Poems for Meishu-sama’s Birthday at Hawaii Church of World Messianity
Poems in Eikô, Issue 241

January 1, 1954

  万邦 を 救いの館建ちし今日 芽出度く祝う今日の御祭

Today’s festival
Auspiciously celebrates
Building of
The mansion of
Salvation of all nations.

    東方の 光は日に日に拡ごりて 外国までも隈なく照らさむ
 416   The light from the East
Spreads day by day
And will shine
To every corner of
Nations abroad. 

大いなる メシ ヤの御手に地の上の 一切万有救わるるらん

 417   Each and every thing
In creation on the
Surface of the earth
Will be saved by the hands
Of the great Messiah.

外国の 救ひの 館の魁と 布哇の都に建ちてけるかも

 418   The pioneer of the
Mansions of salvation for
Nations abroad has been
Built in the capital
Of Hawaii.

顔形 色は変れ どおしなべて 神の御眼には同じ国人

 419   The features and
Colors differ, but
All, in the eyes of God,  
Belong to the
Same nation.
S6-420B; previous translations in Prayers and Gosanka, page 86B, Prayers and Poems, page 86B, and Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, pages 62 & 216.
Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
The colors differ, / The features are different. / In the Eyes of God, / However, we’re all His Own, / Children of His great Kingdom.
Prayers and Poems translation
Our colors / And our features differ, / In the eyes of God, however, / We are all the same / Residents of the earth.

顔形 色は変れ どおしなべて 神の御眼には同じ国人

 420   In order to save
I first place
My foothold on
The Hawaiian Islands. 

諸々の 人草混 る布哇こそ 大八島の型にやあるらむ

 421   Hawaii, the place
Where all peoples
Are mixed together,
Is the prototype of the
Future great island of humanity. 

地上天国 先ず 布哇より開かれむ 神の仕組のさきがけとして

 422   Paradise on earth
First begins
In Hawaii
As the pioneer
Of God’s plan.

惟神 地上天国 は布哇より 世の涯までも拡ぎゆかなん

 423   In accord with God
Paradise on earth,
From Hawaii
Will spread to all
Corners of the world.

病なく 貧なく 争いなき姿 布哇の島に見るぞうれしき

 424   Happy am I to visualize
The future Hawaiian Islands
Without illness,
Without poverty, and
Without conflict.

東西の 文明結 ぶ要かも 太平洋に浮かぶ布哇は

 425   The pivot that will connect
The civilizations of the
East and West,
Hawaii, floating
In the Pacific Ocean.

神の火は 布哇 の都に灯されぬ やがて隈なく照り輝かん

 426   God’s fire will illumine
The capital of Hawaii
It will shine
Into every corner. 