Gosanka Poems, Revised, “Chijô Tengoku”

  地 上天国 造らむとして吾は今 力限りに励しみにける

Working am I
To the utmost
Of my power
To construct
Paradise on earth.

#1, page 66, S6-101C
S4-391E 真善美 全き御代を造らむと 力限り励しむ吾かな In a set of poems titled “Myself” in Gosanka Poems, #272, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 27A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 27A; Prayers and Poems, page 27A; Book of Gosanka, #45, page 12.
S4-391E translation
It is I, Mokichi Okada, who / Is working to the / Utmost of my power / To construct an age of / Truth, virtue, beauty.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
I am doing my very best for the purpose / Of helping to fulfill God’s great Plan, / The establishment of paradise on earth.

Prayers and Gosanka translation
I’m doing my best / In order to help fulfill / God’s marvelous Plan, / The establishment on earth / Of a true, real paradise.
Prayers and Poems translation
I am doing my utmost / In order to help fulfill / God’s marvelous Plan, / The establishment on earth / Of a paradise.

Book of Gosanka translation
To build on this Earth / A Heaven-like paradise, / I am at this time, / Working as hard as I can / With all the strength that I have.
  安らけき 美しの御代は樹てられむ 浄められにし此地の上に
293   A peaceful,
Beautiful age,
We are building
On this land
That has been purified.
#2, page 66, S6-101D
S4-380B 安らけき 美しの御世は建てられむ 清く正しく此地の上に In a set of poems titled “The Great Judgment” Gosanka Poems, #221, July 1, 1948; S4-232A 安らけき 美しの御代は建てられん 清く正しく此地の上に In a set of poems titled “The Great Judgment (29)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #283, 1936. 
S4-380B translation
A peaceful, / Beautiful world, / We are building with / Purity and righteousness / On this land.
S4-232A translation
A peaceful, / Beautiful age, / We are building with / Purity and righteousness / On this land.

永遠に 冬なき 夜なき天国に 世人救はむはや来れかし

294   Come soon, please,
The time when the
People of the world
Are saved, live in paradise,
Without dark or cold, forever.
#3, page 66, S6-102A
S4-230D 永遠に 冬なき夜なき天国に 魂憩ませんはや来れかし In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935, and titled “Great Awakening (28)” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #277, 1936, unpublished; S4-378E 永遠に 冬なき夜なき天国に 魂安ませむはや来れかし In a set of poems titled “Great Compassion Great Mercy” in Gosanka Poems, #215, July 1, 1948; previous translation, The Light from the East, Volume 2, page 245.
S4-230D & S4-378E translation
Come soon, please, / The time when souls / Rest peacefully / In paradise, / Without dark or cold, forever.
The Light from the East translation
May the time now come / When people can rest their souls, / Forever, / In paradise, / With no winter and no night.

今迄の 文化は 地獄の文化なり 吾は造らむ天国の文化を

295   Until now
Civilization has been a
Civilization of hell;
A civilization of heaven is
What I am constructing.
#4, page 66, S6-102B
S6-10D 今迄の 文化は地獄の文化なり 吾は造らん天国の文化をIn an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 20, #10, page 2, January 20, 1951.

病貧争 全く消 ゆる文化こそ 天国楽土の文化なりける

296   The civilization where
Sickness, poverty, conflict has
Completely been eliminated is
The civilization of paradise,
Of a land of ease.
#5, page 67, S6-102C 
S6-10E 病貧争 全く消ゆる文化こそ 天国楽土の文化なりける In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 20, #11, page 2, January 20, 1951; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 27B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 27B; Prayers and Poems, page 27B; translations based on text 病貧争 全く消ゆる文化こそ 天国楽土の文化なりけれ
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
The civilization in which such miseries as / Disease, poverty and conflict will be / erased / Can indeed be called a civilization of / heaven on earth.

Prayers and Gosanka translation
Civilization / In which mankind’s miseries / Will all be erased / Can well be described as one / That is a heaven on earth.
Prayers and Poems translation
A Civilization / In which / Disease, poverty and conflict / Are completely erased, / Will be a paradise on earth.

天国の 固き礎 漸くに 此土の上に打樹てられぬ

297   At long last is there
Being constructed on
This soil the firm
For paradise.
#6, page 67, S6-102D
S6-12B 天国の 固き礎漸くに 此土の上に打樹てんかも In a series of poems composed for and recited at The Beginning of Spring Service, #4, February 5, 1951.

仏の世は すみ 極まりて待ち望む 弥勒の御代は生れんとすも

298   The world of Buddhism,
Cleaned thoroughly,
The long-awaited
World of Maitreya
Is to be born.
#7, page 67, S6-102E
S5-103B 仏の世は すみ極まりて例しなき 弥勒の御代は生まれなんとすも In a set of poems dated May 18, 1949, and titled “God’s Program” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 78, #433, November 30, 1949; S4-428C 仏の世は 澄極まりて例しなき 弥勒の御代は始まらむとすも In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 8, #5, page 1, September 25, 1949.
S4-428C & S5-103B translation
The world of Buddhism, / Cleaned thoroughly, / The world of Maitreya / Without parallel / Begins.

厭離穢土 澄み 浄められ新しき 楽しき御代は現れなむとすも

299   This detested,
Defiled world cleansed,
Purified, a new,
Pleasant world
Will be born.
#8, page 67, S6-103A
S5-103A 厭離穢土 清め浄みて新しき 楽しき御代を造る神 In a set of poems dated May 18, 1949 and titled “God’s Program” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, page 78, #432, November 30, 1949; S4-428B 厭離穢土 清め浄みて新しき 楽しき御代を造る神業 In an untitled set of poems in Chijôtengoku, Issue 8, #4, page 1, September 25, 1949; previous translation, Sounds of the Dawn, Volume I, #12, pages 10 & 96.
S4-428B & S5-103A translation
This detested, / Defiled world cleansed, / Purified to create / A new, pleasant / World is God’s plan.
Sounds of the Dawn translation
God will purify / This clouded earth, making it / A new world of peace / And happiness, according / To his Divine Light Program.