Poems in Eikô, Issue 204
April 15, 1953

  全人類 救ふ力は奇蹟なり 外になき事知れよ諸人

All peoples, know
The power to save
The entire human race
Is the miracle,
Nothing else.

#1, S6-308C 
    キリストの 奇蹟といへど我弟子の 顕はす奇蹟と同じなるらむ
 88   Even the miracles of
Jesus are the same
As what is
Performed by
My followers. 
#2, S6-309A

日に月に 神の光は増す鏡 澄み渡るらむ地上天国

 89   By day and by month
Increases the light of God
As the mirror
Clears throughout,
Paradise on earth.
#3, S6-309B