Poems in Eikô, Issue 168
August 6, 1952

  何となく 妖気漂へる思ひすも 吾現し世を静かに見ぬれば

When I calmly look
Upon the present world
Somehow I get a sense
Of the ghostliness
That floats about.

#1, S6-234A
    悪の世は 早過ぎにけり善の世は 眼に見えねども生れつつあるも
140   The world of evil is
Already passing; although
Still invisible to the human eye,
The world of good is
Coming into existence.
#2, S6-234B

聖書に ある世の終りとは悪の世の 終りにありとみな知れよかし

141   Everyone! Know that
The end of the world
In the Bible is
The end of the
World of evil.
#3, S6-234C