Gosanka Poems, Revised, “Soul Polishing”

  魂磨き 心清めて世を救ふ 尊き神業に励しめよ皆

Everyone! Work hard
For the precious project
To save the world
Polishing souls and
Purifying hearts.

#1, page 46, S6-82A
S6-17E 魂磨き 心浄めて世を救ふ 尊き業にいそしめよみな In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 21, #12, page 3, February 25, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 89B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 89B; Prayers and Poems, page 89B; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #4, pages 4 & 92; Book of Gosanka, #163, page 41; all previous translations based on non-Meishu-sama text adapted from S6-82A 魂磨き 心清めて世を救ふ 尊き神業に仕へ励しめ 
S6-82A translation
Everyone! Work hard / For God’s precious project / To save the world / Polishing souls and / Purifying hearts.

Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, translation
Let us purify our spirits and bodies / And do our best to give of ourselves / in service / For God’s holy Cause to save the world.

Prayers and Gosanka translation
Let us purify / Both our spirits and bodies / And give of ourselves / In sincere service always / For God’s Cause, to save the world.

Prayers and Poems translation
Let us purify / Both our spirits and bodies / And give of ourselves always / In sincere service / For God’s Cause, to save the world.

Sounds of the Dawn translation
Let us do our best / To cleanse our spirits, bodies, / Raise our vibrations, / And give ourselves in service / For God’s Cause to save the world.

Book of Gosanka translation
Purify your soul, / Cleanse your heart to purity, / Then with earnestness, / Serve God in His Work divine / Of saving the world of man. 
  如何ならむ 世を大峠来つるとて 魂清ければ安く越へなむ
205   Whatever may come
In the world’s
Great tribulation,
It may be crossed safely
When the soul is purified.
#2, page 46, S6-82B
S6-18A 如何ならむ 世を大峠来つるとて 魂清ければ安けかるらむ In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 21, #13, page 3, February 25, 1951; previous translations, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #113, pages 49 & 172; Meishu and His Teachings, page 35; translations based on changed text 如何ならむ 世を大峠来つるとも 魂清ければ安く越へなむ
S6-18A translation
Whatever may come / In the world’s / Great tribulation, / It will be easy on those / Whose souls are purified.

Sounds of the Dawn translation
No matter how huge / The turning point when it comes, / The pure in spirit / Need have no apprehension, / For they will survive with ease.

Meishu and His Teachings translation
Though life’s defile be / Great and difficult to pass, / If your heart is pure, / It can be crossed easily— / No matter how bad the gorge. 

言霊の 強き力は美魂より 出づるしなくば甲斐なかりける

206   No value is there
To words unless
They flow from the
Powerful spirit of language
Of the purified soul.
#3, page 47, S6-82C
S6-17C 言霊の 力は清き身魂より 出づるしなくば甲斐なかりける In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 21, #10, page 3, February 25, 1951.
S6-17C translation
No value is there / To words unless / They flow from the / Power purified spirit / Of language of the soul.


村肝の 心を浄め醜の世を 清むる業の人となれかし

207   Become an individual
Who works to purify
The precious heart and
Soul and cleanse this
Most mean, base world.
#4, page 47, S6-82D 
S6-17D 村肝の 心浄めて醜の世を 清むる業ぞ真の業なり In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 21, #11, page 3, February 25, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity; page 89C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 89C; Prayers and Poems, page 89C; Book of Gosanka, #96, page 24; Meishu and His Teachings, page 32. 
S6-17D translation
The work that purifies / The precious heart and / Soul and cleanses this / Most mean, base world / Is the true work.

Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Let us purify our own minds and hearts / So we may be used as God’s instruments / To purify the ugly parts of the world.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Let us purify, / Cleanse our spirits, minds and hearts, / So we may be used / As God’s instruments to help / Purify, cleanse the world’s clouds.
Prayers and Poems translation
Become a person / Who can help purify / The hearts and minds / Of others, / Even the world itself. 
Book of Gosanka translation
Purify your heart / To become one to serve God, / By doing His Work / Of purifying the world / Of ugliness and evil.
Meishu and His Teachings translation
Make it your duty / To make pure this ugly world / Of filth, stain of sin; / But first you must purify / Your own heart and soul of sins.

身も魂も 浄霊をもて清めます 神業ぞ真の洗霊なりける

208   The true baptism of spirit
Is the divine task of
Cleansing both the
Body and the spirit
Through Johrei.
#5, page 47, S6-83A 

大神の 仕組の暫し延びぬれば 身魂磨きて備へせよかし

209   Prepare yourself
By polishing both
Spirit and body while
God’s plan is put off
As long as possible.
#6, page 47, S6-83B
S6-15C 大神の 仕組のしばし延びぬれば 身魂磨きてそなへせよかし In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 21, #8, page 3, February 25, 1951.
Almighty God has put off awhile
radically changing the world arrangement.
So I warn you to prepare yourself
for the great turning point in human history,
clearing your core, divine origin soul of clouds.
Jan.21.2007 by taki

誰も彼も 貴ぶ金剛石とても 磨かざりせば瓦なるらむ 

210   One and all
Will be as fragile tile
Unless they
Polish themselves
To be valued diamonds.
#7, page 47, S6-83C
Previous translations, Gosanka— Poems of World Messianity, page 90A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 90A; Prayers and Poems, page 90A; Book of Gosanka, #158, page 40.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Even diamonds, which are so highly / prized, / Would remain without luster, like / ordinary pebbles, / If they were not polished.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Even diamonds, / Which are so highly treasured, / Would always be dulled / Like pebbles, without luster, / If they were never polished.
Prayers and Poems translation
Even diamonds, / Which are so highly treasured, / Would always be as dull as pebbles, / Without luster, / If they were never polished.
Book of Gosanka translation
This man and that man— / Hold diamonds in high esteem; / But even diamonds, / If not polished to sparkle, / Would become lackluster tiles.