Poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 55
December 25, 1953

  苦しみを 作る文明楽しみを 作る文明と切替えるなり吾は

It is I, Mokichi Okada,
Who changes the
World that creates suffering
Into a world that
Creates enjoyment.

#1, page 3, S6-404A
    表には 平和を唱えその裏に 刃を磨く世にぞありける
431   A world it is that
On the outside
Proclaims peace
But on the inside
Sharpens swords.
#2, page 3, S6-404B 

人間の 作りし理屈に囚はれて 真の見えぬ愚かなる世や

432   A foolish world it is
That does not see Truth,
Taken in it is
By the logic and reasoning
Created by human beings. 
#3, page 3, S6-404C

科学もて 事実を枉げるうかつさを 賢きものとおもふ愚かさ

433   The foolishness of
Thinking wise
The thoughtlessness of
Perverting the facts
With science.
#4, page 3, S6-404D

真理とは 事実のままに受け入れる 事より外になしと知れかし

434   Know that
Truth is nothing
Other than
Accepting facts
As they are.
#5, page 4, S6-404E

理屈もて 治らぬものは医術なり 理屈なく治るものこそ浄霊の業 

435   With reason
What does not heal
Is medical science.
What heals without reason
Is the work of Johrei.
#6, page 4, S6-405A
It is medical science
That cannot cure any diseases at all
With all its theoretical knowledge,
Whereas it is none other than the act of Johrei
That can cure any disease with no theory.
December 18.2011 by taki
    誤れる 理屈を信じ誤らぬ 理屈信ぜぬ盲の世なるも
436 This is world of the
Blind who believe in
Mistaken reasoning
And who do not believe in
Unmistaken reasoning.
#7, page 4, S6-405A-B [SS698G] 
    古へゆ 救いの道は数あれど 真の救いはメシヤのみなる
437   Since antiquity
Though numerous are the
Paths of salvation,
True salvation is
Only of the Messiah.
#8, page 4, S6-405B
宗教も 科学も過去のものとならむ 神の作れる文明出でなば
438 Religion and science
Will become relics
Of the past when
There appears
Civilization created by God.
#9, page 4, S6-405C
今の世の 科学も神の御眼には 幼き童の玩具と等しき
439 The science of the
World today as well
In the eyes of God,
The equivalent to the
Toys of a juvenile child.
#10, page 5, S6-405D
科学迷信に 眼奪はれ真実の 見えぬ盲の世ぞおそろしも
440 How terrifying! The world
Of the blind where people
Do not see the truth, dazzled,
Taken in are they by the
Superstition of material science.
#11, page 5, S6-405D-E [SS698K]
  科学迷信が 作る病と凶作の 災を絶つ我救いかも

My salvation it is
That puts an end to
The superstitious science
That causes the misfortune
Of disease and crop failure.

#12, page 5, S6-405E 
  恐ろしき 肥毒迷信此土から 消へて生まるる農村天国

From the earth
Will disappear
The frightening superstition
Of fertilizer and what will
Be born is a farming paradise.

#13, page 5, S6-406A
  主の神に 代りて吾は三界の 万霊救う大いなる業

As agent
For the Creator
Is my great task
To save all spirits
Of the three realms.

#14, page 5, S6-406B
  釈迦キリスト マホメットとて我でづる までの救いの聖者なりける

Saints of
Until my advent
Were Shakyamuni,
Christ, and Mohammed. 

#15, page 6, S6-406C
  八百万 神も仏も我前に 額づき救いを願ぐる今はも

Even now
The eighty myriads
Of gods and buddhas
Kneel before me
Seeking salvation.

#16, page 6, S6-406D 
  わが光 世界万民照らす時 歓喜の声は地をどよもさむ

The earth will indeed
Resound with the cry
Of jubilation at the time
My light illumines
The people of the world.

#17, page 6, S6-406E
  太陽の 黒点こそは主の神の 尊き御魂と知れよ世の人

People of the world,
Know that sunspots
Are the precious soul
Of the Creator.

#18, page 6, S6-407A
  神智もて 一切の謎明らかに 解くなり吾は神のまにまに

Simply as God
Leads me, with
Divine wisdom
I make clear
The riddles of all.

#19, page 6, S6-407B
  神人と 唱ふる深き言の葉の 謎はいよいよ吾証さなん

I, Mokichi Okada,
Now reveal the
Profound riddle
Of the words
Declared by God and man.

#20, page 7, S6-407C
  神人合一の 力揮いて乱れたる この現し世を救う吾かな

I, Mokichi Okada,
Save this present world
So confused, wielding
The power of
God and man united.

#21, page 7, S6-407D 
  恐ろしき サタンも堤婆もやうやくに 我軍門に降る節見ゆ

Will be seen the time
When finally are defeated
By my forces
The terrifying
Satan and Devadatta.

#22, page 7, S6-407E
  如何ならむ 曲津なりとて我ふるう 金剛力に向い得べしや

How can it
Stand up to
My diamond power
Whatever evil
Forces there may be? 

#23, page 7, S6-408A
  我揮う 力は太陽の精にして 常世の暗を打ち晴らすなり

The power I wield
Is the spirit of the sun;
It clears away
The darkness of
The eternal world.

#24, page 7, S6-408B
  今までの 如何なる救いも月なれば 光は薄く力弱かり

So far, all
Salvation has been
Of the moon; its
Light, dim,
Power, weak.

#25, page 8, S6-408C
  薬毒と 肥毒の為に汚されし 世を清めなん神に代わりて

As God’s deputy,
I cleanse the world
That has been
Polluted with medicinal
Toxins and fertilizers.

#26, page 8, S6-408D.
Previous translation, Book of Gosanka, #254, page 64; translation based on non-Meishu-sama text薬毒と 肥毒のガイニソコナワル 世を清めなんミチカラモチテ
Book of Gosanka translation
The world harmed and wronged / By chemicals fed to soil; / Poison sprayed on plants; / Can only be purified / By the power of God’s Light.
  黴菌の 亡者蠢くこの大地 浄むる業は浄霊なりける

Johrei is the activity to purify
This great earth, so overrun
With squirming,
Crawling ghosts
Preoccupied with germs.

#27, page 8, S6-409A
 天災を 生む人災の深き理を 分すは神智の科学なりけり

The profound principle
That clarifies how natural
Calamity gives birth to
Human catastrophe is the
Science of divine wisdom.

#28, page 8, S6-409A
S5-495D 天災を 生む人災の理を 知るが神示の科学なりけり In an untitled set of unpublished poems from 1950. 
It is the science
Of divine intelligence that reveals
The deep and profound way
Of things in which human-made disaster
causes natural catastrophe to occur.
December 18.2008 by taki
S5-495D translation
Science revealed by / God is the way to know / The principles of how / Natural calamity gives / Birth to human catastrophe.