Great Construction

Philosophy of Intuition (Hikari, extra edition)

     There was a period when I was young in which I was greatly inspired by the works of the French philosopher Henri Bergson who was very popular at the time. Even now I often recall his writings, and as there is much that can be of benefit as far as faith is concerned, I will write about it here.
     The main thrust of Bergson’s philosophy are probably the three of concepts that all is in a state of flux, that of the theory of intuition, and that of the “I,” or self, of the moment. What particularly impressed me was the philosophy of intuition as he expounded it.
     When human beings look at things, it is not easy for them see a thing itself without any deviation. For that reason, grasping the reality of the thing is truly difficult. What Bergson tries to address is how this may be so.
     All human beings have within themselves something like a bar that consists of an amalgamation of their education, the traditions and customs from their backgrounds, and varieties of complicated ideas and concepts. However, most do not perceive the existence of this bar.  Because the bar is not perceived, it inevitably interferes with seeing things. For example, in the case of observing a new religion, this bar interferes and decides that all new religions are superstitious cults and calls them frauds. The people who live in society today are always looking at newspapers and magazines, and the opinions of journalists get into their heads. Opinions also enter from radio and rumors on the street, so the bar further solidifies. Even when is seen a miracle where a disease that doctors could not cure is healed through faith, it is impossible to accept the plain facts. Doubt and suspicion are immediately raised. This doubt is also due to the bar. The concept that diseases are healed through medical science is the center of the bar, so it comes up with various excuses: there is no way a fraudulent religion can heal disease; even if the disease is healed, it is because it is the time for healing. Everyone has probably experienced the application of various level of logic and a bending of facts.
     Thus, what corrects the errors into which human beings have fallen is the philosophy of intuition. In other words, individuals must make their minds the blank slate of open-mindedness that is not afflicted by the bar. How can this be accomplished? An “I” of the moment is necessary, that is, an “I” that captures the reality of the something the moment it sees and intuits an impression of that something. What I repeatedly say, if you see with your own eyes that an intractable disease was definitely healed, you should believe what you see. That is the right way to look at things. Therefore, that individuals think that there is no way such healing could occur, that what instruments and drugs cannot heal can be healed with an invisible something the equivalent to air is impossible are both due to the fact that the bar obstructs. Into this situation, the persons who says “That is a superstition. How can there be such a crazy thing?” is merely an accomplice of the bar, and it is such accomplices of which one must be aware. The preceding is just a small notion of the philosophy of intuition.
     All in a state of flux is said to be that every thing in the universe flows without a moment’s rest. For example, the “I” of yesterday is definitely different from the “I” of today. Nay, the “I” of five minutes ago differs from the “I” of right now. The world of yesterday is not the world of today. Of course, the same goes for society, culture, and international relations. Therefore, the way human beings look at things and at change itself must be appropriate. That is the right way to look at things. In spite of the fact that the way religion and culture looks at things should change, religions from hundreds and thousands of years ago criticize new religions, so it is natural that an accurate understanding cannot be obtained. This is the all-in-flux theory.

Hikari, extra edition, page 1, May 30, 1949 
translated by cynndd

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“Chokkan no Tetsugaku” appeared originally on the front page of the only extra edition of the newspaper, Hikari, May 30, 1949. Within half a year, Meishu-sama would make 32 revisions to “Chokkan no Tetsugaku” to include it as the fourth chapter in the twelfth volume of Jikan Sōsho (Jikan Library) titled Jikan Setsuwa Shū (Narratives), page 9, January 30, 1950. While Meishu-sama was still alive, “Chokkan no Tetsugaku” was reprinted in the essays anthology for ministers Goshinsho: Shūkyō-hen (Divine Writings: Volume on Religion), page 101, March 25, 1954. The book version of “Chokkan no Tetsugaku” has appeared in translation. Citation is given below for reference.

“The Philosophy of Intuition,” Foundation of Paradise, 1984, page 319.

“Intuitive Philosophy,” Meishu-sama’s Teachings, Booklet One, 1996, page 57.