Poems in Eikô, Issue 172
September 3, 1952

  米もソも 日に日に軍備増やす様 見ては膚に阿粟生ずるも

Watching day in and day
Out as the United States
And the Soviet Union
Increase their armaments
Causes goose bumps on the flesh.

#1, S6-240C
    万能の 力を有つはエホバなる 只一柱なる神よりぞなき
164   Jehovah it is
Who possesses
Omnipotent power,
Strength; none other than
This one God.
#2, S6-241A

醜人を 浄霊を もて浄むれば 真の人と変る尊さ

165   Not difficult at
All, to construct
A paradise only
Means only
To remove evil.
#3, S6-241B