Poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 34
March 25, 1952

  刈菰の 紊れに乱れし世ぞ救ひ 地上天国樹つる吾かも

Constructing am I
Paradise on earth
To save this
Disorderly world, of
Such confused undergrowth.

#1, page 2, S6-205A
S6-196D 苅菰の 紊れに乱れし世ぞ救ひ 地上天国樹つる吾かも In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Beginning of Spring Service, #13, February 4, 1952. 
    豊葦原 瑞穂の国を肥料もて 穢せし尤に喘ぐぞ哀れ 
26   Pitiful indeed will be the
The crying out for the blame
Of having polluted with fertilizers,
The Luxuriant Reed-Moor,
The Land of Fresh Rice-ears.
#2, page 2, S6-205B
S6-196E 豊葦原 瑞穂の国を肥料もて 穢せし尤に喘ぐぞ哀れ In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Beginning of Spring Service, #14, February 4, 1952.

惟神 御土を浄め清き種子 蒔けば豊かに稔る尊さ

27   Precious is the abundant
Harvesting when seeds that
Were pure, cleansed, are
Planted in purified earth
In accord with God’s will.
#3, page 2, S6-205C 
S6-197A 惟神 御土を浄め清き種子 蒔けば豊かに稔る尊さ In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Beginning of Spring Service, #15, February 4, 1952.

土汚し 心を汚し身を汚し 苦しみの種撒く愚かさよ

28   Polluting the soil,
Defiling the spirit,
Soiling the body,
The stupidity that
Seeds our suffering! 
#4, page 2, S6-205D 
S6-197B 土汚し 心を汚し身を汚し 苦しみの種撒く愚かさよ In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the Beginning of Spring, #16, February 4, 1952.
How stupid it is to
Sow the seeds of sufferings
By smearing the soil,
Staining the soul
And spoiling the soma.
March 20.2012 by taki

千早振る 神の御神業は曲神の 作りし文化建て直すなり

29   The work of the
Most powerful God
Will rebuild the
Civilization fashioned
By evil forces.
#5, page 2, S6-205E 
S6-197C 千早振る 神の御神業は曲神の 作りし文化建て直すなり In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Beginning of Spring Service, #17, February 4, 1952.

大いなる 世の切替は人の眼に 見えねど日に日に進みゆくなり 

30   The great
Of the world, ‘though
Not visible to the average
Eye, is advancing day by day. 
#6, page 2, S6-206A
S6-197D 大いなる 世の切替は人の眼に 見えねど日に日に進みゆくなり In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Beginning of Spring Service, #18, February 4, 1952. 
    蛟龍は 池中を後に天に向け 躍り出でなん今ぞうれしき
49 Joyful the time now
When the dragon,
Leaving the bottom
Of the lake, heads
Toward heaven, dancing.
#7, page 3, S6-206B 
    釈迦キリスト 諸の聖者も我業に 力尽さん望みなるらむ
50   Shakyamuni, Christ,
And all the holy ones
Are full of hope,
Putting their energy
Into my work.
#8, page 3, S6-206C
真神の 文明世界は呱々の声 今し挙ぐなり尊きろかも
51 Precious it is indeed,
The cry of birth now
Being raised of the
World civilization
Of the true God.  
#9, page 3, S6-206D
些かな 事にも言挙げつらい立つ 物識達の哀れなるさま
52 How pitiful the
State of those
Know-it-alls who will
Find it difficult to babble
On about anything at all.
#10, page 3, S6-206E
いと小さき 虫にも似たる鼻高の 理屈聴く毎何か寂しき
53 Somehow lonesome I feel
Every time I hear the
Person’s haughty,
Self-satisfied reasoning, much
Akin to that of a small bug. 
#11, page 3, S6-207A
理屈もて 真を曲ぐる小賢しき 人の増えゆく世ぞ末ならむ 
54 It is the end of a world
Where are increasing
Cheeky, impertinent people
Who bend the truth
With their own logic.
#12, page 3, S6-207B