“God Is Perfection,” June 17, 1949
Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, November 30, 1949

  待望の 地上天国現るるまで 嵐も吹かむ波も荒れなむ

Until the appearance of the
Long-awaited paradise
On earth winds will
Blow with fury and
Waves will rise high.

#1, page 80, S5-105C
S4-426A 待望の 地上天国現るるまで 嵐も吹かむ波も荒れなむ In a section of untitled poems in Chijotengoku, Issue 7, #1, page 1, August 30, 1949; S6-96E 待望の 地上天国生るるまで 嵐も吹かむ波も荒れなむ In a section titled “End of the World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #271, page 61, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Book of Gosanka, #319, page 80; Daily Guide, page 35B. 
      S6-96E translation
Until the birth of the / Long-awaited paradise / On earth winds will / Blow with fury and / Waves will rise high.
      Book of Gosanka translation
Before paradise / That all men are waiting for / Can come to this Earth, / Violent storm-winds will blow, / And waves will grow wild and rage.
      Daily Guide translation
Before the desired / Long-awaited paradise / Is come to this earth, / Tempests will roar o’er the lea; / Turbulent waves stir the sea.
  天国の 産声今や挙げんとし 世は陣痛の悩みの中なり
444   The birth cries of
Paradise are now
Sounding; the world is in the
Midst of the agony of
Labor pains. 
#2, page 80, S5-105D
S4-426B 天国の 産声今や挙げんとし 世は陣痛の悩みの中なり In a section of untitled poems in Chijotengoku, Issue 7, #2, page 1, August 30, 1949; S6-97A 天国の 産声今や挙げむとし 世は陣痛の悩みの中なり In a section titled “End of the World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #272, page 61, May 28, 1951; previous translation, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #13, page 10 & 96.
      Sounds of the Dawn translation
Paradise on earth / Is ready to be born now. / The countless problems / Confronting humanity / At this time are its birth pangs.

右左 争ふ人等知らぬがに 嬉々と楽しむ神の御子たち

445   Paying no heed to the
People fighting on the
Right or on the left,
God’s children
Happily enjoy life.
#3, page 80, S5-106A
S4-426C 右左 争ふ人等知らぬがに 嬉々と楽しむ神の御子たち In a section of untitled poems in Chijotengoku, Issue 7, #3, page 1, August 30, 1949; S6-113A 右左 争ふ世をば知らぬがに 歓喜に生くる神の僕等 In a section titled “Serenity” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #343, page 77, May 28, 1951; previous translation, Book of Gosanka, #132, page 33.
      S6-113A translation
Paying no heed to the / Conflict of the / Right or the left, / God’s disciples / Live happily.
      Book of Gosanka translation
Believers in God / Live a life of joy so full / They seem to know not / That the world is fighting wars, / Around them on right and left.

神在るを 知らぬ世人のあさましさ 心の盲知るよしもなく

446   How pathetic are the people of the
World who do not know that
God exists! They have
No way of knowing
How blind their hearts are.
#4, page 80, S5-106A-B [SS420H]
S6-114C-f-D [SS601F] 神在るを 知らぬ世人の浅間しさ 心の盲知る由もなく In a set of poems titled “Blindness” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #355, page 80, May 28, 1951; S4-426C-D [SS382D] 神在るを 知らぬ世人の浅間しさ 心の盲知るよしもなく In a section of untitled poems in Chijotengoku, Issue 7, #4, page 1, August 30, 1949; previous translations, Book of Gosanka, #66, page 17; Meishu and His Teachings, page 49.
      Book of Gosanka translation
Those who do not know / That God exists in this world / Are pitiable, / For they do not even know, / That they are blind of the mind.
      Meishu and His Teachings translation
Those who do not know / That God exists in this world / Are shallow indeed; / They know not that they are blind, / Not of body but of mind.

人の力 如何に強くも九分九厘の 瀬戸際に来て覆るなり

447   No matter how much human
Beings may exert themselves,
On their own they will be
Reversed at the very
Last critical moment.
#5, page 80, S5-106B  
S4-426D 人の力 如何に強くも九分九厘の 瀬戸際に来て覆るなり In a section of untitled poems in Chijotengoku, Issue 7, August 30, 1949, #5, page 1; S6-121E 人の力 如何に強くも九分九厘の 瀬戸際に来て覆へるなり In a section titled “Acts of God and Human Beings” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, May 28, 1951, #394, page 88; S4-426D; previous translations based on non- Meishu-sama text 心慢り 神に背かば九分九厘の 瀬戸際に来て覆へるなり GosankaPoems of World Messianity, page 73B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 73B, Prayers and Poems, page 73B, and Book of Gosanka, #225, page 57.
   GosankaPoems of World Messianity translation
Those who become egotistical and act / against divine law / Must inevitably feel the tide / going / Against them at the great turning / point, / Even though they have had seeming / success.
   Prayers and Gosanka translation
Men full of ego, / Who act against divine law, / Will feel the tide go / ‘Gainst them at earth’s turning point, / Though they’ve had seeming success.
   Prayers and Poems translation
People full of ego, / Who act against Divine Law, / Will feel the tide go / Against them at earth’s turning point, / Though they have had seeming success.
   Book of Gosanka translation
Those with self-conceit, / Who go against mighty God, / Infringing His Will? / At the dire eleventh hour / Will be frustrated and trounced.

人の力は九分九厘神の力は十全と 知る人にして救はるるなり

448   People who understand
That human energy is
Ninety-nine percent and that
The power of God is perfect
Will be saved. 
#6, page 80, S5-106C
S6-122A 人の力は 九分九厘神の力は十全と 知る人にして救はれしなる In a section titled “Acts of God and Human Beings” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #395, page 89, May 28, 1951; S4-427A 人の力は九分九厘 神の力は十全と 知る人にして救はるるなり In a section of untitled poems in Chijotengoku, Issue 7, #6, page 1, August 30, 1949; previous translations, except for Sounds of the Dawn, based on non-Meishu-sama text 人の力 は九分九厘まで神の力は 十全と知る人はおごらず Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 73C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 73C, Prayers and Poems, page 73C, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #18, pages 13 & 100, Book of Gosanka, #3, page 1.
   Sounds of the Dawn translation
While man’s power can / Total ninety-nine percent, / Only God’s Power / Is always Total, Perfect, / True faith comes through knowing this.
   Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
There is never any egotism in those / Who are well aware man’s full power / Can reach only ninety-nine percent / of perfection, / While God’s Power is limitless, / Perfection itself.
   Prayers and Gosanka translation
True humility / Guides those who are well aware / Man cannot equal / God’s Power, Which is Perfect, / Limitless, in every way.
   Prayers and Poems translation
A person who truly realizes / That God’s power is perfect / While human power / Is limited, / Cannot be arrogant.
      Book of Gosanka translation
The power of man / Is with limit, incomplete; / The power of God / Has no limit, absolute; / Those who know this are not proud.