The Great Purification, December 21, 1949
Chijôtengoku, Issue 13
February 20, 1950

    今 年はも ただならぬ世となりぬらむ ただありやかに言えぬが悲し

How sad I feel that
I cannot say
This year that
Something will happen,
That it will be extraordinary. 

S5-137A, page 4; S5-126A 今年はも ただならぬ世となりぬらむ ただありやかに言えぬが悲し In a set of poems titled “New Year Poems” in Eikô, Issue 43, January 1, 1950. 
    現 世に 例しとてなき大いなる 移り変りの日にせまり来も
02   Coming soon
Are the days
Of great change,
In our physical world.
S5-137B, page 4; S5-127C 現世に 例しとてなき大いなる 移り変りの日にせまり来も In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 12, January 20, 1950, page 1; previous translation, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 42 & 161, #95.
Sounds of the Dawn translation
The time is closer, / Closer each day, for the change / So monumental / Man has never before this / Experienced its equal.

新玉の 年を迎 へて祝がむ 神の仕組の開くきざしに

03   Upon greeting the
Shining new year,
We celebrate with the
Harbingers of
God’s plan unfolding.
S5-137C, page 4; S5-125A 新玉の 年を迎へて祝がむ 神の仕組の開くきざしに In a set of poems titled “Poems for the New Year” in Hikari, Issue 43, January 1, 1950.
Alternate translation
Coming / To a new year / Are the signs of / The beginning of the / Blessed God’s plan.

待ち望む 五六 七の御代は整ひて 清き地の上に建てなんとすも

04   The long-awaited age of
Five, six, seven, the world of
Miroku will be completed,
Constructed on
Earth that is unblemished.
S5-137D, page 4; S5-126C 待ち望む 五六七の御代は整ひて 清き地の上に建てなむとすも In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 12, January 20, 1950, page 1.

行詰り ゆきも 戻りもならぬ世は 終末の世のしるしなるらん

05   A world full of
Impasses and no return
Is a sign of
The end
Of the world.
S5-137E, page 4; S5-126B 行詰り ゆきも戻りもならぬ世は 終末の世のしるしなるらん In a set of poems titled “New Year Poems” in Eikô, Issue 43, January 1, 1950; previous translation, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 46 & 168, #104.
Coming to a dead end
the world of our times can find nowhere
to move on or turn back;
this will be and must be a sign that
Indicates the great world-catastrophe.
Jan. 19 2007 by taki
Sounds of the Dawn translation
The world we now know / Cannot solve its present state, / Its predicament. / Is this fact not proof enough / That the world’s end is at hand?

長き代を 積り つもりし塵芥 浄めて生るる地上天国

06   The filth and dust
That has gathered in the
World for ages
Will be purified and be
Born paradise on earth. 
S5-138A, page 4; S5-127A 長き代を 積りつもりし塵芥 浄めて生るる地上天国. In a set of untitled poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 12, January 20, 1950, page 1; S6-97C 長き世を 積りつもりし塵芥 浄めて生れむ地上天国  In a set of poems titled “End of the World” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, May 28, 1951, page 62, #275; previous S5-127A & S5-138A translation in Light from the East, Volume 1, page 176.
    LEII translation
All the dust and dirt / That have been piling up / Since ages past / Will be cleansed with the birth / Of paradise on earth. 

言の葉も 筆に もなどか尽すべき 此現世の終りの状はも

07   I use speech and pen
Working hard to explain
The condition
Of the end of
This present world.
S5-138B, page 5; S5-127B 言の葉も 筆にもなどか尽すべき 此現世の終りの状はも In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 12, January 20, 1950, page 1.

待ちわびし 今 年のよき日は来りけり いざ腹帯を固く締めなむ

08   Finally has come
This auspicious day
Long awaited for.
I steel myself
For the work ahead.
S5-138C, page 5; S5-125C 待ちわびし 今年のよき日は来りけり いざ腹帯を固く締めなむ In a set of poems titled “New Year Poems” in Eikô, Issue 43, January 1, 1950.

いと深き 神の 仕組は今年より いちぢるしけれ心せよみな

09   Be prepared for
God’s profound plan
Will become
Quite remarkable
This year. 
S5-138D, page 5; S5-125B いと深き 神の仕組は今年より いちぢるしけれ心せよみな In a set of poems titled “New Year Poems” in Eikô, Issue 43, January 1, 1950.

如何ならむ 事 起らむか大神の 珍の仕組のいと深ければ

10   No matter
What happens
The scope of the
Noble plan of God is
Indeed profound.
S5-138E, page 5; S5-127D 如何ならむ 事起らむか大神の 珍の仕組のいと深ければ In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 12, January 20, 1950, page 1.

如何ならむ 世 や来つるとて大神の 護りある身のなど恐れめや

11   Why should
Those with
Mighty God’s
Protection fear
Whatever comes?
S5-139A, page 5.

ただ神に うち 委すより詮なけれ 力とてなき人の身魂は

12   Only on God can
We depend. We
Have nothing else
To trust. We have
No power on our own.
S5-139B, page 5; S6-81D 只神に うち委すより詮なけれ 力とてなき人の身なれば In a set of poems titled “Judgment” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, May 28, 1951, page 46, #203 (R202); S5-127E ただ神に うち委すより詮なけれ 力とてなき人の身魂は In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 12, page 1, #6, January 20, 1950.

身も魂も 神に 委せば安かりぬ ただならぬ世の今来つるとて

13   Entrusting
Our bodies and souls
To God, an extraordinary
World will come
Without incident. 
S5-139C, page 5.

神はなしと い と誇らげに言ひし人 滅びゆく状見るぞ悲しき

14   How it saddens me to
See those who were
So boastful as to say
There is no God
S5-139D, page 6. 
    S6-65B translation
Great is the time / When, discarding / The robes of Regarder of / Cries, there / Emerges the Messiah.

崩れゆく 此現 世を誠なき 人の力に支え得べきや

15   How can we
Support in this
Crumbling world
Those without
Love and sincerity? 
S5-139E, page 6.

誠なき 人と誠 のある人の けじめつく世ぞ終りなりけり

16   It is the end of the
World where there is a
Distinction between
People with love, sincerity and
Those without. 
S5-140A, page 6; previous translation, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 47 & 169, #107; SDI translation based on non-Meishu-sama text, 誠なき 人と誠のある人の けじめつく世ぞ終りなりける
    Alternate translation
The end of the world / Will see a clear demarcation / Between those / With love and sincerity / And those without.
    Sounds of the Dawn translation
God will indicate, / Will make distinctions clearly / Between the truthful / And the deceitful. The world / We know will end when He does.

神をそしり 拝 む人を侮りし 人のもがかむ世の終りかも

17   Truly it is the end of
The world disrupted by
Those who slander the divine
And blaspheme those
Who worship God. 
S5-140B, page 6; previous translation, Sound of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 48 & 171, #111.
    Sounds of the Dawn translation
Those who have blasphemed / ‘Gainst God, said impious words, / Scorned with reverent, / Will be writhing in remorse / When the world comes to its end. 

善因善果 悪因 悪果のありやかに 知らるる時ぞ世の終りなる

18   The end of the world is when
It can be clearly known that
Good results in good
And that evil
Results in evil.
S5-140C, page 6; previous translation, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 46 & 169, #106. 
    Sounds of the Dawn translation
When it has become / Obvious to one and all / The good have earned good, / The evil only evil, / The world’s end will have arrived.

善が栄え 悪の 滅ぶる時こそは 五六七の御代の始まりにぞある

19   The very beginning
Of the age of five, six,
Seven, or Miroku,
Is when goods deeds
Flourish and evil perishes.
S5-140D, page 6.
    Alternate translation
The very moment when / Good deeds bring prosperity and / Evil perishes will be the beginning / Of the age of five, six, seven, / The world of Miroku.

八百万 国とう 国は相結び 一つなるぞ弥勒聖代

20   The sacred age of
The Maitreya, when
Myriad nations
Are joined
Together as one.
S5-140E, page 6; previous translations, Prayers and Gosanka, page 85B; Prayers and Poems, page 85B; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 12 & 17, #17; Book of Gosanka, page 76, #304.
    PG & SDI translation
When the time has come / That nations are united / Under the One God / As one world, the Golden Age / Will be a reality.
    Prayers and Poems translation
When the time has come / That nations are united / Under One God / As one world, the Golden Age / Will be a reality.
    Book of Gosanka translation
All countries on Earth, / From one end to the other, / Will unite in peace / As one great nation of man— / Glorious reign of Miroku.

長き世の 夢は 実となりぬらむ それの徴しのはや見え初めぬ

21   Beginning to
Appear are the signs
Of the fulfilling
Of the dreams
Long held by humanity.
S5-141A, page 7.

心から 今日の よき日を祝がむ 弥勒の御代の境なりせば

22   Today we
Celebrate from the heart
The frontier
Of the age of
S5-141B, page 7.  

現世は 未だ弥 勒の代の姿 見えねどひそかに芽み初めける

23   In our present world
Still not visible is the form
Of the world of Miroku, ‘though
It begins to bud in
Ways not yet perceptible.
S5-141C, page 7.

霊界の 高き真 中に輝やける 弥勒の御世ははや築かれぬ

24   The age of Maitreya
Brightening the
Highest realms
Of the spiritual world
Is being built. 
S5-141D, page 7.

大神の 光はい よよかがやひて 曲神ふためくさまの可笑しさ

25   How amusing
The confused state
Of the evil forces
As the light of God
Shines ever more brilliantly.
S5-141E, page 7.

禍と 吉き事一 度に来つるなり 世の替り目の時となりなば

26   Disasters and
Auspicious events
Occur together
During the transition
Time of the world. 
S5-142A, page 7; previous translation, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 43 & 164, #99; Sounds of the Dawn translation based on non-Meishu-sama text 禍と 吉きこと一度に来たるなり 世の替り目の時となりなば
    Sounds of the Dawn translation
The changeover time / From darkness to Light is here. / Major disasters / And good events will occur / Simultaneously now.

長き世を 待ち 荒したる曲津神 神に鰭伏す時ぞ近みぬ

27   The time is not too far away
When the evil forces that
Have been disturbing
The world for so long will bow
Down in subjugation to God.
5-142B, page 7.

ただならぬ 世 の大峠来つる時 人みな神の御名を唱えむ

28   In these unique times,
Upon arrival
At the summit,
Everyone will
Extol God’s name.
S5-142C, page 8; previous translation, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 47 & 170, #108.
    Sounds of the Dawn translation
All humanity / Will call out the name of God, / Beg his Protection, / When the epoch-making time, / The turning point, has arrived.

罪穢の 重き荷 負ふて大峠 喘ぎ登るもはや甲斐なけれ

29   No reward will there be
For those attempting
To ascend the great summit
With the heavy burden
Of sins and impurities.
S5-142D, page 8.

罪の重荷 背負 ふに堪えで大峠の 上より落つる人澤ならむ

30   Considerable will
Be those falling
From the summit
Trying to bear
The heavy burden of sin. 
S5-142E, page 8.

光明の いや輝 くや如何なむ 曲の企みも隠すに由なし

31   The bright light shining
Everywhere so radiantly,
Whatever evil may
Machinate will have
No place to hide. 
S5-143A, page 8.

神ありや なし やの謎もありやかに 眼に映つる世の終りかな

32   The end of the world is
Where the puzzle of
Those who say God exists
And those who say there is
No God becomes clear.
S5-143B, page 8.

キリストも 釈 迦も諸もろ聖者たちの 言を生かす吾にぞありける

33   I, Mokichi Okada, am
Here to put life
Into the words of
Christ, Shakyamuni,
And all the holy ones. 
S5-143C, page 8.

古への 聖者の 預言吾が手に 証しを立てむ世ぞ来づるなる

34   The time has come
When I will show
Through my deeds
The prophecies of the
Saints of old. 
S5-143D, page 8.

現世に 吾の生 るるを幾千歳 待ちわびにけむ諸の聖者よ

35   All you holy ones
Who have waited
Thousands of years
For me to appear
In this world!
S5-143E, page 9.

誤れる 世の悉 を光明に 照して正しく鞫めんとすも

36   All that is mistaken
In the world
Will be bathed in
Divine Light, unturned
And be made right. 
S5-144A, page 9.

昔より 諸の聖 者は出でしかど 病の因を知る由ぞなき

37   Many holy ones
Have appeared since old
But they had no
Reason to know
The cause of disease.
S5-144B, page 9. 

病なき 人を造 らむ神業は 人を造りし神力なりけり

38   The plan of God relies on
Divine power to form
Persons for God’s work
Who will make persons
Without disease.
S5-144C, page 9.

病なき 世とな りぬれば貧しきも 争も消ゆ理り知れかし

39   Know the principle that
When a world without disease
Comes about
Poverty and conflict
Will also disappear.
S5-144D, page 9.

救世の 業とし いえど病なき 人を造らむ事にぞありける

40   What is referred to as
The work of world salvation
Consists of fashioning
Human beings  
Free from disease.
S5-144E, page 9.
    Alternate translation
The work of salvation / Is the very / Developing of / People who / Have no disease.

人の病 治す力 を持たずして なぞ此現世を救ひ得べきや

41   How can this world
Be saved
Without the power
To heal
People’s maladies?
S5-145A, page 9. 

病なき 人をし 造る力こそ 萬有救ふ力にぞある

42   The power to make
One person without disease
The power to
Save humanity. 
S5-145B, page 10. 

救世の 神力揮 はむ今し世は 崩れんとする前夜なりせば

43   The divine power
Of salvation is
Being wielded
On the eve when
The world crumbles. 
S5-145C, page 10.

今の世に 我生 れずば天ケ下 ものの命は如何になりなむ

44   If I, Mokichi Okada,
Had not been born
Into this world, what
Would have happened
To all life in creation!
S5-145D, page 10.

世の終り 来つ る今はも大神は 我生れしめて世ぞ救ふなる

45   Now with the world
Coming to an end,
God has caused me
To be born
To save the world. 
S5-145E, page 10.
    Alternate translations
Now / When the end of the / World is coming, / God has brought me to / Save the world.
The end of the world is / Coming now and / God has brought me / To the world so that / It will be saved.

大神の 委せ給 ひし重き任 吾うべないて揮ひ起つなり

46   I, Mokichi Okada,
Rise up to undertake
The tremendous duty
That has been entrusted
To me by the Creator. 
S5-146A, page 10.

When published in Chijôtengoku, Issue 13, the above poems were followed by a note on page 10 by Inoue Sei (nom de plume for Inoue Motokichi), given below in translation.

“The above forty-six poems were composed within an hour at one sitting by the Great Teacher. We can only but be astounded by this superhuman divine work. I was by his side as he dictated the poems to me, and the poems that unceasingly flowed as thread from a silkworm, each poem taking about one minute three seconds. Inoue Sei.”