Poems in Eikô, Issue 178
October 15, 1952

  苦しみて 描かれし絵を見る眼には 其苦しみが映りくるなり

To the eye that looks
Upon a picture
Made while suffering is
Reflected and passed
That suffering.

#1, S6-249B
    楽しみて 描かれし絵はおほらかな 楽しき心映るぞうれしき
200   Gratifying is 
The picture
Made with pleasure
That reflects a
Calm and pleasant feeling.
#2, S6-249C

己が国の 尊きものは眼に入らず 外むく人ぞ哀れなりける

201   How pitiful are those
Who do not have any
Eyes for the precious
Of their own country
And only look outside.
#3, S6-250A