Poems in Eikô, Issue 217
July 15, 1953

  薬程  世に恐ろしきものあらじ 病を作るものにありせば

No things are as
Terrifying in this world
As medicines and
Drugs, the things that
Create disease and pestilence. 

#1, S6-344A 
    薬ある 限りこの世に幸福は なきと知れかし世の諸人よ 
194   Everyone in society!
Understand that there is
No happiness in this
World as long as
Medicines exist.
#2, S6-344B 
Know, everyone!,
That you can never
Be happy in the world
Where medicines
Are to be found.
July 11.2010 by taki

薬とは 毒なりとふ理を 知りて真の幸恵まれしなる

195   Blessed with true
Happiness and fulfillment
Is the one who knows
The principle, the law
That medicines are poisons.
#3, S6-344C