Collection of Akemaro's Recent Compositions, "Visit of Spring"
春の訪れ (Haru no Otozure)

  枯野原 照す陽射しに春みえて 何とはなしにのどけさの今日

Today is just
Somehow tranquil,
As spring appears
With the sun shining
On the dead winter fields.

February 13, 1936, #1, page 8, S5-8A 
  浅けれど 春は見えけり小溝川 水のせせらぎかそかながらも 
6   Although still faint
I can feel
Spring—is that
Murmuring the water of the
Komizu River or .....? 
February 13, 1936, #2, page 9, S5-8B

春来ぬる 畑に残んの雪あれど 冷たからなくうすらかぎらふ

7   Snow remains in
The fields to which
Spring has come;
The chill will
Become faint.
February 13, 1936, #3, page 9, S5-8C 

如月の 末ともなれば春めきて 冬枯林真陽に明るき

8   The second month has
Come to an end and
Spring is here;
Bright is the sunlight
On the bare winter trees. 
February 21, 1936, #4, page 9, S5-8D

田舎道 通りすがりに眼につくは 土のなだりに春にじむ色

9   Following the country path
What catches my eye,
Colors that indicate
Spring which appear
On the earthen slope.
February 21, 1936, #5, page 9, S5-9A  

見はるかす 枯桃林うすらにも かぎろひ見えぬ春近むるや

10   Seen far away, faintly,
The dead winter branches
Of the forest of peach trees,
Shimmer, unseen yet
Sensed, the approaching spring.
February 21, 1936, #6, page 9, S5-9B  

春の日の のどかな光に生々し 麦の穂立のととのひ見えて

11   In the gentle light
Of a spring day
The glistening ears of
Wheat neatly arranged. 
March 29, 1936, #7, page 9, S5-9C

日々通ふ 野辺の道芝青ずみて 畑の春もひろいごりにける

12   Along the sides of
The daily path of travel
Full of greenery,
The fields of spring
Indeed spread out.
March 29, 1936, #8, page 9, S5-9D

音立てて 春雨ならぬ雨音に 心みだるる日もすがらなる

13   Making a noise
Not like any spring rain,
The sound of the rain,
Disturbed is my heart
And so is the day.
March 29, 1936, #9, page 9, S5-9E

五月雨と 思ふばかりに音たつる 春雨の日のうつとうしけれ

14   I thought it was
Just a spring rain,
But the sound made
In the day by the drizzle
Does get on my nerves.
March 29, 1936, #10, page 10, S5-10A

ゆずり葉の 緑清々し朝晴れの 五月の空の下をくぎろひ

15   Vivid the green of the
Daphne magnolias
Punctuates all under
The sky of the bright, clear
Morning of the fifth month.
April 24, 1936, #11, page 10, S5-10B

たんぽぽは 今盛りなりしかすがに 春は庭辺に深まりにつつ

16   The dandelion,
Now out in full bloom,
All but faintly is
Spring gradually
Deepening within the garden.
April 24, 1936, #12, page 12, S5-10C