Poems in Eikô, Issue 205
April 22, 1953

  幾億 の 命の主と仰がるる 神雄とならむ我望みかも

To be looked up to as
The guardian of the lives
Of the many billions,
A divine hero,
Is my hope. 

#1, S6-309C 
    石の上 古事記にも會てなき 聖雄今し出でなんとすも
 91   Even in the
Old, written records,
Never ever, has
There been, the sacred
Hero now appearing.
#2, S6-310A

うたてきは 文化の衣に包まれて 野蛮を行ふ人にありける

 92   What is odious are
The human beings
Covered in the robes of
Civilization who
Commit barbarity.
#3, S6-310B

昔より 世を救はんと数知れぬ 教へ出でしも救はれぬ世や

 93   Since antiquity,
Have been put forth,
Too many to count,
Teachings to save the world,
But the world is not saved. 
#3, S6-310C

万教に 救はれざりし現し世を 吾救ふなり絶対力もて

 94   By absolute power, I,
Mokichi Okada, will save the
Present world which could
Not be saved by all
Previous spiritual teachings.
#3, S6-310D