Poems in Eikô, Issue 207
May 6, 1953

  国よりも 党の利害を先にする 党人達のさもしさ哀れ

Pitiful, is the baseness of
The members of political parties
Who put the interests
Of their own party
Before those of the nation.

#1, S6-316A 
    噫々吾は 人にしあるか神なるか などと時折おもふ事あり
 99   Am I a human being?
Am I divine?
Ah, the moments and
The occasions that I do find
Myself pondering these questions
#2, S6-316B 

夢とのみ 思ひし事もまざまざと 眼に映る折吾はあるなり

100   I find myself in moments
In which that which I
Thought only a dream
Appears clearly
In front of my eyes.
#3, S6-316C