Gosanka Poems, Revised, “Paradise of Auspicious Clouds (2)”

379   疲れたる 世人静かに憩はせむ 天国の型吾は造りて

Building am I
A model of paradise where
Can rest calmly and quietly
The peoples of the world
Who are so tired.

#1, page 85, S6-118C
Previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 26A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 26A; Prayers and Poems, page 26A; Book of Gosanka, #335, page 84.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
My purpose in constructing a prototype / of paradise / Is to provide a place of rest and / tranquility / For any of the people of the world / who are exhausted.
Prayers and Gosanka & Prayers and Poems translation
I have constructed / Paradise’s prototype / To provide a place / Of rest and tranquility / For the world’s exhausted ones.
Book of Gosanka translation
So all weary men / Can their body and soul rest / In peace, in quiet; / I shall build a model here / Of paradise like Heaven.
380   口々に 人そやすなり瑞雲郷に あれば憂きの世忘らへるとや
    Enticing visitors
By word of mouth,
At the Zuiun-kyo
People can forget
The pitiful world.
#2, page 85, S6-118D
S5-468D 口々に 人そやすなり瑞雲郷に あれば憂きの世忘らひけるとや In a set of poems titled “Paradise of Auspicious Clouds” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 16, #12, page 6, August 15, 1950.
S5-468D translation
Enticing visitors / By word of mouth, / The Zuiun-kyo will / Let people forget / The pitiful world.

現世の 地獄に喘ぐ諸人を 暫しなりとも天国に導く

    Guide, lead I, even if
For only a while
To a paradise, the
People of this present world
Groaning in hell.
#3, page 86, S6-119A
S5-468E 現世の 地獄にうめく諸人の しばし憩らう天国の苑 In a set of poems titled “Paradise of Auspicious Clouds” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 16, #13, page 6, August 15, 1950; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 26C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 26C; Prayers and Poems, page 26C; Book of Gosanka, #338, page 85.
S5-468E translation
A garden of heaven, where / Can relax for a while / The many people / Who are moaning / In the hell of this world.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
I would like to invite all those / Who are suffering in any way to come / To our paradise, even if only for a / little while.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
I wish to invite / All those who are suffering / In any manner / To come to our paradise, / If for just a little while.
Prayers and Poems translation
I wish to invite / All those who are suffering / In any manner / To come to this paradise, / If for just a little while.
Book of Gosanka translation
Garden of Heaven, / With its beauty of nature, / Will cleanse all men’s hearts / That have been stained and darkened / By the world’s impurities. 

宛らに 羽化登仙の思ひすも 晴々台上に四方眺むれば

    Feeling completely as if
Floating in the air as you
When you gaze out in the
Four directions
From Seisei-dai.
#4, page 86, S6-119B 
S5-469A 身も魂も 羽化登仙の思ひすも 晴々台に佇ち四方みれば In a set of poems titled “Paradise of Auspicious Clouds” in Chijôtengoku, Issue 16, #14, page 6, August 15, 1950.
S5-469A translation
Body and soul both / Feel as if floating high / In the air when, standing on / Seisei-dai, you look out / In the four directions. 

真下には 花雲靉びき遥らかに 海山眺むる晴々台上

    Directly below, clouds of flowers
Extend on and out in the
Distance can be viewed
The seas and mountain,
#5, page 86, S6-119C 

百花の 咽ぶが如く咲きさかる 瑞雲郷は春の天国

    The Grounds of Auspicious
Clouds is a paradise of spring
Where so profusely blossoms
Many kinds of flowers,
They seem to overwhelm all.
#6, page 86, S6-119D

外国の 人もやがては集ひ来む 世に二つなきパラダイスなれば

    A paradise without
Peer in the world to
Which persons from
Abroad will also
Come and gather.
#7, page 86, S6-119E

絵巻物 繰り展げたるが如くにて ただ恍惚たりぬ景観台の上

    Atop the View-See-Hill,
As if a polychrome
Picture scroll unfolds
Full of rapture and
Simply captivating,
All below.
#8, page 87, S6-120A 
Previous translation, The Light from the East, Volume 2, page 71.
The Light from the East translation
Like a picture scroll, / Unrolling / Before your eyes / Is the fascinating scenery / From Keikan-dai. 

万人の 心を和め気を休め 美を楽します地上天国

    To soothe the hearts,
Comfort the spirits, and
Present for the pleasure
Of all peoples,
A paradise on earth.
#9, page 87, S6-120B
Previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 101B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 101B; Prayers and Poems, page 101B.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Our sacred ground is a prototype of / paradise on earth, / Where everyone can feel relaxation of / mind and happiness / At heart while appreciating the beauty / of Nature and art.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
All can be happy, / Relaxed in mind, enjoying / Nature’s beauty, art, / On our sacred grounds, model / Of true paradise on earth.
Prayers and Poems translation
All can be happy, / Relaxed in mind, / Enjoying Nature’s beauty and art / On the sacred grounds, / Model of true paradise on earth. 

美はしき 百花千花は山埋め 天国楽土を偲ばするなり

    Bringing to mind
Heaven, a land of
Pleasure, a mountain
Buried in hundreds and
Thousands of beautiful flowers.
#10, page 87, S6-120C

大自然の 美しさこそ外になき 尊き無言の教へなりけり

    The beauty of
Mother Nature
Itself is uniquely
A precious teaching
Of no words. 
#11, page 87, S6-120D
Previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 81C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 81C; Prayers and Poems, page 81C.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Ah, the beauty of Nature! / Be aware always that it is / The priceless, voiceless teaching / of the Supreme God.
Prayers and Gosanka translation
Ah, the great beauty, / Matchless beauty of Nature! / Be aware always / That it’s the voiceless, priceless / Teaching of the Supreme God.
Prayers and Poems translation
Ah, the great beauty, / The matchless beauty of Nature! / Be aware always / That it is the voiceless, priceless / Teaching of the Supreme God.