Poems in Eikô, Issue 212
June 10, 1953

  二十余億の 憐れ赤子を愛の御手に 抱かれ給ふ神の畏き

Awe-inspiring is God
Who embraces
In the arms of love
The several billions
Of pitiful children.

#1, S6-331A 
    基督も 釈迦マホメットも霊の世に ありて足らはむ吾の御業を
161   Christ, Shakyamuni,
Mohammed, all
In the world of spirit
Do assist in my destined
Task of saving humanity.
#2, S6-331B

栄光の 雲の打乗り基督の 降らん時の近まりにける

162   Approaching is
The moment
When will descend
Christ riding on the
Cloud of glory.
#3, S6-331C