“God and Romantic Love”
Poems in
Chijôtengoku, Issue 29
October 25, 1951

  天国の 芸術もあり地獄なる 芸術もあり心ゆるすな

Be on guard for
‘Though there are
The arts of heaven,
Also are there the
Arts that are hell. 

#1, page 2, S6-156A
    今の世の 地獄の芸術天国の 芸術に変へなん我望みかも
200   My hope it is that
The hellish art of
Today’s world will be
Transformed into
The art of paradise.
#2, page 2, S6-156B

凡人と なり又神人と応身し 世人救わんミカエルの吾

201   As an ordinary person,
Then again, as
God in man, I,
Michael, do save
The people of the world.
#3, page 2, S6-156C

超凡の 業としいうは神力を 無碍に揮はす事にぞありける

202   That which is said to be
Activity of the super ordinary
Is none other than
The act of flexibly
Wielding divine power.
#4, page 2, S6-157A

自由無碍 凡と神との隔てなく 応変自在の我身なりける

203   Freely and flexibly
Without distinction of
The ordinary or the divine,
I adapt myself
To each circumstance.
#5, page 2, S6-157B

神の業 人の業との境なき 身こそ神人合一なるらむ

204   One who works free
Of the boundaries of
Divine or human is
Truly a human being who is in
Union with God. 
#6, page 2, S6-157C
    神を語り 恋を語りつ芸術を 語る吾はも神のまにまに
205 Speaking
Of God, speaking
Of romantic love, and
Speaking of art,
One with God am I.
#7, page 3, S6-157D
    キリストも 釈迦も恋てふもののみは 語らぬままに世ぞ去りにける
206   Christ and Sakya
Both left this world
Without speaking of
What is called
Romantic love.
#8, page 3, S6-157E
人生の 花と謳はる恋とても 正も邪もあり心せよ若人
207 Young people! Keep in mind
There are positive and there are
Negative aspects to the
Romantic love that is
Celebrated as the flower of life.
#9, page 3, S6-156A
Keep in mind,
Young men and women!
Even the passion of love,
Extolled as the flower of youth,
Has right and wrong.
Oct.4.2009 by taki
恋の花 咲かすはよけれ仇花も あるぞ若人心ゆるすな
208 Be on guard, young people,
For although making the
Flower of romantic love bloom
Is good, there are those
Flowers that bite back. 
#10, page 3, S6-158B
恋に勝ち 邪悪に勝ちて来し吾の 心の空は雲一つなき
209 Having prevailed in
Romantic love,
Having prevailed over evil,
The sky of my heart
Has not one cloud.
#11, page 3, S6-158C
自由無碍 心のまゝにありながら 則越えぬこそ尊かりける
210 So precious, acting
As my mind directs
Freely and flexibly
Within the bounds
Of God’s laws.
#12, page 3, S6-158D