Poems for the 1954 Grand Spring Services
March 22, 1954
Chijôtengoku, Issue 59, June 15, 1954

  昔萌え出づる 春に似通う心地すも 今年この時春の御祭り

With the sensation that
Resembles the budding spring
Is the celebration of
Spring, this year
At this time. 

S6-458A, #1, page 2; S6-444A 萌え出づる 春に似通ふ心地すも 今年この時春の御祭り In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #1.
    外国の 民も日に日に救はるる 便りを耳に胸ふくるるも
68   My breast is warmed
As I hear the reports
Of people abroad who
Day by day
Are being saved. 
S6-458B, #2, page 2, June 15, 1954; S6-444B 外国の 民も日に日に救はるる 便りを耳に胸ふくるるも In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #2.

八百万 神も仏も我前に 額き救いを求むる今はし

69   Now do come to
Prostrate themselves
Before me to seek
Salvation, myriad
Gods and buddhas. 
S6-458C, #3, page 2; S6-444C 八百万 神も仏も我前に 額き救ひを求むる今はし In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #3.

人類を 救う神業は先づ神や 仏を前に救ふにぞある

70   Divine activity to
Save humanity
Will first begin in
Saving the
Gods and buddhas.
S6-458D, #4, page 2; S6-444D 人類を 救ふ神業は先づ神や 仏を前に救ふにぞある In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #4.

節穴の 如き小さき眼もて 我業見るも分り得べしや

71   As through a knothole,
How can my work
Be understood
When observed
Through small eyes.
S6-458E, #5, page 2; S6-445A節穴の 如き小さき眼もて 我業見るも分り得べしや In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #5.

全人類 救ふなどとふ大いなる 宣り言俚耳に入らざらめや

72   Should not a great
Proclamation of such
Import as the
Salvation of humanity
Be understandable to all.
S6-459A, #6, page 2; S6-445B 全人類 救ふなどとふ大いなる 宣り言俚耳に入らざらめや In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #6.
    ときめける 偉人とても免れじ 神の裁きの時の来ぬ
73 When the occasion for
Divine judgment arrives,
The celebrated people
Through the ages
Will not escape.
S6-459B, #7, page 3; S6-445C ときめける 偉人とても免れじ 神の裁きの時の来ぬれば In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #7.
    凡眼に 映り得べしやいと尊き 神の御姿現はれ給うも
74   In the eyes
Of the ordinary
How can be seen
The coming of the aspect
Of the high, great God.
S6-459C, #8, page 3; S6-445D 凡眼に 映り得べしやいと尊き 神の御姿現はれ給ふも In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #8. 
今はまだ 静まりをれど霊界の 動きは日に日に著るかりける
75 Although now
Still quiet,
Activity in the
Spiritual day by
Day is more noticeable.
S6-459D, #9, page 3; S6-445E 今はまだ 静まりをれど霊界の 動きは日に日に著るかりける In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #9.
わが光 深まるにつれ目もくらみ 慌てよろめく曲津神共
76 As my light penetrates
Deeper, blinded
Flustered and
Faltering are
The forces of evil.
S6-459E, #10, page 3,; S6-446A 我光 深まるにつれ目もくらみ 慌てよろめく曲津神共 In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #10. 
水晶の 世界となれば如何ならん 隠し事とて表はるるな
77 When the crystal world
Comes into being
All things hidden
Will come
To the surface.
S6-460A, #11, page 3; S6-446B [SS717E] 水晶の 世界となれば如何ならん 隠し事とて表はるるなり In a set of poems composed for and used at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27 1954, #11.
When the world of crystal is come,
How will things turn out?
Even the dark side of humans
Would be exposed to the light of the day,
And be crystallized into something good.
Apr.8.2007 by taki
When arrives
The crystal world
Whatever is
Hidden will
Alternate translation
  長き世を 思ひのままに振舞ひし 曲の頭もやうやく萎れぬ

For many ages
Behaving with impunity,
The leader of the
Evil forces will
Finally wither away.

S6-460B, #12, page 3; S6-446C 長き世を 思ひのままに振舞ひし 曲の頭もやうやく萎れぬ In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #12.
  如何ならむ 神も仏も我前に 出づれば鰭伏し罪詫びるなり

Appearing before me,
God and buddhas of all
Realms will prostrate
Themselves and beg for
Forgiveness of their sins.

S6-460C, #13, page 4; S6-446D 如何ならむ 神も仏も我前に 出づれば平伏し罪詫びるなり In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #13.
  長き世を 歴史の上に仰がれし 聖者も御救い求め来るなり

Even the saints
Long adored
In history
Will come
Seeking salvation.

S6-460D, #14, page 4; S6-446E 長き世を 歴史の上に仰がれし 聖者も御救ひ求め来るなり In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #14.
  大いなる 光にふためき黒龍も 悔い改むる今となりける

Now has come
The time when
Even the black dragon,
Flustered and alarmed,
Will repent.

S6-460E, #15, page 4; S6-447A 大いなる 光にふためき黒龍も 悔い改むる今となりける In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #15.
  油断すな 眼には見えねど審判の 時は日に日に迫りくるなり

Keep up your guard!
‘Though not visible to
The eye, day by day,
Imminent is the
Time of judgment.

S6-461A  , #16, page 4; S6-447B 油断すな 眼には見へねど審判の 時は日に日に迫りくるなり In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #16.
  厳の神 この世の閻魔と現はれて 世の罪裁く時となりける

The time has come for
The strict God to
Appear in this world
As the judge to settle
The world’s sins.

S6-461B, #17, page 4; S6-447C 厳の神 この世の閻魔と現はれて 世の罪裁く時となりける In a set of poems composed for and used at Spring Services, March 23-27, 1954. 
It is high time that
The God of dignity appeared
As the Enma of this world
And sat in judgment
On the sins in the world.
March21.2009 by taki
  八百万 神や仏の渦てる 罪赦さんとエホバ天降りぬ

Jehovah descends
From heaven to
Forgive the sins
Committed by myriad
Gods and buddhas.

S6-461C, #18, page 4; S6-447D 八百万 神や仏の渦てる 罪赦さんとエホバ天降りぬ In a set of poems composed for and recited at the Grand Autumn Services, March 23-27, 1954, #18.