Poems in Eikô, Issue 244
January 20, 1954

  取るに足らぬ 医学の奇蹟デカデカと 新聞に見る迷信の世や

Trifling indeed are the
Miracles of medical science
Highly extolled in
Headlines, so widely spread is
Superstition in the world.

    迷信も 世に数あれど医学程 大いなるもの外にあらじな
 26   There are numerous
Superstitions in the world
But there is none
Greater than
Medical science. 

人間の 不幸の因は只一つ 薬と名付くる毒にぞありける

 27   The misfortune of
Human beings has
Only one cause
And that is in the
Poison named medicines.
S6-242C; alternate translation by taki.
Translation by taki
We humans / Have only cause / For our misery: / The poison that / We call medicines.