Poems in Eikô, Issue 250
March 3, 1954

  眼に見えぬ 霊の原爆放たれん 時し最後の日にぞあるなり

These are the final days,
The time when
The invisible atom
Bomb of the spirit
Is unleashed.

    霊界の 明るくなりて善と悪 差別つく日ぞ嬉しかりける
 59   Happy indeed
About the day when
Good and evil will be
Resolved. The
Spiritual world is brightening.
S6-441B; alternate translation by taki.
Alternate translations
How wonderful! / That the day comes when the / Spiritual world grows light, / So a clear line can be drawn / Between good and evil. 

滅ぶ者 生き残る者立ち別れ かくて終りの日となりぬらん

 60   The last days are
Finally coming when
Those who are to remain
Will be set apart from
Those who are to perish. 