Gosanka Poems, “Rebirth”

  恙 なく ただ在るさへもおおけなきに 救の道に入りし嬉しさ

How happy am I
To have begun this path,
Safe and sound, in
Circumstances better
Than could have been expected.

#1, S4-374B 
S6-48C 恙なく 只在るさへもおほけなきに 救ひの道に入りし嬉しさ In a set of poems titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #51, page 12, May 28, 1951; S4-222D 恙なく ただ在るさへもおほけなきに 救ひの道に入りし嬉しさ In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935, and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #247, 1936, unpublished; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 61A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 61A; Prayers and Poems, page 61A; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #108, pages 49 & 189; Book of Gosanka, #258, page 65; translations based on altered text 恙なく 日々在るさ    へもおほけなきに 救ひの術を賜はる嬉しさ
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
How grateful I am that I not only enjoy / the blessings / Of good health every day, but that / God also grants me the privilege of / channeling / His Divine Light to help others who are / in need.

Prayers and Gosanka, Sounds of the Dawn & Prayers and Poems translation
How grateful I am! / God blesses me with good health, / And also grants me / The honor of channeling / His Divine Light to others.

Book of Gosanka translation
I am filled with joy, / For I am able to live / Daily in good health / To do God’s work to save man; / A mission God gifted me.
  讃へても 称へ尽せぬ大御幸を 拙き歌もて詠まるべしやは
195   How can I put into the form
Of one of my wretched poems
My praise, I cannot
Extol enough how
Fortunate God has made me.
#2, S4-374C
S4-222E 讃へても 称へ尽せぬは皇神の 海より深き恵なりけり In a series of poems dated November 1, 1935 and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #248, 1936, unpublished; S6-48D 讃へても 称へ尽くせぬ大御幸 筆も言葉も表はす由なき In a set of poems titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 12, #52 (R52), May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 61B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 61B; Prayers and Poems, page 61B; Book of Gosanka, page 1, #1.
S4-222E translation
Deeper than the sea / Are the blessings of / God whom no matter / How much I praise, / I cannot extol enough.
S6-48D translation
No matter how much / I praise, I cannot extol / Enough, I cannot express / In pen or through speech how / Fortunate God has made me.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
No words, either spoken or written, / Can express the great Blessings / God as bestowed on me. / How can I ever praise Him enough / For the happiness He has given me?

Prayers and Gosanka translation
No words—said, written— / Can describe the great blessings / God has given me. / How can I praise Him enough / For all of this happiness?

Prayers and Poems translation
No words, spoken or written, / Can describe the great blessings / God has given me. / How can I give praise enough / For all of this happiness?

Book of Gosanka translation
No matter how much / We glorify and exalt / Magnificent God, / No written or spoken words / Can ever justly praise Him.

世を呪い 人を怨みし其頃の 心の曇は消えて跡なき

196   Have disappeared and
No trance is there of the
Clouds on my spirit when
I cursed the world,
Bore resentment toward others.
#3, S4-374D
S6-49A 世を呪ひ 人を恨みし其頃の 心の曇りは消へて跡なき In a set of poems titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #53, page 13, May 28, 1951;  S4-223A 世を呪ひ 人を怨みし其頃の 心の曇りは消えて跡なき In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935, and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #249, 1936, unpublished; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 61C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 61C; Prayers and Poems, page 61C; Book of Gosanka, #161, page 41.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
I used to curse the entire world / And blame others for the misfortunes / I experienced. / Now all the clouds formed by that / attitude have disappeared / From my mind, and it is completely clear.

Prayers and Gosanka translation
I cursed all the world, / Blamed others for my trials. / Now all the clouds formed / By that attitude are gone / From my mind, and it is clear.

Prayers and Poems translation
I cursed all the world / And blamed others for my difficulties. / Now all the clouds formed / By that attitude are gone / From my mind, and it is clear.

Book of Gosanka translation
There was a time once, / When I cursed the entire world, / Held grudge toward all men, / But clouds in my heart of past / Are gone without any trace.

暗かりし 心の空も宛らに 真昼間の如晴れし嬉しさ

197   My clouded heart,
Like the sky of the
Brightened noontime,
Is refreshingly clear.
The happiness!
#4, S4-375A
S4-223B 暗かりし 心の空も宛らに 真昼の如く成りし嬉しさ In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935 and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression (23)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #250, 1936, unpublished; S6-45D 暗かりし 心の空も宛らに 真昼の如く晴れし嬉しさ In a set of poems titled “Dawn” Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 9, #38, May 28, 1951.
S4-223A translation
My clouded heart, / Like the sky / Becomes like the / Brightened midday. / The happiness!

S6-45D translation
My clouded heart, / Like the sky / Of the brightened midday, / Is refreshingly clear. / The happiness!


大前に 額く毎に涙しぬ 救われたりし此身思えば

198   Before your presence,
Each time I prostrate
Myself, tears fall
Thinking of how you have
Saved this human being.
#5, S4-375B
S4-223C 大前に 額く毎に涙しぬ 救はれたりし此身思へば In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935 and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression (23)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #251, 1936, unpublished; S6-48B 大前に 額く毎に涙しぬ 救はれたりし此身思へば In a set of poems titled “I Have Been Saved” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 12, #50, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 48C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 48C; Prayers and Poems, page 48C; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, pages 46 & 183, #100; Book of Gosanka, page 42, #166.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Each time I kneel and pray at / our sacred altar, / Tears of gratitude fill my eyes / At thought of the renewed life / God has given me.
Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
Every time I kneel, / Pray at our sacred altar, / My eyes fill with tears / Of thanks for the renewed life / That God has given me.
Prayers and Poems translation
Every time I pray / At our sacred altar, / My eyes fill with tears of thanks, / For the renewed life / That God has given to me.
Book of Gosanka translation
Whenever I kneel / In front of Almighty God, / My eyes fill with tears, / Each time I think of myself— / How I had been saved by God.

救われし 幸を思えば身を尽し 心砕きて報わでおかめや

199   I think of my joy
Of being saved, and there is
No way I can pay
Back my gratitude in
Either labor or spirit. 
#6, S4-375C 
S4-223D 救はれし 幸を思へば身を竭くし 心尽して酬はでやおかん In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935, and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #252, 1936, unpublished; S6-49E 救はれし 幸を思へば身をつくし 心砕きて報はでおかめや In a set of poems titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #57 (R57), page 13, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 63A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 63A; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #112, pages 50 & 191; Prayers and Poems, page 63A, and Book of Gosanka, #169, page 43.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
As I think of the blessings of being led / To the Divine Light Program and saved / by God’s Holy Light, / What can I do to express my appreciation, / Except to serve His Cause with all / my heart and soul?
Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
I was led to, saved, / By God’s Divine Plan, His Light. / How can I express / My thanks, except by serving / His Cause with all my heart, soul?
Prayers and Poems translation
I was led to, saved / By God’s Divine Light. / How can I express my thanks / Except by serving the Divine Cause / With all my heart and soul?
Book of Gosanka translation
When I think with thanks / Happiness God gifts to me / Through my salvation; / In return with all my heart, / How can I not serve my best?

磯の辺の 真砂に等しき我身なれど 受けさせ賜え誠のしるしを

200 Equal am I only to a
Grain of sand on the beach,
Still please receive this
Symbol of my
Love and sincerity.
#7, S4-375D 
S6-50A 磯の辺の 真砂に等しき身にしあれど 受けさせ給へ誠のしるしを In a set of poems titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #58, page 14, May 28, 1951;  S4-223E 磯の辺の 真砂に等しものなれど 受けさせ賜へ誠心を In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935, and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #253, 1936, unpublished; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 63B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 63B; Prayers and Poems, page 63B; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #113, pages 50 & 192; Book of Gosanka, #167, page 42.
S4-223E translation
As only a grain of sand / On the beach am I, / Still please receive / The love and sincerity / Of my heart.
S6-50A translation
As only a grain of sand / On the beach am I, / Still please receive / This symbol of my / Love and sincerity.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
I know I am no greater than / A grain of sand upon the seashore, / But please accept this small / gesture of appreciation, / For it comes from my heart.
PG, PP, SDII translation
I am no greater / Than a seashore’s grain of sand, / But God, please accept / This token of gratitude; / It is given from my heart.
Book of Gosanka translation
Like a tiny grain / Of sand on the beach I am— / Insignificant, / But please accept this token / Of sincerity from me.

力なき 身にしあれども世の為に 尽させ賜え伊都能売之神

201   O Divine Being Izunome!
I am only a human being
Without any power, but
Please allow me to work
To help the world.
#8, S4-375E 
S6-50B 力なき 身にしあれども道の為 尽くさせ給へ伊都能売神 In a set of poems titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #59, page 14, May 28, 1951; ?S4-224A 力なき 人の身なれど世のの為に 尽さむ心憐み給へ In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935, and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #254, 1936, unpublished; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 63C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 63C; Prayers and Poems, page 63C; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #5, pages 4 & 93; Book of Gosanka, #348, page 87; translations based on non-Meishu-sama text 力なき 身にしあれども道のため 尽くさせ給へ大光明真神
S6-50B translation
O Divine Being Izunome! / I am only a human being / Without any power, but / Please allow me to work / For the path of helping others.
S4-224A translation
I am only an individual, / Without any power, but / Please show compassion on me / So that I may work / To help the world.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Powerless as I am alone, O great / God of Love, / Help me and use me for Thy Holy / Cause of Light.
Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
Helpless as I am, / So powerless by myself, / O great God of Love, / Help me and make use of me / For Thy Holy Cause of Light.
Prayers and Poems translation
Powerless as I am, / Without strength by myself, / O great God of Love, / Help me and make use of me / For the Divine Path of Light.
Book of Gosanka translation
Great God Miroku, / Though I am not of power, / Humbly I ask Thee— / To let me follow Thy Will, / And be of service to Thee.