Grand Spring Services Poems
March 23, 1952

  百も花 四方に咲き初む今はしも 楽しく集ふ春の御祭り

Just now as,
In all directions,
Flowers start to bloom,
All gather pleasantly
At the festival of spring. 

#1, S6-201A
    春祭 巡り来る毎嬉しくも 神の御業は拡ごりにつつ
32   Each time
The spring festival
Comes around,
Happily, God’s work
Continues to expand.
#2, S6-201B 

大いなる 御恵み讃え信徒の 祝ぎ集ふ今日の御祭

33   Praising our great
Blessings, believers
Gather to
Today’s festival.
#3, S6-201C

幾万年 長き仕組は漸くに 成らんとすなり此地の上に

34   God’s plan, tens of
Thousands of years in
The making, finally
Will be realized
On this earth.
#4, S6-201D

地上天国 其礎えは早や既に 打樹てられてけり眼に映らぬも

35   The foundation for
Paradise on earth is
Already being constructed;
Some aspects are
Now visible to the eye.
#5, S6-201E

夢に打も 思ほえぬ程美はしき 地上天国今築くなり 

36   Now is being built
Paradise on earth,
So beautiful it was
Thought to be only
A dream. 
#6, S6-202A
    凡そ世に あらん限りの美を蒐め 最奥天国の状を映さむ
37 Gathering together as most
Likely not like anywhere else
In the world, I am reflecting
On this earth the state of the
Innermost reaches of heaven. 
#7, S6-202B
    心ゆく ばかり自然と人工の 美ぞ輝かさむ地上天国
38   Paradise on earth
Illuminates the beauty
To the heart’s content,
The beauty of nature and
That fashioned by human beings.
#8, S6-202C
外国の 人も憧れ遥々と 寄り集ふらむ美の天国へ 
39 Yearning for the
Beauty of heaven
Will come and gather
From far away places
People of foreign countries.
#9, S6-202D 
キリストや 釈迦の望みを吾は今 果さんとして日に夜に励しむ
40 During the day and
Through the night
I Now put into
Effect the hopes of
Christ and Shakyamuni.
#10, S6-202E
文明の 古き衣を脱ぎ棄てて 新つの衣に換ゆる我業
41 My task, to remove
And replace with
New clothes, throwing
Away the old
Clothing of civilization.
#11, S6-203A 
いと低き 科学のレベル引き上げて 神の科学に建て替えるなり 
42 Pulling up, raising
The level of science,
That is so low,
Will be reconstructed
A science of God.
#12, S6-203B
我有てる 麻邇の宝殊の日に月に 輝き増せど誰も見えざらめ 
43The jewel of Mani
That I possess, by day
And by month illuminates,
Increases ‘though
Not seen by anyone.
#13, S6-203C
玉手箱 打明けぬれば燦として 眩ゆかるらむ美須麻留の玉
44When the treasure
Box is opened,
So brilliant
It blinds,
The Misumaru jewels.
#14, S6-203D
三千世界 建て直せよと大神は 金剛力を吾に賜へり 
45Almighty God has
Bestowed upon me
Diamond power with
The command to rebuild
The three-thousand worlds.
#15, S6-203E 
大八島 聳ゆる山の頂も 深谷川にも仕組秘めてし 
46On the summits of
Mountains that tower
Over the Eight Great Islands,
As well as in deep ravines and rivers
Is concealed the plan.
#16, S6-204A
右に寄らず 左に寄らぬ中道を 進む人こそ伊都能売の魂 
47Leaning neither to the right
Nor inclining to the left,
The very person who
Advances along the middle path,
The spirit of Izunome.
#17, S6-204B 
人にあらぬ 人を真の人に変え 悉救ふなり神の真道に
48By God’s truth path
Will all be transformed
Into individuals of truth,
Not like the human
Beings of today.
#18, S6-204C