New Year’s Poems, January 1, 1951

  新玉の 年の初めの今日はしも 新つの館に初の御祭

This very day,
The beginning of the
Fresh year, as well as
The premiere worship service
In this new mansion. 

#1, Kôhô 1, S6-5A
    大御光 出でまさんとする今年はも 世の人の眼に映らざらめや
 2   How can not reflect
Into the eyes of
The people of the world
The great divine light that will
Manifest this very year.
#2, Koho 2, S6-5B 

久方の 天より降るいと高き 救の主の御光仰がん

 3   Let us seek the divine
Light of the most noble
Lord of salvation
Who has descended
From the far reaches of heaven.
#3, S6-5C
S6-121C 久方の 天より降るいと高き 救ひの主の御業讃へむ In a set of poems titled “Acts of God and Man” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #392, page 88, May 28, 1951.
S6-121C translation
Let us praise the divine / Work of the most noble / Lord of salvation / Who has descended / From the far reaches of heaven.

悪の世は 滅びて善の世となれば 人は人たるものとなりなむ

 4   When the world of evil
Perishes and the world of
Good is realized,
Individuals will become
True human beings.
#4, Koho 3, S6-6A

世の終りの 兆し見え初む時ぞ来ぬ 身魂浄めて心備へよ

 5   The time has come when
Beginning to appear are the
Signs of the end of the world;
Let us prepare our hearts by
Cleansing both body and spirit.
#5, Koho 4, S6-6B

一厘の 玉の光は日に月に 常暗の世に拡ぎゆくなり

 6   The one percent of the
Ball of light day by
Day, month by month
Spreads throughout
The world of eternal darkness.
#6, S6-6C 
S6-14B 美須真留の 五百津の光日に月に 輝きませど眼に映らまじ In a set of poems composed for and recited at The Beginning of Spring Service, #14, February 5, 1951; S6-130E 美須磨琉の 玉の光は日に月に 輝き増すなり眼開けよIn a set of poems titled “Untitled” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #437, page 97, May 28, 1951; S6-122B 一厘の 玉の光は日に月に 常暗の世に拡ぎゆくなり In a set of poems titled “Acts of God and Man” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #396, page 89, May 28, 1951. 
S6-14B translation
Day by day, / Month by month,/ Brightens ever more / The abundant light of / The cord of jewels.
S6-130E translation
Open your eyes! / Day by day, month by month, / The light of the / Cord of jewels / Brightens ever more.
    如何ならむ 盲なりとて救世の 玉の光に眼醒めなむ
 7 No matter how blind
Eyes must
Awaken to the
Jewel of the light of
World salvation. 
#7, Koho 5, S6-6C-D 
    三界万霊 もれなく歓喜に浸るらん 救の光仰ぐたまゆら
 8   Drenched in joy
Without exception
All spirits on the
Three worlds adore
The light of salvation.
#8, S6-6D
誤れる 文明を真の文明と 思ふ盲の眼醒めざらめや
 9 How cannot be opened
The eyes of the blind who
Think our mistaken
Culture is the
True civilization?
#9, S6-6D-E
S6-126D-E 誤れる 文明を真の文明と 思ふ盲の眼醒まさむIn a set of poems titled “Random Thoughts” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #417, page 93, May 28, 1951.
S6-126D-E translation
Must open their / Eyes the blind / Who think our / Mistaken culture / Is the true civilization.
病貧争に 悩み苦しむ文明は 偽りの文明にあればなりけり
10 Civilization
Agonizes in
War, poverty, conflict
Because it is a
Civilization of falsehood.
#10, S6-6E
S6-74A 病貧争 悩み苦しむ文明は 偽りの文明あればなりけりIn a set of poems titled “God’s Great Works” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 38, #168, May 28, 1951.
吾もしも 生れざりせば人の世は やがて潰えなむとふと思ひける
11 Occurs to me it does that
Had I, Mokichi Okada,
Not been born,
The world of human beings
Would have collapsed.
#11, S6-7A 
S6-129B 吾もしも 生まれざりせば人の世は やがて潰えなむとふと思ひけるIn a set of poems titled “Myself” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #430, page 96, May 28, 1951.
救世の 神の御力おほけなくも 吾に給ひて任せ給ひぬ
12 Charged am I,
Mokichi Okada, with
A mission, receiving
The due amount of
God’s divine power. 
#12, S6-7B
S6-121D 救世の 神の御力おほけなくも 賜ひて吾に任し給ひぬ In a set of poems titled “Acts of God and Man” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #393, page 88, May 28, 1951.
S6-121D translation
Bestowed upon me, / Mokichi Okada, is / A mission, receiving / The due amount of / God’s divine power.
人の世に 例しとてなき大いなる 教の書を吾かき綴りをり
13 A great book of
Teachings, as yet
Unparalleled in the
World of humans,
I am writing.
#13, S6-7C 
S6-128E 人の世に まだ見ぬ文明の創造とふ 珍の神書を吾かき綴るなり In a set of poems titled “Myself” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #427, page 96, May 28, 1951.
S6-128E translation
A strict and noble / Book of divine writings / I am writing, not / Yet seen by the world of humans / Called The Creation of Civilization.
キリストの 待たれ給ひし天国の 福音吾は伝へんとすも
14 I, Mokichi Okada,
Do convey
The gospel of heaven
That has been
Awaited by Christ. 
#14, S6-7D
S6-103D キリストの 宣らせ給ひし天国の 福音吾は伝へむとすも In a set of poems titled “The Holy Ones” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #302, page 68, May 28, 1951. 
S6-103D translation
I, Mokichi Okada, / Do convey / The gospel of heaven / That has been / Proclaimed by Christ.
キリストや 釈迦マホメットさへ行はぬ 大いなる救吾行はんとすも
15 I, Mokichi Okada, am
Performing a great
Task of salvation that even
Mohammed, Shakyamuni, or
Christ did not perform.
#15, S6-7E 
S6-129A キリストや 釈迦マホメットさへ行はぬ 救ひの神業吾為し遂げむかも In a set of poems titled “Myself” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #428, page 96, May 28, 1951.
S6-129A translation
I, Mokichi Okada, am / Performing the divine / Task of salvation that even / Mohammed, Shakyamuni, or / Christ did not accomplish.
神に背き 吾を謗りし盲等の 悔改むる状見るぞ憂き
16 Pathetic it is to see,
The state of the
Blind who turn
Their backs on God
And vilify me.
#16, S6-7E-
S6-129A-B 神に叛き 吾を譏りし盲等の 悔改める状見るぞ憂き In a set of poems titled “Myself” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #429, page 96, May 28, 1951..
万民の 罪の贖ひ主にあらで メシヤは罪の赦し主なる
17 Not the
Lord of Redemption,
The Messiah is
The Lord of Forgiveness
For all peoples.
#17, S6-8A 
S6-104B 万民の 罪の贖ひ主にあらで メシヤは罪の赦し主なる In a set of poems titled “The Holy Ones” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #304, page 68, May 28, 1951. 
万民の 救の主は世の終りに 生るると基督の君は言ひける
18 The Master Christ has
Said that at the end
Of the world will
Appear the lord of
Salvation for all peoples.  
#18, S6-8B
S6-104C 万民の 救ひの主は世の終りに 生るると基督の君はいひける In a set of poems titled “The Holy Ones” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #305, page 69, May 28, 1951.