Poems in Eikô, Issue 170
August 20, 1952

  人類の 不安の因を探りなば 悪の一字に尽くるなりけり

When we look
For the cause of
Unrest in humanity,
It lies in one
Word, evil.

#1, S6-236A 
    主義思想 兎やこう曰へど詮ずれば 善か悪かの二つよりなき
146   No matter how much you
Insist on your own
Ideology or ism, in the
End, there is nothing but
The two, good or evil. 
#2, S6-236B

人間の 凡ゆる悩みの生む因は 悪の心の外よりぞなき

147   The source that gives birth
To all the suffering
Of human beings
Is the mentality that pursues
Evil and nothing else.
#3, S6-236C