Poems in Eikô, Issue 213
June 17, 1953

  懐疑 とは 真理にあらぬ真理をば 真理と思ふ心に湧くなり

Skepticism does not
Lie in truth;
Truth springs
From the mentality
That believes in truth. 

#1, S6-336A 
    教育も 道徳倫理も我教 生まるるまでの仮のものなる
182   Education and
Morals, ethics are
Temporary, only to be
Used until the birth
Of my teachings.
#2, S6-336B

人々よ 吾が打 ち揮ふ神力の その素晴しさに眼くらむな

183   Everyone! Do not be
Dazzled, become blinded
By the wonder
Of the divine power, I,
Mokichi Okada, do wield.
#3, S6-336C