Gosanka Poems, Revised, “God’s Great Works”

161   病貧争 絶無の世界造らむと 任し給へり神は我身に

God has entrusted
Me with the duty
Of constructing a world
Of absolutely no
Disease, poverty, or strife.

#1, page 37, S6-72C
162   例しなき 事にこそあれ暗のなき 大千世界の生れまさむとは
    Without precedent,
It is! To appear
Without darkness,
The great
Thousand world.
#2, page 37, S6-72D
S4-55B 例なき ことにこそあれ病なき 大千世界の建て直さむとは In a set of poems titled “The Sacred Act of Healing” in Lectures on Japanese Medicine, #19, May 5, 1935; S4-206B 例しなき 事にこそあれ悩みなき 大千世界の生れまさむとは In a set of poems titled “Power of Salvation (16)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #172, 1936, unpublished; S4-361B 例しなき 事にこそあれ暗のなき 大千世界の生れまさむとは In a set of poems titled “Power of Salvation” in Gosanka Poems, #137, July 1, 1948.
S4-55B translation
Without precedent, / It is! To be / Rebuilt without / Sickness, the great / Thousand world.

S4-206B translation
Without precedent / It is! To appear / Without suffering / The great / Thousand worlds. 

憂しとみし 世は過ぎにけり心せよ 楽しき御代は今生れんとすも

    Know that has
Passed away the
World seen as so
Miserable; a pleasant
Divine age is now appearing.
#3, page 37, S6-73A
S4-158C 憂しといひし 世は過ぎにけり諸人の 楽しき御代ははや近みける From an unpublished set of poems titled “Power of Kannon,” #3, dated 1936; S4-214A 憂しと言ひし 世は過ぎにけり諸人の 楽しき御代は近まりにける In a set of poems titled “Power of Kannon (20)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #207, 1936, unpublished; S4-370B 憂しといひし 世は過ぎにけり世の人よ 楽しき御代は今来らむとすも In a set of poems titled “Power of Kannon” in Gosanka Poems, #177, July 1, 1948.
S4-158C & S4-214A translation
The world said to be / So miserable has passed / Away; a pleasant / Divine age for all / Is now appearing.
S4-370B translation
The world said to be / So miserable has passed / Away; peoples of / The world! A pleasant / Divine age is now appearing.

千早振 神の光に照らされて 正邪の道の眼に映るなり

    Illuminated by
God’s strong light,
The path of either
Right or wrong is
Clearly shown.
#4, page 37, S6-73B
S4-395B 千早振 神の光に照されて 正しき道の現れなむとすも In a set of poems titled “Spiritual Peaks” in Gosanka Poems, #287, July 1, 1948.
S4-395B translation
Illuminated by / God’s strong light, / The right path / Will certainly / Appear clearly.

久方の 天津御国を地の上に 映さむとする吾願ひかな

    My desire is it
To see reflected
On this earth
The divine world of
Heaven so far away.
#5, page 37, S6-73C 
S4-395C 久方の 天津御国を地の上に 打樹てむこそわが願ひかも In a set of poems titled “Spiritual Peaks” in Gosanka Poems, #288, July 1, 1948.
S4-395C translation
My desire is it / To build / On this earth / The divine world of / Heaven so far away.

大いなる 神の力に依らずして など救はめや此醜の世は

    This vile world,
How can it be saved
Without depending
Upon the great
Power of God?
#6, page 38, S6-73D
Previous translations, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, pages 11 & 97, #15; Book of Gosanka, page 2, #7.
Sounds of the Dawn translation
But for God’s Power, / How could this clouded, turmoiled / World ever be saved / From the depths of agony, / From its sad imprisonment?
Book of Gosanka translation
Without reliance / On the supreme power of / God of Salvation, / This world filled with filth and pain / Cannot e’er be purged and saved.

天国を 此土に造る文明は 神の御胸に秘め給はむ

    Deep within the bosom
Of God has been
Prepared the
Civilization that
Builds heaven on this earth.  
#7, page 38, S6-73E

病貧争 悩み苦しむ文明は 偽りの文明あればなりけり

Agonizes in
War, poverty, conflict
Because it is a
Civilization of falsehood.
#8, page 38, S6-74A 
S6-6E 病貧争に 悩み苦しむ文明は 偽りの文明にあればなりけり In a set of poems used at the New Year Service, #8, January 1, 1951.