Poems Chijôtengoku, Issue 50
July 25, 1953

    人間を 物質と見る医学こそ 盲にかあらめ神の御目には

In God’s eyes
It is medical science
Which considers human
Beings as mere objects
That is blind.

Page 2, S6-346-A [SS677A]..
    薬とふ 毒を飲ませて病を 治す医学の可笑しからめや
200   How amiss is the medical
Science that tries to
Heal disease by
Making people
Take poisons. 
Page 2, S6-346A..

野蛮なり 嗚呼野蛮なり人間の 玉の肌切る手術とふもの

201   Barbaric!
How barbaric are
Operations that
Slice through the so
Very precious human skin.
Page 2, S6-346B.

些かも 病治らぬ医学をば 治ると思ふいぶかしの世や

202   What a confusing world
That thinks heals the
Medical science that
Cannot cure
Disease one bit. 
Page 2, S6-346C.

奴羽玉の 闇路杖なく歩む世に など安からむ光背にして

203   As we proceed
Through this pitch
Dark world without
Support so disquieting,
The light is with us.
Page 2, S6-346D.

畏くも 神の光に照らさるる 身の恐れめや暗の世なりと

204   Graciously
Being illuminated
By God’s light
How can we fear
Anything in this dark world.
Page 2, S6-346E.

れる 医学の禍ひ説くとても 木耳なるや通ぜぬ汝が耳

205 Even though I teach
The harm of medical
Science, the explanation
Does not go through
Your wooden ears.
Page 3, S6-347A.

病を作り命まで 縮むる愚かさうたてきの世や

206 What an unfortunate
World of foolishness
Where medicines
Create disease
And shorten life.
Page 3, S6-347B.

盲聾 沢にある世を 救はんと神は光明放つなりける

207 God is releasing
Divine light
To save the world
Replete with
Blind and deaf.
Page 3, S6-347B-C [SS677I].

思ひきや キリストも釈迦も知らざりき 病とふもののその源は

208 Amazingly,
Even Christ, even the
Buddha did not know—
The origin of what
We call illness.
Page 3, S6-347C.

今までの 救ひ悉月神の 光なりせば力弱かり

209 Until now all
Salvation was by     
The light of the moon god,
So power
Was weak.
Page 3, S6-347D.
  Alternative translation
Until now all salvation / Was under the direction of / The light of the moon god, / So the power / To save was weak.

日の神の 現はれまして天ヶ下 残る隈なく晴れ渡るらん

210 The god of the sun
Appears and all in the
Universe without
Exception will
Page 3, S6-347E.