Poems in Eikô, Issue 184
November 26, 1952

  我有てる 光はやがて時来れば 此地の上を隈なく照さむ

The light I have
Will, when the time
Ultimately comes,
Shine on every
Corner of this earth.

#1, S6-261A
    病なき 世界を造る力こそ 我打揮ふ光の業なる
224   The very power to
Create a world
Without disease is
The task of the light that
I do wield. 
#2, S6-261B

大神の 仕組は奥に奥のあり 其又奥に奥ぞあるなり

225   Almighty God’s
Plan has a depth
Within the depths;
And, within that depth
Is its very depth.
#3, S6-261C 
S5-11C 一厘の 仕組は裏の又うらの その又裏の裏のうらなり Unpublished but titled “Opening Poem,” composed for and recited at the Sixty-seventh Meeting of the Meikô Tokyo Branch, April 26, 1933; S5-185A 一厘の 仕組は裏の又うらの 其又裏の裏のうらなり In a set of poems dated May 15, 1936, and titled “Truth” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #20, page 11, November 30, 1949; S6-17A 大神の 仕組の奥のその奥の 又その奥の奥ぞ尊き In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 21, #8, page 3, February 25, 1951; S6-87C 大神の 仕組の奥のその奥の 又その奥の奥ぞ尊き In a set of poems titled “The Great Plan” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #229 (R228), page 51, May 28, 1951.
S5-11C & S5-185A translation
To the inside of the / Plan of one percent is an / Inside, to which there is / Further an the inside / To an inside.
S6-17A & S6-87C translation
The depth of the depth / Of the further depth / Of the depths of / Almighty God’s plan, / Precious it is indeed.