Poems for the Beginning of Spring Service
February 5, 1951

  立春の 今日の目出たさ伊邪冊岐の 神ゆ百の実給はりしなり

The auspiciousness of
Today, the beginning of spring,
The deity Male-Who-Invites
Will bestow upon us
Many kinds of fruit.

#1, S6-11B
    今年はも 立春の今日大いなる 目出たき日にぞありにけるかも
 32   This year as well, the
Beginning of spring
Today is a day of
#2, S6-11C

立春の 今日を境に我業は 日の出の如く輝ひわたらむ

 33   With this day of the
Beginning of spring
As the start,
My work shines across
Like the sunrise.
#3, S6-12A

天国の 固き礎漸くに 此土の上に打樹てんかも

 34   At long last is there
Being constructed on
This soil the firm
For paradise.
#4, S6-12B
S6-102D 天国の 固き礎漸くに 此土の上に打樹てられぬ In a set of poems titled “Paradise on Earth” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #297, page 66, May 28, 1951.

目に見ゆる 此の現世は暗けれど はや霊界は日の出の明るさ

 35   This present world
Visible to the eye is dark,
Though, already
The spiritual world is the
Brightness of the sunrise.
#5, S6-12C
Though this
Visible life on Earth
Is bleak,
The invisible world of spirits
Is already bright of sunrise.
Feb. 7. 2014 by taki

人の目に 映るが如き仕組もて 三千世界を救ひ得べしや

 36   How can be saved
The triple thousand
Worlds with plans
That appear to the
Eyes of human beings?
#6, S6-12D
    世の終り 延ばし延ばして一人だも 多く救はす神の御心 
 37 The end of the world
Keeps getting extended,
God’s will to
Save even one
More person.
#7, S6-12E
S6-130C 世の終り 延ばし延ばして一人だも 多く救はす神の御心 In a section of poems titled “Untitled” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #435, page 97, May 28, 1951; previous translations, Book of Gosanka, #315, page 79; Daily Guide, page 25B.
Book of Gosanka translation
God has extended / The end of the world, again / And again, to save / Even one more man of world; / Such is the love of Great God.
Daily Guide translation
God’s Love for all men / Is infinite, is divine. / As long as He could, / He has prolonged Judgment Day / In order to save more men.
    眼開き 我業を見よ世の誰も 知らぬ事どもばかりなるらん
 38   Open your eyes and
See my work!
Composed it is of matters that
Probably no one in the world
Knows or understands.
#8, S6-13A
S6-86C 眼ひらき 我業を見よ世の誰も 知らぬ事どもばかりなりける In a set of poems titled “The Great Plan” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #223, page 50, May 28, 1951.
S6-86C translation
Open your eyes and / See my work! / Composed it is of matters / That no one in the world / Knows or understands.
事繁く 我為す業の一片も 深き神意の籠れると知れ
 39 Know that profound
Divine intent is embedded
Within even a fragment
Of the tasks I perform,
As varied as they are.
#9, S6-13B
S6-128C 事繁く 我為す業の一片にも 深き神意の籠れると知れ In a set of poems titled “Myself” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #425 page 95, May 28, 1951.
畏くも 破壊の裏に創造の 斧を揮はす神業見よかし
40 Look at the
Divine work that is
Brandishing the axe of
Construction behind
The destruction.
#10, S6-13C
見真実の 我目に映る現世は 塵や芥に埋もれてをり
 41The present world
That appears to my eyes
That have reached the
Highest stage enlightenment
Is buried under dirt and dust.
#11, S6-13D
S6-127B 見真実の 我眼に映る現世は 塵や芥に埋もれており In a set of poems titled “Myself” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #420, page 94, May 28, 1951. 
踏み迷ひ 行く手もわかぬ子羊を いと懇ろに導くぞ吾は
 42Conscientiously and
I guide the little
Lambs who have lost their way,
Not knowing where to go.
#12, S6-13E
S6-128D ふみ迷ひ 行手もわかぬ子羊を いと懇ろに吾は導く In a set of poems titled “Myself” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #426, page 95, May 28, 1951.
四十五歳 吾見真実となりてより 説きし悉真理なりける
 43Since the age of forty-
Five and reaching the
Highest stage of enlightenment,
All that I teach
Is truth.
#13, S6-14A
S6-127A 四十五歳 吾見真実となりてより 説きし悉真理にぞある In a set of poems titled “Myself” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #419, page 94, May 28, 1951; previous translation, The Light from the East, Volume 1, page 127.
The Light from the East translation
I was forty-five / When I first saw the truth / And ever since that time / Everything I have to say / Embodies verity. 
美須真留の 五百津の光日に月に 輝きませど眼に映らまじ
 44 Day by day,
Month by month,
Brightens ever more
The abundant light of
The cord of jewels.
#14, S6-14B
S6-6C 一厘の 玉の光は日に月に 常暗の世に拡ぎゆくなり In a set of poems composed for and recited at the New Year Service, #3, January 1, 1951; S6-122B 一厘の 玉の光は日に月に 常暗の世に拡ぎゆくなり In a set of poems titled “Acts of God and Man” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #396, page 89, May 28, 1951; S6-130E 美須磨琉の 玉の光は日に月に 輝き増すなり眼開けよ In as set of poems titled “Untitled” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #437, page 98, May 28, 1951; previous translations of S6-6C & S6-122B, Book of Gosanka, #314, page 79; Meishu and His Teachings, page 11. 
S6-6C & S6-122B translation
The one percent of the / Ball of light day by / Day, month by month / Spreads throughout / The world of eternal darkness.
S6-130E translation
Open your eyes! / Day by day, month by month, / The light of the / Cord of jewels / Brightens ever more.
Book of Gosanka translation
A small ball of light, / As tiny as a mere rin, / Will by day, by night / Keep enlarging and spreading, / Pervading the e’er dark world.
Meishu and His Teaching translation
The strength of the light / Of a tiny golden ball— / Light of just one “rin”— / Will spread out by day by night / To brighten the darkened world.
如意の珠 打揮ひなば如何ならむ 人としいへど眼くらまん
 45 Not one person
Will there be in
The world who
Does not see me wield
The jewel of Cintamani.
#15, S6-14C
S6-130D 如意の玉 うち揮ひなば如何ならむ 人としいへど眼くらまむ In as set of poems titled “Untitled” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #436, page 98, May 28, 1951; S5-110D 如意の珠 うち揮ひなば如何ならむ 悪魔といへど戦くなるらむ In a set of poems dated June 17, 1949, and titled “The Last Days” in Collection of Akemaro’s Recent Compositions, #468, page 84, November 30, 1949.
S5-110D translation
Whatever kind of / Evil person there / May be in the world / All will shiver as I wield / The jewel of Cintamani.
宗教を 科学もて解き科学をば 宗教に明す我書にぞあるなり
 46It is in my writings
That religion is explained
Scientifically and that
Science is interpreted
In terms of religion.
#16, S6-14D 
S6-109C 宗教を 科学もて解き科学をば 宗教に解く我書を見よ In a set of poems titled “A Sound Teaching” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, page 74, #327, May 28, 1951.
S6-109C translation
Look at my teachings, / I have explained / Religion scientifically and / Interpreted science / On the basis of religion.
人智にて 地獄を作り神智にて 天国作る理知れかし
 47Know the principle
That human wisdom
Creates hell and
God’s wisdom
Creates paradise.
#12, page 2, S6-11A 
You must really know
The logic of how human intelligence
Brings about a hell
And how divine intelligence
Causes a heaven to exist.
Feb. 8. 2009 by taki
キリストも 釈迦もメシヤの生れまさむ 時来る迄の露払ひなる
 48Christ and Shakyamuni
Both were precursors
Until the time when
Would come
The Messiah.
#18, S6-15A
S6-104A キリストも 釈迦もメシヤの生れまさむ 時来るまでの露払ひなる In a set of poems titled “The Holy Ones” in Gosanka Poems, Revised, #303, page 68, May 28, 1951.
Alternate translation
Both Christ and / Shakyamuni are / Heralds until the / Time there will / Appear the Messiah.