Gosanka Poems for the Kannon Society, “End of Night”

  烏 羽玉の 夜の終りとはなりにけり はや東にあかときの鐘

The dark night
Has come to
An end and the bell
Of the dawn has rung
In the east.

S4-380D 烏羽玉の 夜の終りとなりにけり はや東にあかときの鐘 In a set of poems titled “The End of Night” in Gosanka Poems, #223, July 1, 1948; S6-43B  烏羽玉の 夜の終りとなりにけり はや東にあかときの鐘 In a set of poems titled “World of Divine Light” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #27, page 7, May 28, 1951.
  はや已に 常闇の夜のすぎけるを 知らで迷へる子羊あはれ
288   Pitiful are flocks of
Sheep that continue to
Stray, not knowing that the
Ever-lasting night
Has already passed.
S4-381A はや已に 常闇の夜の過ぎけるを 知らで迷へる子羊あはれ In a set of poems titled “End of Night” in Gosanka Poems, #224, July 1, 1948; S6-44D はや已に 常闇の世のすぎけるを 知らで迷へる子羊の群 In a set of poems titled “Dawn” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 8, #33, May 28, 1951.
S6-44D translation
Flocks of sheep / Continue to stray, / Not knowing that the / World of ever-lasting / Darkness has already passed.

ほのぼのと 世 の黎明来つるなり 東の果に眼とどめそ

289   Glimmering,
The dawn of the world
Is coming.
Cast your eyes
On the extreme East.
S4-381B ほのぼのと 世の黎明は来つるなり 東の果に眼とどめそ. In a set of poems titled “The End of Night” in Gosanka Poems, #225, July 1, 1948; S6-43D  ほのぼのと 世の黎明は来つるなり 東のはてに眼とどめそ In a set of poems titled “Dawn”in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 7, #29, May 28, 1951.

夜の教 夜のも ろもろははや済みぬ 光明世界のはや来れかし

290   The teachings of night,
All affairs of the night
Have swiftly passed;
The world of divine light
Is indeed here.
S4-381C 夜の教 夜のもろもろは済みにけり 光明世界の来らんとして In a set of poems titled “The End of Night” in Gosanka Poems, #226, July 1, 1948; S6-41D 夜の教 夜の文化は済みにけり 光明世界来らんとして In a set of poems titled “World of Divine Light” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #20, page 5, May 28, 1951.
S4-381C translation
The teachings of night, / All affairs of the night / Have passed for / The world of divine / Light has come.

S6-41D translation
The teachings of night, / The civilization of night / Has passed for / The world of divine / Light has come.

罪穢 秘し事な どうち絶えぬは 常暗の世のしるしなりける

291   Sin, impurities, and
Secrets are proof that
We still live in
A world of
Eternal darkness.
S4-381D 罪穢 秘し事などうち絶えぬは 常暗の世の残ればなりけり In a set of poems titled “End of Night” in Gosanka Poems, #227, July 1, 1948; S6-45B 邪や 隠事など絶へぬ世は 常暗のまだ残ればなりけり In a set of poems titled “Dawn” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 9, #36, May 28, 1951.
S6-45B translation
Wickedness and / Secrets continue / In the world where / Eternal darkness / Still remains.
S4-381D translation
Sin, impurities and / Secrets continue / In the night of / Eternal darkness, / Still remain.

真昼日の 明る き御代に如何にして 隠事などよもあらめやは

292   In the daylight world
How can there be
Circumstances and
Events to
Keep secret?
S4-381E 真昼日の 明るき御代に如何にして 隠事などよもあらめやは In a section of poems titled “The End of Night” in Gosanka Poems, #228, July 1, 1948; S6-45A 真昼間の 明るき御代に如何にして 隠事などよもあらめやは In a section of poems titled “Dawn” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #35, page 9, May 28, 1951.
S6-45A translation
In the world of broad / Daylight, how can / There be / Circumstances and / Events to keep secret? 

月照るも 小暗 きかりせばもろもろの 罪や穢の生るぞせんなし

293   Many are the kinds of
Sins and impurities that
Exist in the dark shadows of the
Shining moon. All are
Utterly useless.
S4-382A 月の夜の 小暗き陰に諸々の 罪や穢の生るるぞせんなしIn a set of poems titled “End of Night” in Gosanka Poems, #229, July 1, 1948; S6-44E 月の夜の 小暗き陰に諸々の 罪や穢れの生るるぞ詮なし In a set of poems titled “Dawn” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #34, page 8, May 28, 1951.
S4-382A & S6-44E translation
IMany are the kinds of / Sins and impurities that / Exist in the dark shadows of the / Night of the moon. All are / Utterly useless.

西方に 現れし 教は月の神の 創め給ひしものにぞありける

294   In the West,
The teaching
That appeared was
What was begun
By the god of the moon.

東方の 光は真 昼の光なり 六合隈なく照りて明るし

295   The light from the East
Is the light of broad daylight,
Illuminating and making clear
Every corner and recess
Of the six points.

無礙の光 漏な く間配り闇晴らす 転輪菩薩の功徳称へん

296   The adaptable, flexible light
Reaches all without exception,
Clearing away the dark,
Let us praise the virtue of
The Boddhisattva Wheel-Rolling!
S4-382B 天ヶ下 無碍の光を間配りつ 転輪菩薩は衆生救わむ In a set of poems titled “End of Night” in Gosanka Poems, #230, July 1, 1948.
S4-382 translation
The adaptable, flexible light / Reaches all under heaven as / The Boddhisattva Wheel-Rolling / Brings salvation / To all sentient beings.

  光明如来 まばゆき光を和めさせ 世に観音と化現しませり

297   The Tathagata of Divine
Light softens the intense
Light and manifests as
Regarder of the Cries of the World
For all of humanity.
S4-382C 光明如来 まばゆき光を和めさせ 世に観音と化現しませり In a set of poems titled “End of Night” in Gosanka Poems, #231, July 1, 1949.

  光和め 塵にまみれて救ひます 大慈大悲の観世音かも

298   The truly compassionate
Regarder of the Cries of the World
Softens the light
To save all those
Covered in impurities 
S4-382D 光和め 塵に同れて救います 大慈大悲の観世音かも In a set of poems titled “End of Night” in Gosanka Poems, #232, July 1, 1949.

  罪を問はず 過ぎ事尤めず救ひ給ふ 世尊の慈悲に及ぶものなき

299   Nothing can reach
The compassion of the
World-honored One who
Saves all without regard to
What sins have been committed.
S4-382E 罪を問わず 過事尤めず救います 大慈大悲の観音心かな In a set of poems titled “End of Night” in Gosanka Poems, #233, July 1, 1949.
S4-382E translation
The greatly compassionate / Spirit of Kannon / Saves all without distinction to / Sin, without blame for / What has happened.

  夜は更ち 星の光は薄れきぬ いで明日の日の備へなさなん

300   As night ends, and
The light of the stars dim,
We must prepare for
The sun of tomorrow
That will appear.