Gosanka Poems, Revised, "The Divine Being Izunomeu"

 11   久方の 天の真奈井の八州河原 誓約にあれし八人男女神

Far away,
In the heavens of Manai
From the vow at Yasugahara
Was born the eight
Gods and goddesses.

#1, page 3, S6-39D
S4-56A 久方の 天の真奈井の八州河原 誓約に生れし八人男女神 In a set of poems titled “The Golden Dragon” in World of Divine Light, #2, Issue 3, May 21, 1935; S4-193D 久方の 天の真奈井の八州河原 誓約に生れし八人男女神  In a set of poems titled “The Golden Dragon (12)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #114, 1936, unpublished; S4-339D 久方の 天の真奈井の八州河原 誓約に生れし八人男女神 In a set of poems titled “The Golden Dragon” in Gosanka Poems, #40, July 1, 1948.
 12   八人男女 唯一柱の神御霊と 成らせ此土に伊都能売神
    Eight gods and goddesses
Became only one
Divine being and
Appeared on this
Earth, the God Izunome.
#2, page 4, S6-40A
S4-56E 八人男と女 唯一柱の神御霊と ならせ此土に伊都能売之神 In a set of poems titled “The Golden Dragon” in World of Divine Light, #6, Issue 3, May 21, 1935; S4-340C 八人男と 女唯一柱の神御霊と ならせ此土に伊都能売之神 In a set of poems titled “The Golden Dragon” in Gosanka Poems, #43, July 1, 1948. 

天翔り 国馳り金剛の 御力揮ふ伊都能売金龍

    Winging across heaven,
Galloping about the nation,
Wields the divine
Power of the diamond,
The Golden Dragon, Izunome.
#3, page 4, S6-40B
S4-57B  天翔り 国馳りつつ大いなる 御力揮はむ金龍大神 In a set of poems titled “The Golden Dragon” in World of Divine Light, #8, Issue 3, May 21, 1935; S4-194E 天翔り 国翔りつつ大いなる 御力揮はむ金龍明神 In a set of poems titled “The Golden Dragon (12)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #119, 1936, unpublished; S4-340E 天翔り 国馳けりつつ例しなき 御力揮わむ金龍神はも In a set of poems titled “The Golden Dragon” in Gosanka Poems, #45, July 1, 1948.
S4-194E translation
While soaring across / Heaven and flying / Around the nation, / Wields great divine power, the / Luminous Deity Golden Dragon.
S4-57B translation
While winging across / Heaven, galloping / About the nation, / Wields great divine power, / The God Golden Dragon.
S4-340E translation
While winging across / Heaven, galloping / About the nation, wields / Divine power without precedent, / The divine being Golden Dragon.

仏界に 光明如来と生れ給ひ 救はせ給ひし伊都能売神

    In the Buddhist world,
Born as the
Tathagata of Divine Light
What saves is the
Divine Being Izunome.
#4, page 4, S6-40C 

長き世を 化仏に救ひ給ひしは 大慈大悲にあればなりけり

    For long ages, the
Salvation bestowed by the
Manifested buddhas
Sprang from
Their great compassion.
#5, page 4, S6-40D 

五は火にて 三は水なり五と三 結びてなるぞ伊都能売神

    Five is fire,
Three is water,
So five and three
United is the
Divine Being Izunome.
#6, page 4, S6-40E
S5-115B 五は火にて 三は水なり五と三 むすびて成るぞいづのめの魂 In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 11, #2, page 1, December 20, 1949.
S5-115B translation
Five is fire, / Three is water, / So five and three / United is the / Spirit Izunome.

五は男 三は女の性をいふ 経緯陰陽の意味にぞありける

    Five is said to be
Masculine and three,
Feminine, here is
The significance of yin,
Yang, vertical, horizontal.
#7, page 5, S6-41A
S5-115C 五は男 三は女の性をいふ 経と緯陰と陽とも同じ意義なる In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 11, #3, page 1, December 20, 1949.
S5-115C translation
Five is said to be / Masculine and three, feminine, / The same significance as / Yin and yang, / Vertical and horizontal.


男にも 非ず女にも亦あらぬ 観音こそは伊都能売神

    Neither masculine
Nor feminine,
Avalokitshvara is
The Divine Being
#8, page 5, S6-41B 
S5-116A 男にあらず 女にもあらぬ観世音 菩薩の御業を悟れかしみな In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 11, #4, page 1, December 20, 1949.
S5-116A translation
Everyone, understand / The divine task, neither / Masculine nor feminine, / Of the Boddhisattva / Regarder of the Cries of the World.


自由無碍の 御力揮ふ観音は 十の御霊にあればなりけり

    Kannon, who wields the
Divine power of
Freedom and flexibility
Springs from the spirit of the
Balanced cross. 
#9, page 5, S6-41C 
S5-116B 自由無碍の 御力揮ふ観音は 十の身霊にあればなりけり. In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 11, #5, page 1, December 20, 1949.