgment is.
#7, page 76, S5-100D
S4-422B 世の汚れ 洗ひ浄めて新しき 神の世建つる裁きの業かな In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 5, #4, page 1, June 25, 1949; S6-81A 世の穢れ 洗ひ浄めて新しき 世に立直す審判の業かな In a set of poems titled “Judgment” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #199, page 45, May 28, 1951; previous translation, Book of Gosanka, #317, page 80.
   S6-81A translation
Cleansing and purifying / The impurities of the world, / The task of judgement / Rebuilds and reforms / All into a new age.
   Book of Gosanka translation
All the stains of filth / Of the evil-laden world / Will be purged away, / And a new world will emerge; / This is God’s Act of Judgment.

人々よ 悔改めて世の峠 安く越えなむ備へせよかし

422 Everyone! Repent
And prepare to
Cross with tranquility,
Without undue stress,
The world pass.
#8, page 76, S5-100E
S4-422C 人々よ 悔改めて世の峠 安く越えなむ備えせよかしIn an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 5, #5, page 1, June 25, 1949; S6-81B 人々よ 悔改めて世の峠 安く越へなむ備へせよかし In a set of poems titled “Judgment” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #200, page 45, May 28, 1951.

審判の 日の厳しさよ如何ならむ 曲も鰭伏し悔改むるらむ

423 In the severity of the
Day of judgment,
Even the most evil of
Evil will prostrate
Themselves in repentance.
#9, page 76, S5-101A
S4-422D 審判の 日の厳しさよ如何ならむ 曲もひれ伏し悔改むるらむ In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 5, #6, page 1, June 25, 1949; previous translations, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #105, pages 46 & 168; Book of Gosanka, #318, page 80; previous translations based on altered text 審判の 日の厳しさよ如何ならむ 曲もひれ伏し悔改めむ
   Sounds of the Dawn translation
Fateful Judgment Day! / When it comes, all will be judged. / Even one possessed / By the most evil spirit / Will prostrate himself, repent.
   Book of Gosanka translation
O, how strict and harsh / Day of Reckoning will be; / All the evil men / Will prostrate in repentance / To change their way, much too late.

諸人の 眼を醒す鐘うてど 耳を塞ぎて聞かむともせず

424 The bell rings
To awaken the eyes
Of all peoples
Tho’ their ears are blocked,
Not even trying to listen.
#10, page 76, S5-101B

浄霊の 名もて行ふわが業は 火の洗霊の事にぞありける

425 My procedure that is
Performed under
The name of Johrei
Is the baptism of spirit
By fire. 
#11, page 76, S5-101C
Previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 31A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 31A; Prayers and Poems, page 31A; Book of Gosanka, #149, page 38.
   Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
The Divine Work of God, performed / In the name of and through Johrei, / Is in reality baptism by fire.
   Prayers and Gosanka translation
God’s Light, consuming, / Cleansing man’s clouds through Johrei, / Purifying him, / Is the one true baptism / For the spiritual self.
   Prayers and Poems translation
Johrei / Is truly / The cleansing / Of the spirit— / A baptism by fire.
   Book of Gosanka translation
The work that I do / In the name of Jôrei / To cleanse and save man / Is work through the Divine Light— / Baptizing by Light of God.