Gosanka Poems, Revised, “Gratitude and Its Expression”

  恙なく 只在るさへもおほけなきに 救ひの道に入りし嬉しさ

How happy am I
To have begun this path,
Safe and sound, in
Circumstances better
Than could have been expected.

#1, page 12, S6-48C
S4-222D 恙なく ただ在るさへもおほけなきに 救ひの道に入りし嬉しさ In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935, and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #247, 1936, unpublished; S4-374B 恙なく ただ在るさへもおほけなきに 救ひの道に入りし嬉しさ In a set of poems dated titled “Rebirth” in Gosanka Poems, #194, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 61A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 61A; Prayers and Poems, page 61A; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #108, pages 49 & 189; Book of Gosanka, #258, page 65; translations based on altered text 恙なく 日々在るさへもおほけなきに 救ひの術を賜はる嬉しさ
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
How grateful I am that I not only enjoy / the blessings / Of good health every day, but that / God also grants me the privilege of / channeling / His Divine Light to help others who are / in need.

Prayers and Gosanka, Sounds of the Dawn & Prayers and Poems translation
How grateful I am! / God blesses me with good health, / And also grants me / The honor of channeling / His Divine Light to others. 
Book of Gosanka translation
I am filled with joy, / For I am able to live / Daily in good health / To do God’s work to save man; / A mission God gifted me.
  讃へても 称へ尽くせぬ大御幸 筆も言葉も表はす由なき
052   No matter how much
I praise, I cannot extol
Enough, I cannot express
In pen or through speech how
Fortunate God has made me.
#2, page 12, S6-48D
S4-222E 讃へても 称へ尽せぬは皇神の 海より深き恵なりけり In a series of poems dated November 1, 1935 and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #248, 1936, unpublished; S4-374C 讃へても 称へ尽くせぬ大御幸を 拙き歌もて詠まるべしやは In a set of poems titled “Rebirth” in Gosanka Poems, #195, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 61B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 61B; Prayers and Poems, page 61B; Book of Gosanka, page 1, #1.

S4-222E translation
Deeper than the sea / Are the blessings of / God whom no matter / How much I praise, / I cannot extol enough.

S4-374C translation
How can I put into the form / Of one of my wretched poems / My praise, I cannot / Extol enough how / Fortunate God has made me.

Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
No words, either spoken or written, / Can express the great Blessings / God as bestowed on me. / How can I ever praise Him enough / For the happiness He has given me?

Prayers and Gosanka translation
No words—said, written— / Can describe the great blessings / God has given me. / How can I praise Him enough / For all of this happiness?
Prayers and Poems translation
No words, spoken or written, / Can describe the great blessings / God has given me. / How can I give praise enough / For all of this happiness? 
Book of Gosanka translation
No matter how much / We glorify and exalt / Magnificent God, / No written or spoken words / Can ever justly praise Him.

世を呪い 人を恨みし其頃の 心の曇りは消えて跡なき

053   Have disappeared and
No trance is there of the
Clouds on my spirit when
I cursed the world,
Bore resentment toward others.
#3, page 13, S6-49A
S4-223A 世を呪ひ 人を怨みし其頃の 心の曇りは消えて跡なき In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935, and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #249, 1936, unpublished; S4-374D 世を呪ひ 人を怨みし其頃の 心の曇りは消えて跡なき In a set of poems dated titled “Rebirth” in Gosanka Poems, #196, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 61C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 61C; Prayers and Poems, page 61C; Book of Gosanka, #161, page 41.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
I used to curse the entire world / And blame others for the misfortunes / I experienced. / Now all the clouds formed by that / attitude have disappeared / From my mind, and it is completely clear.

Prayers and Gosanka translation
I cursed all the world, / Blamed others for my trials. / Now all the clouds formed / By that attitude are gone / From my mind, and it is clear.
Prayers and Poems translation
I cursed all the world / And blamed others for my difficulties. / Now all the clouds formed / By that attitude are gone / From my mind, and it is clear.
Book of Gosanka translation
There was a time once, / When I cursed the entire world, / Held grudge toward all men, / But clouds in my heart of past / Are gone without any trace.

垂乳根の 父母なくば現世に 此身此魂あらじとぞ思ふ

054   Without my parents
I believe I
Would not be here
In this world either
In spirit or in body.
#4, page 13, S6-49B
S4-373E 垂乳根の 父母なくば現世に 此身此魂あらじとぞ思ふ In a section of poems titled “God’s Great Blessings” in Gosanka Poems, #192, July 1, 1948; previous translations in Gosanka, Poems of World Messianity, page 62A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 62A; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, pages 54 and 199 (#122); Prayers and Poems, page 62A; and Book of Gosanka, page 13 (#49).
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
I realize now that without the / father and mother / Who gave me birth and raised me / to adulthood, / My body and spirit would not be / Living in this world today.

Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
I have realized / That my body and spirit / Would not be here now / Without the father, mother, / Who gave me birth, cared for me.
Prayers and Poems translation
I have realized / That my body and spirit / Would not be here now / Without the father and mother, / Who gave me birth and cared for me.
Book of Gosanka translation
Without my parents— / My father and mother— / This physical self / And this spiritual self / Would not now be in this world.

同胞と 睦み合ふ身となりにける 神の御光蒙ぶりてより

055   Come have I to
Live harmoniously
With my fellow human beings
Since being enveloped
In God’s divine light.
#5, page 13, S6-49C
S4-222C 同胞と 睦み合ふ身となりにける 真の光に我照らされてより In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935, and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #246, 1936, unpublished; S4-374A 同胞と 睦み合ふ身となりにける 神の御光蒙ぶりてより In a set of poems dated titled “God’s Great Blessings” in Gosanka Poems, #193, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 62B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 62B; Prayers and Poems, page 62B; Book of Gosanka, #301, page 76; translations based on altered text 同胞と 睦み合ふ身となりにける 神の御光蒙ふりてより
S4-222C translation
Come have I to / Live harmoniously / With my fellow human beings / Since being illumined / In the true light.

Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Since I began being blessed / By the Divine Light of God, / I have learned to live in harmony / With my fellowmen.

Prayers and Gosanka translation
Since I have been blessed / By the Divine Light of God, / I have learned to live / In peace and in harmony / With all of my fellow men.
Prayers and Poems translation
Since I have been blessed / By the Divine Light of God / I have learned to live / In peace and harmony / With those around me.
Book of Gosanka translation
I have come to live / With all my fellow beings / In friendship and peace / Ever since Almighty God / Gave me blessing of the Light.

人の身の 尊き訳は諸の恩 心に刻みて忘れねばなり

056   Impress on your heart
And do not forget that
The endless help and
Countless favors of others are
The reason for human existence.
#6, page 13, S6-49D
S4-373D人の身の 尊き訳は諸の恩 心に刻みて忘れねばなり In a section of poems titled “God’s Great Blessings” in Gosanka Poems, #191, July 1, 1948; S4-221D人の身の 尊き訳は諸の恩 心に刻みて忘れねばなり In a section of poems dated November 1, 1935 and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #242, unpublished 1936; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 62C, Prayers and Gosanka, page 62C, Prayers and Poems, page 62C; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #116, pages 51 & 195, and Book of Gosanka, #55, page 14.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Of all living creatures, only man / Retains and appreciates the blessings / And kindnesses he receives from others. / Herein lies man’s greater worth.

Prayers and Gosanka & SDII translation
Of all life on earth, / Only man appreciates, / Retains mem’ry of, / The good others do for him. / Herein lies man’s greater worth.
Prayers and Poems translation
The true value of / Human beings / Is their ability to remember / And appreciate / The good others do for them.
Book of Gosanka translation
A human being— / Because of his fellow man— / Is precious indeed; / Chisel deep this in your mind, / Forget not this debt to man.

救はれし 幸を思へば身をつくし 心砕きて酬はでおかめや

057   I think of my joy
Of being saved, and there is
No way I can pay
Back my gratitude in
Either labor or spirit.
#7, page 13, S6-49E
S4-223D 救はれし 幸を思へば身を竭くし 心尽して酬はでやおかん In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935, and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #252, 1936, unpublished; S4-375D救はれし 幸を思へば身を竭し 心砕きて報はでおかめや In a set of poems titled “Rebirth” in Gosanka Poems, #199, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 63A; Prayers and Gosanka, page 63A; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #112, pages 50 & 191; Prayers and Poems, page 63A, and Book of Gosanka, #169, page 43.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
As I think of the blessings of being led / To the Divine Light Program and saved / by God’s Holy Light, / What can I do to express my appreciation, / Except to serve His Cause with all / my heart and soul?

Prayers and Gosanka & SDII translation
I was led to, saved, / By God’s Divine Plan, His Light. / How can I express / My thanks, except by serving / His Cause with all my heart, soul?
Prayers and Poems translation
I was led to, saved / By God’s Divine Light. / How can I express my thanks / Except by serving the Divine Cause / With all my heart and soul?
Book of Gosanka translation
When I think with thanks / Happiness God gifts to me / Through my salvation; / In return with all my heart, / How can I not serve my best?

磯の辺の 真砂に等しき身にしあれど 受けさせ給へ誠のしるしを

058   As only a grain of sand
On the beach am I,
Still please receive
This symbol of my
Love and sincerity. 
#8, page 14, S6-50A
S4-223E 磯の辺の 真砂に等しものなれど 受けさせ賜へ誠心を In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935, and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #253, 1936, unpublished; S4-375D 磯の辺の 真砂に等しき我身なれど 受けさせ賜へ誠のしるしを In a set of poems dated titled “Rebirth” in Gosanka Poems, #200, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 63B; Prayers and Gosanka, page 63B; Prayers and Poems, page 63B; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #113, pages 50 & 192; Book of Gosanka, #167, page 42.
S4-223E translation
As only a grain of sand / On the beach am I, / Still please receive / The love and sincerity / Of my heart.
S4-375D translation
Equal am I only to a / Grain of sand on the beach, / Still please receive this / Symbol of my / Love and sincerity.

Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
I know I am no greater than / A grain of sand upon the seashore, / But please accept this small / gesture of appreciation, / For it comes from my heart.

PG, PP, SDII translation
I am no greater / Than a seashore’s grain of sand, / But God, please accept / This token of gratitude; / It is given from my heart.
Book of Gosanka translation
Like a tiny grain / Of sand on the beach I am— / Insignificant, / But please accept this token / Of sincerity from me.

力なき 身にしあれども道の為 尽くさせ給へ伊都能売神

059   O Divine Being Izunome!
I am only a human being
Without any power, but
Please allow me to work
For the path of helping others.
#9, page 14, S6-50B
S4-224A 力なき 人の身なれど世のの為に 尽さむ心憐み給へ In a set of poems dated November 1, 1935, and titled “Gratitude and Its Expression” in Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, #254, 1936, unpublished; S4-375E 力なき 身にしあれども世の為に 尽くさせ賜へ伊都能売之神 In a set of poems dated titled “Rebirth” in Gosanka Poems, #201, July 1, 1948; previous translations, Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity, page 63C; Prayers and Gosanka, page 63C; Prayers and Poems, page 63C; Sounds of the Dawn, Volume II, #5, pages 4 & 93; Book of Gosanka, #348, page 87; translations based on non-Meishu-sama text 力なき 身にしあれども道のため 尽くさせ給へ大光明真神
S4-224A translation
I am only an individual, / Without any power, but / Please show compassion on me / So that I may work / To help the world.
S4-375E translation
O Divine Being Izunome! / I am only a human being / Without any power, but / Please allow me to work / To help the world.
Gosanka—Poems of World Messianity translation
Powerless as I am alone, O great / God of Love, / Help me and use me for Thy Holy / Cause of Light.

Prayers and Gosanka & Sounds of the Dawn translation
Helpless as I am, / So powerless by myself, / O great God of Love, / Help me and make use of me / For Thy Holy Cause of Light.

Prayers and Poems translation
Powerless as I am, / Without strength by myself, / O great God of Love, / Help me and make use of me / For the Divine Path of Light.

Book of Gosanka translation
Great God Miroku, / Though I am not of power, / Humbly I ask Thee— / To let me follow Thy Will, / And be of service to Thee.