“New Year’s Poems,” January 1, 1954

Chijôtengoku, Issue 57, February 25, 1954

  新玉 の 年を迎えて思うかな 去年に比べて今日の明るさ

As the new jewel of a
Year is welcomed,
I ponder, compared
To last year, how
Bright, cheery is today.

#1, page 2, S6-437A
S6-415A 新玉の 年を迎えて思うかな 去年に比べて今日の明るさ In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #1, 1954.
    午の年は 跳ね上るとう諺を ふと浮かべけり今朝の一とき
2   For a moment this
Morning I recall
The proverb, “matters
Spring forward during
The year of the horse.”
#2, page 2, S6-437B
S6-415B 午の年は 跳ね上るとふ諺を ふと浮かべけり今朝の一とき In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #2, 1954.

年毎に 栄ゆる神業に足らう吾 芽出度く祝いぬ年の初めに

3   Quite satisfied that each
Year flourishes the divine
Program, felicitously
I celebrate at the
Beginning of the year
#3, page 2, S6-437C 
S6-415C 年毎に 栄ゆる神業に足らう吾 目出度く祝いぬ年の初めに In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #3, 1954.

大いなる 神の仕組は日に月に 目には見へねどいや進むなり

4   The great plan of
God day by day
Month by month, although
Not visible to the eyes,
Advances ever more.
#4, page 2, S6-437D
S6-416A 大いなる 神の仕組は日に月に 目には見へねどいや進むなり In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #4, 1954. 

日月地の 深き恵みに幹太り 枝繋るがの我神業かも

5   The trunk grows with
The profound blessings
Of the sun, moon, earth;
The branch flourishes
With my divine program.
#5, page 3, S6-438A
S6-416B 日月地の 深き恵みに幹太り 枝繋るがの我神業かも In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #5, 1954.

漸くに 熱海地上天国の 成る秋想ひ心たのしも

6   How pleasing it is
The Atami Paradise
On Earth will finally
Be completed
In autumn. 
#6, page 3, S6-438B
S6-416C 漸くに 熱海地上天国の 成る秋想ひ心たのしも In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #6, 1954.
    今年より 我神業の目覚しく なる兆見え心ときめく
7 Exciting to see
The signs of
Conspicuous growth
Of my divine program
From this year forward.
#7, page 3, S6-438C 
S6-416D 今年より 我神業の目覚しく なる兆見え心ときめく In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #6, 1954.
    人の眼に 見えねど神の経綸は 已に成りけり霊の世界に
8   ‘Though not visible to
The human eye, God’s
Administration is
Already completed
In the world of spirit.
#8, page 3, S6-438D 
S6-416E 人の眼に 見えねど神の経綸は 已に成りけり霊の世界に In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #8, 1954.
The providence of God,
though invisible to human eye,
has already been completed
in the sphere of spirits,
soon to be activated in this world.
Jan.2.2007 by taki
我夢の 実とならん日の近み 胸のふくるるこの日頃かも
9 These days my
Breast swells as
Approaches the days
When my dream
Is fulfilled. 
#9, page 3, S6-438E
S6-417A 我夢の 実とならん日の近み 胸のふくるるこの日頃かも In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #9, 1954.
二千余年 かかりし釈迦やキリストの 業にも勝さん我の十年
10 Shakyamuni’s and Christ’s
Tasks have taken more than
Two thousand years ‘tho
Mine bests these
With ten years.  
#10, page 4, S6-439A
S6-417B 二千余年 かかりし釈迦やキリストの 業にも勝さん我の十年 In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #10, 1954.
如何ならん 偉人とても我眼には ヤンチャ坊主としか映らぬも
11 Regardless of
How great someone
May be, all I see
Through my eyes
Is just a naughty boy.
#11, page 4, S6-439B 
S6-417C 如何ならん 偉人とても我眼には ヤンチャ坊主としか映らぬも In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #11, 1954. 
  幽玄微妙 神の仕組のいや深く いう言葉さへなきぞ畏し

So awesome,
Not even profound words
Subtle, profound, complex,
Can describe the
Administration of God.

#12, page 4, S6-439C
S6-417D 幽幻微妙 神の仕組のいや深く いふ言葉さへなきぞ畏し In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #12, 1954.
  キリストの 父なる神は主の神と 知れよ信徒我と併せて 

Know that the
Father of Christ
Is the Creator,
The Supreme God,
Believers, join with me.

#13, page 4, S6-439D 
S6-417E キリストの 父なる神は主の神と 知れよ信徒我と併せて In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #13, 1954.
  主の神は 吾に力と智慧給ひ 生きとし生けるものみな救はる

The Creator of the
Universe has bestowed upon
Me the power and wisdom so that
All sentient beings in
Creation will be saved.

#14, page 4, S6-439E
S6-418A 主の神は 吾に力と智慧給ひ 生きとし生けるものみな救はる In a group of poems used at the New Year Service, January 1, 1954; previous translations, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #33, pages 20 & 114; The Light from the East, Volume 1, page 127; Book of Gosanka, #31, page 8. 
Sounds of the Dawn translation
God sends His Power, / His Wisdom, and uses me / As His instrument / To purify and to save / All living creatures on earth.
Book of Gosanka translation
Supreme God bestowed / Upon me a power great, / And with it wisdom, / So that all men I can save, / I shall save, so they can live.
The Light from the East translation
God sends his power, / His wisdom, and uses me / As his instrument / To purify and to save / All living creatures on earth.
  我揮う 力は太陽の光にて 如何なる曲津も恐れ逃げゆく

The power I wield
Is the light of the sun;
From which runs
Away in fear all evil
Forces regardless of rank.

#15, page 5, S6-440A
S6-418B 我揮ふ 力は太陽の光にて 如何なる曲津も恐れ逃げゆく In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #15, 1954. 
  全人類 やがて我前に跪き 命を乞ふる時近まりぬ

Approaching is the time
When all humanity will
Kneel before me,
Pleading for
Their lives.

#16, page 5, S6-440B
S6-418C 全人類 やがて我前に跪き 命を乞ふる時近まりぬ In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #16, 1954.
  キリストも 釈迦マホメットも我出づる までの世を護る役目なりける

Christ, Shakyamuni,
Mohammed all had the
Role of protecting the world
Until the time that
I made my appearance.

#17, page 5, S6-440C
S6-418D キリストも 釈迦マホメットも我出づる までの世を護る役目なりける In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #17, 1954.
  長き世を 思ひのままに振舞ひし サタンもあはれ滅ぶる時来ぬ

For many long years
Having his way with
The world is the pitiful
Satan whose time to
Perish has come. 

#18, page 5, S6-440D
S6-418E 長き世を 思ひのままに振舞ひし サタンもあわれ滅ぶる時来ぬ In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Service for the New Year, #18, 1954.