Poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 20, January 25, 1951

  病の  癒しの業のいまだ世に あらじと知らす吾の悲しさ

The sadness I feel
To have to tell
The world that
As yet there is
No way to heal sickness.

#1, page 1, S6-8C
    真なる 癒しの業を吾は今 世に施して救うべらなり
 20   To save the world
I now
The true way
Of healing.
#2, page 1, S6-9A
S6-83D 真なる 医しの業を吾は今 世に知らしめて救ふべらなり In a section of poems titled “The Act of Healing” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #211, page 48, May 28, 1951.
S6-83D translation
I inform the / World of the / Genuine art of / Healing now / To save all.
S6-83D alternative translation
Now I inform / The world of / The genuine art of / Healing so all / Will be saved.

諦めし 人の齢をひき延ばす 我が神業ぞ世に例しなき 

 21   No parallel is
There in the world
For my divine way
Of prolonging human life
That had been forsaken. 
#3, page 1, S6-9B
S6-85C 諦めし 人の齢をひきのばす 我神業ぞ世に例しなき In a section titled “The Act of Healing” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #219, page 49, May 28, 1951.
Alternative translation
My divine healing therapy / That prolongs the life / Span of those who / Had given up hope / Is without precedent.

今までの 癒しの業は弥果てに 真のものの出づるまでなる

 22   Prevailing
Medical therapy is
Coming to an end
When true
Healing will appear.
#4, page 1, S6-9C
S6-84A 今迄の 医しの業は弥果に 真のものの出づるが迄なる In a section titled “The Act of Healing” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #212, page 48, May 28, 1951. 

基督も 釈迦も聖りの諸々も 吾現るる日を如何に待たれし 

 23   Christ and Shakyamuni
And all the saintly ones
Have waited in great
Expectation of the day
When I would appear.
#5, page 1, S6-9D 

如何ならむ 聖りも知らぬ大いなる 救の業を吾行はむ

 24   The saintly one does
Not exist who does
Not know of the
Great power of
Salvation that I wield.
#6, page 1, S6-9E
S6-99D 如何ならむ 聖も知らぬ大いなる 救の業を吾は行ふ In a set of poems titled “Salvation” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #284, page 64, May 28, 1951.
Alternate translation
I undertake a great / Task of salvation that / No other saint / Or holy person / Could even contemplate.
    夢にだも 思ほゆるなき我業を 待ち侘びにけん世の真人らは
 25 Not thought of as
Only a dream
By the true people
Of the world is my
Work, so long awaited.
#7, page 2, S6-10A
    天国を 此土に造る文明は 神の御胸にひそめ給はん
 26   Deeply held within
The breast of God
Is the civilization that
Constructs a paradise
On this earth.
#8, page 2, S6-10B
S6-73E 天国を 此土に造る文明は 神の御胸に秘め給はむ In a set of poems titled “God’s Great Works” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #167, page 38, May 28, 1951.
Alternate translation
Deep within the bosom / Of God has been / Prepared the / Civilization that / Builds heaven on the earth.
人の文化 より外知らぬ諸人に 神の文化を知らす時来ぬ
 27 To all the world’s people
Who know nothing but
Their own world, the time
Has now come to
Proclaim the world of God.
#9, page 2, S6-10C
S6-110A 人の文化 より外知らぬ世の人に 吾は知らさん神の文化を In a set of poems titled “A Sound Teaching” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #330, page 74, May 28, 1951.
S6-110A translation
To the people of the world / Who know nothing but / Their own world, the world / Of God I am pro- / Claiming and explaining.
今迄の 文化は地獄の文化なり 吾は造らん天国の文化を
28 Until now
Civilization has been a
Civilization of hell;
A civilization of heaven is
What I am constructing.
#10, page 2, S6-10D 
S6-102B 今迄の 文化は地獄の文化なり 吾は造らむ天国の文化を In a set of poems titled “Paradise on Earth” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #295, page 66, May 28, 1951.
病貧争 全く消ゆる文化こそ 天国楽土の文化なりける
29 The civilization where
Sickness, poverty, conflict has
Completely been eliminated is
The civilization of paradise,
Of a land of ease.
#11, page 2, S6-10E
S6-102C 病貧争 全く消ゆる文化こそ 天国楽土の文化なりける In a set of poems titled “Paradise on Earth” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #298, page 67, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 27B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 27B; Prayers and Poems, page 27B; Book of Gosanka, #326, page 82; text for translations 病貧争 全く消ゆる文化こそ 天国楽土の文化なりけれ
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
The civilization in which such miseries as / Disease, poverty and conflict will be / erased / Can indeed be called a civilization of / heaven on earth.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Civilization / In which mankind’s miseries / Will all be erased / Can well be described as one / That is a heaven on earth.
Prayers and Poems translation
A Civilization / In which / Disease, poverty and conflict / Are completely erased, / Will be a paradise on earth.
Book of Gosanka translation
When from our Earth, / Disease, poverty, conflict / Totally are gone: / Then our civilization / Would be one of paradise.
いと高き 尊きものは人なりと 思ふ人こそ人たる人なり
30 The human being who
Believes the human being
To be something noble and
Precious is a human being
Who is a human being.
#12, page 2, S6-11A 
S6-108C いと高き 尊きものは人なりと 思ふ人こそ人たる人なり In a set of poems titled “Overcoming Self-centeredness” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #323 page 73, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 20C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 20C; Prayers and Poems, page 20C; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #133, pages 58 & 190; Book of Gosanka, #54, page 14; translations based on text いと高き 尊きものは人なりと 思ふ人こそ人たる人なれ 
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
One who is aware of man’s divine nature, / Of his great inner quality, / Is able to attain a high spiritual / consciousness.
Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
One who is aware / That man is really priceless / Is himself true man. / Knowing man’s divine nature, / He becomes still more aware.
Prayers and Poem translation
One who knows / That human life / Is truly priceless / Is a human being / Worthy of the name.
Book of Gosanka translation
IMan who thinks of man / As most precious and divine, / Respects man as man; / Such a man who regards man / As man is a man indeed.