Gosanka Poems, Revised, “World of Darkness”

  人の眼は 一寸先も見へぬなり 頼むは神の御護りなりける

The eye of the human
Being cannot see even
An inch ahead—
What must be relied
Upon is the protection of God. 

#1, page 42, S6-77C.
  常暗の 道に彷ふ子羊を いと懇ろに御手に誘う
184   Lambs lost
On the path of
Eternal darkness are
Invited to rest easily
In the arms of God.
#2, page 42, S6-77D

悩み多き 此現世を悩みなき 光の道に誘ふ神はも

185   God indeed invites to
The distress free
Path of light
Those of this world who
Do bear so much distress.
#3, page 42, S6-78A

奴羽玉の 暗に蠢めく子羊を 光明の道に誘ふ吾かな

186   Invite I, Mokichi Okada,
To the path of divine light
Those lambs wriggling,
Squirming in the
Pitch-black darkness. 
#4, page 42, S6-78B
S5-61E 奴羽玉の 暗にさ迷ふ諸人を 光明の道に誘ふわが業 In a set of poems dated March 6, 1946, and titled “Myself” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #253, page 47, November 30, 1949; previous translations, Book of Gosanka, #98, page 25; Meishu and His Teachings, page vii; translations based on non-Meishu-sama text 奴羽玉の ヤミニマヨエルコヒツジヲ 光明のカミに誘ふ吾かな 
S5-61E translation
My work is to invite / To the path of divine light / All peoples wriggling, / Squirming in the / Pitch-black darkness.
Book of Gosanka translation
The lambs of this world, / That have lost their way in dark, / Gone afar astray— / Tenderly with care do I / Beckon them to God of Light.
Meishu and His Teachings translation
The lambs of this world / That have lost their way in dark, / Gone far astray— / Tenderly with care do I / Guide them all to God of Light.

物識の 誘ふ道の行手には 虎狼の口開け待ちをり

187   The way by which
The curious know-it-alls
Are attracted is when
The tigers and wolves open
Their mouths and wait.
#5, page 42, S6-78C

誤れる 道や心に気付かずば やがて滅びむ神の裁きに

188   Those who do not
Gain awareness of
Erroneous paths and attitudes
In the end will perish
In God’s judgment.
#6, page 43, S6-78D
S4-243A 誤れる 教や道に気付かずば やがて滅びむ神の審判に In a set of poems titled “Awakening (35)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #332, 1936, unpublished; S4-388C 誤れる 道や心に気付かずば やがて滅びむ神の審判に In a set of poems titled “Awakening” in Gosanka Poems, #257, July 1, 1948; previous translation, Daily Guide, page 33B.
S4-243A translation
Those who do not / Gain awareness of / Erroneous teachings and paths / In the end will perish / In God’s judgment.
Daily Guide translation
If you can see not / The dark evil in your heart, / Or wrong road you tread, / Finally on Judgment Day, / You must account for your sins.

危ふきは 曲の俘虜になり乍ら 未だ目醒めぬ人の行末

189   In a precarious situation
Is the fate of those
Who have yet to awaken
To the reality that they are
Captives of the evil forces.
#7, page 43, S6-78E
S4-243C 危ふきは 曲の俘虜になりながら 未だ目覚めぬ人の行末 In a set of poems titled “Awakening (35)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #334, 1936, unpublished; S4-388E 危ふきは 曲の俘虜になりながら 未だ目覚めぬ人の行末 In a set of poems titled “Awakening” in Gosanka Poems, #257, July 1, 1948; previous translation, Book of Gosanka, #316, page 79.
Book of Gosanka translation
While being captives / Of the evils of this world, / There are those e’en now, / Who have not opened their eyes; / How foreboding is their fate.

唯吾身 よかれの心に災ひの 種播く人ぞ危ふかりける

190   Everyone! Repent
And prepare to
Cross with tranquility,
Without undue stress,
The world pass.
#8, S6-81B
S5-100E 人々よ 悔改めて世の峠 安く越えなむ備えせよかし In a set of poems dated May 1949, and titled “Baptism by Fire” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #422, page 76, November 30, 1949; S4-422C 人々よ 悔改めて世の峠 安く越えなむ備えせよかし In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 5, #5, page 1, June 25, 1949; 
S4-242A translation
Pitiful is the situation / Of those who sow the seeds / Of their own destruction / By thinking only about / Their own happiness.
S4-387D translation
Pitiful is the situation / Of those who sow the seeds / Of their own misfortune / By thinking only about / Their own happiness.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Precarious is the future of those / Who are sowing the seeds of misfortune / Because of self-love.
Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
How precarious / Is the future of those men / Who are now sowing / The dark seeds of misfortune / Because of their love for self!
Prayers and Poems translation
How precarious / Is the future of those / Who are now sowing / The dark seeds of misfortune / Because of their self-centered hearts.
Book of Gosanka translation
One with selfish heart, / Who wants good only for self, / Is one in danger, / For through his own selfishness, / He sows seeds of disaster.
Daily Guide translation
Selfishly he who / Sows the seeds of disaster / By his thoughts of self; / Wants himself alone to gain / Is to all men a great bane.

幾千歳 かかりて道を狂はせし 曲津滅ぶる時は来ぬめり

191   It does appear that has come
The time when will perish
The evil forces who for
So many thousands of years
Have upset and confused the path.
#9, page 43, S6-79B
S4-243B 幾千歳 かかりて道を狂はせし 曲津滅ぶる時は来にけり In a set of poems titled “Awakening (35)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #333, 1936, unpublished; S4-388D 幾千歳 かかりて道を狂はせし 曲津滅ぶる時は来にけり In a set of poems titled “Awakening” in Gosanka Poems, #258, July 1, 1948.
S4-243B & S4-388D translation
Come has the time / When do perish / The evil forces who for / So many thousands of years / Have upset and confused the path.

己も己も 誠心に立還り 神の光に魂照らせかし

192   Bathe the soul
In God’s light.
Love and sincerity is the
Spirit to which each
Should return.
#10, page 43, S6-79C
S4-238C おのもおも 大和心に立還り 真の光に魂照らせかし In a set of poems titled “Imperial Majesty (32)” Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #312, 1936, unpublished; S4-385C おのもおも 誠心に立還り 神の光に魂照らせかし In a set of poems titled “Overcoming Self-centeredness” in Gosanka Poems, #244, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianty, page 74B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 74B; Prayers and Poems, page 74B; Book of Gosanka, #181, page 71. 
S4-238C translation
Each individual should / Return to the spirit of / Great Peace and / Bathe the soul / In the true light.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Let each of us become our true selves, / And with loving hearts open our souls / To the Divine Light of God.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Let each one of us / Expand, become our true selves, / And with loving hearts / And minds open up our souls / To the Divine Light of God.
Prayers and Poems translation
Let each one of us / Expand, become our true selves, / And with loving hearts and minds / Open up our souls / To the Divine Light of God.
Book of Gosanka translation
Each and every one, / It is time to change your heart / To one that is pure, / And let the Light of God shine / With brightness upon your soul.