Poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 42
November 25, 1952

  日の本と 名付けし国の実今し 知らさんとする吾にぞありける

I, Mokichi Okada,
Am announcing
Now the truth o
The nation that has been
Named origin of the sun.

#7, page 3, S6-259D
    東方の 光は東方の国よりぞ 出づるは神の定めなりける
218   God’s prescription
It is that from
The nation of the East
Shall issue forth
The Light from the East. 
#8, page 3, S6-259E 

東方の 光といふは大神の 深き仕組の言葉なりける

219   That which is known
As the Light from
The East are words
Of the profound
Plan of the Almighty.
#9, page 3, S6-260A

長き世を 隠ろひませし大いなる 光の主は耀よひ出でませり

220   Long hidden
From the world,
The Lord of great
Light, glimmering,
Has appeared.
#10, page 3, S6-260B
    & nbsp;     

大いなる 力を秘めて黙々と 隠れし吾は出でなんとすも

221   Quietly concealing
My great power,
I, who have been
Hidden away, am
About to appear.
#11, page 3, S6-260C 

和光同塵 世に埋もり吾今し 大地を蹴りて躍り出でなむ

222   The light having been
Obscured and covered with dust,
Burying myself in the world,
I now anchor myself
On earth and initiate activity.
#12, page 3, S6-260D