Poems in Eikô, Issue 174
September 17, 1952

  米国も ソ聯も今し原爆を 造り溜めつゝあるぞ恐ろし

Frightening that the United
States and the Soviet
Union both even now
Continue to construct and
Amass their atom bombs.

#1, S6-241C
    原爆を 互ひに打合ふその果し 地球の上は墓場となりなむ
167   The end of shooting
Atom bombs at each other
Is that the face of
The planet becomes
A burial ground.
#2, S6-242A

長き世を 積りつもりし罪穢 浄むる最後の時ぞ近みぬ

168   Approaching is the last
Time when the sins and
Impurities that for long
Ages have continued to
Accumulate will be purified.
#3, S6-242B