Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service
Poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 44

January 25, 1953

    今 日はしも 吾七十の誕生を 祝ぎ集ふ生誕の群

All of my followers
To celebrate
Today my
Seventieth birthday.

#1, page 2, S6-280A; S6-265A 今日はしも 吾七十の誕生を 祝ぎ集ふ生誕の群 In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #1.
    七十廻り 年を重て過ぎ方を 思えば奇しき我運命かも
235   Mysterious, strange
My fate
When I think of
The seventy times
The years have passed.
#2, page 2, S6-280B; S6-265B 七十廻り 年を重ねて過ぎ方を 思へば奇しき我運命かも In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #2.

吾こそは 噫々吾こそは人の世に 例しとてなき運命有つなり

236   A fate
Unparalleled by
Any other
In the world,
Ah, ah, do I have!
#3, page 2, S6-280C; S6-265C 吾こそは 噫々吾こそは人の世に 例とてなき運命有つなり In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #3.

刈菰の 乱れたる世を救ふこそ 我力より外なしと思ふも

237   No other power
Than mine
Is there that
Can save this
World so confused.
#4, page 2, S6-280D; S6-265D 苅菰の 乱れたる世を救ふこそ 我力より外なしと思ふも In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #4.

万人の 罪や穢れを浄めんと 霊の光を照らす吾かも

238   I, Mokichi Okada,
Shine the spiritual
Light that cleanses the
Sins and impurities of
All the people of the world.
#5, page 2, S6-281A; S6-266A万人の 罪や穢れを清めんと 霊の光を照らす吾かも In a set of poems composed for and used at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Celebration, December 23, 1952.

長き世を 積り積りし罪咎を 赦さんとして吾は世に出づ

239   I, Mokichi Okada, have
Come to the world to
Forgive the sins and offenses
That have amassed
Over the many long years.
#6, page 2, S6-281B; S6-266B 長き世を 積り積りし罪咎を 赦さんとして吾は世に出づ In a set of poems composed for and used at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, December 23, 1952;
I have appeared
In this world for the purpose
Of setting the people free
Who suffer from the sin and guilt
That have accumulated over the years.
Dec.20.2009 by taki

八百万 神としいえど罪あれば 吾赦すなり主神に代りて

240   As representative
Of the Creator
It is I, who forgive
The sins, even those
Of the myriad gods.
#7, page 3, S6-281C; S6-266C 八百万 神としいへど罪あれば 吾赦すなり主神に代りて In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #7.

日に月に 吾有つ光拡ごりて やがて大地を隈なく照らさむ

241   Day and month out
The light I wield
Expands until it will
Shine in every corner
Of the earth.
#8, page 3, S6-281D; S6-266D 日に月に 吾有つ光拡ごりて やがて大地を隈なく照らさむ In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #8.

只一人 吾只一人主の神の 任しを帯びて世ぞ救ふなる

242   Just one person, I am
Just the one person
Who has been entrusted
By the Creator with
The salvation of the world.
#9, page 3, S6-281E; S6-266E 只一人 吾只一人主の神の 任しを帯びて世ぞ救ふなる In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #9.
Deep in the God’s program
salvation of mankind has loomed,
to be actualized on
the earth only through
the mantle of my spiritual realization.
Dec.26.2006 by tvb

贖罪主 出でし例しはありぬれど 真の救ひの主ぞ吾なる

243   Without parallel is
Appearance of a redeemer
Nevertheless, the true
Lord of Salvation
Am I.
#10, page 3, S6-282A; S6-267A 贖罪主 出でし例しはありぬれど 真の救ひの主ぞ吾なる In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #10.

万民の 罪赦さんと栄光の 雲より降りぬ救ひの主は

244   To forgive the
Sins of all has
Descended from the
Clouds of glory
The Lord of Salvation.
#11, page 3, S6-282B; S6-267B 万民の 罪赦さんと栄光の 雲より降りぬ救ひの主は In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #11.

東方の 光は日に日に広〔拡〕ごりて 曲津の力弱りゆくなり

245   The light from
The East,
Day in and day out
Expands, and weakens
The power of all evil.
#12, page 3, S6-282C; S6-267C 東方の 光は日に日に広[拡]ごりて 曲津の力弱りゆくなり In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #12.

東方の 光に秘むる神の謎 解けなん時ぞ世の終りなる

246 The time when God’s puzzle
That has been hidden in the
Light from the East
Is solved, that is
The end of the world.
#13, page 4, S6-282D; S6-267D 東方の 光に秘むる神の謎 解けなん時ぞ世の終りなる In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #13.

月は落ち 星の光は消えぬらん 昇り初めける旭の光に

247 Declining is the moon,
Disappearing is the light
Of the stars in the
Light of the sun
Beginning to rise.
#14, page 4, S6-282E; S6-267E 月は落ち 星の光は消えぬらん 昇り初めける旭の光に In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #14.

今はしも 滅びんとする罪の世を 生かすはメシヤの力なりけり

248 What revives this
World of sin
About to perish now
Is the power
Of the Messiah.
#15, page 4, S6-283A; S6-268A 今はしも 滅びんとする罪の世を 生かすはメシヤの力なりけり In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #15.

力なり 嗚呼力なり我揮ふ 力ぞ主一のものにぞありける

249 Power,
Ah, ah power!
The power I wield is
Of the Creator,
Of the One.
#16, page 4, S6-283B; S6-268B 力なり 嗚呼力なり我揮ふ 力ぞ主一のものにぞありける In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, 1952, #16.

世の汚れ 清め浄めて水晶の 玉の世界に磨く吾かも

250 Cleansing, purifying
The earth’s impurities
I am polishing
The world
Into a crystal gem.
#17, page 4, S6-283C; S6-268C 世の汚れ 清め浄めて水晶の 玉の世界に磨く吾かも In a set of poems composed for and recited at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Service, #17, December 23, 1952.

神秘なり 嗚呼神秘なり言の葉も 筆も表はす由なき吾かな

251 Mystery,
Ah mystery!
There are no words,
Either spoken or
Written to describe me.
#18, page 4, S6-283D; S6-268D 神秘なり 嗚呼神秘なり言の葉も 筆も表はす由なき吾かな In a set of poems composed for and used at Meishu-sama’s Birthday Celebration, December 23, 1952.