Great Construction

Changing The World Into A Paradise
 And The Problem Of Health

     What kind of world is this paradise on earth which we are always advocating? I don’t think it is necessary to write about it in great detail, because as you know I have repeatedly described it to you.
     A paradise on earth is a world free from the three great miseries of humankind, disease, poverty and conflict, and the greatest of these three is disease. In this sense, what God wishes us to do first in order to help save humanity is to show mankind the right way to health, for we may say, “Where is true happiness, fulfillment in life without health?” If there were no power with which to solve the problem of disease, any religion or science would be a useless thing. I say this because without a solution of health, neither poverty nor conflict could be solved.
     There has been no religion or science which has proclaimed such a bold statement as that of our church, that we re going to help God establish a world completely free from disease, poverty and conflict. That very declaration has been our specialty How could we say such a bold thing if we did not have a real conflict? If I made that statement without conviction I would be either a great charlatan who deceived human society or a lunatic.
     If you think I am one of these, consider the fact that we have gained more than a hundred thousand members in a very short time. There has never been such a swift growth before, and on top of this members are increasing by the day and the month. So, the idea that I am either a charlatan or a lunatic is quite illogical, isn’t it? I do hope that intelligent people throughout the world will carefully consider this proof.
     Our church proclaims the solution to the problem of health and is working with the healing of sickness as our first goal. In order to let people know the actual results of this we publish many testimonials, filling every issue of our newspaper, Light, and our monthly magazine Paradise On Earth. We know that not only the authorities but also scholars and specialists must entertain initial doubts as to the credibility of such testimonials, for almost all of them are such great miracles that they are beyond the bounds of possibility. We can imagine that statesmen and medical specialists will surely make searching investigations of them through appropriate channels. As a result of such investigations, they will find that there can be some danger of unprecedented problems being brought about for them. What in the world will happen to those people who have to first find out whether the many testimonials are true, if they are all factual without any exaggeration or fabrication? For the very reason that there has never been such a thing before in the whole history of the world, a serious situation—or, shall I say a situation which it is hard even to imagine?—may be brought about.
     However, fact is fact and truth is truth, whatever people may say. We, too, wonder for what reason we should do such a foolish thing as to plunge ourselves into the swirl of controversy which might give rise to some serious problems. But as we pause to consider more deeply, we cannot help feeling that this is a manifestation of the authority of Time, the Absolute Being, and cannot help recognizing the true Love of God. As you see in the innumerable examples of our testimonials, those who have been pathetically ill, perhaps even gasping with pain, and have been driven to despair after trying all kinds of orthodox treatments have come to receive Johrei, have been revived through it, and are now filled with such joy that they cannot find adequate words with which to express their gratitude.
     What will people in general think of these facts? Those who entertain doubts about them or even deny them must do so because they have not actually seen or experienced miracles. If they will make a thorough investigation into the matter and verify the truth, they will then be ready themselves to utilize the power emitted by our church, with firm determination to help work toward the solution of the world’s suffering. Don’t you think that this is in accord with the true way to live as a human being?
     If someone pays no attention to this, there is no way to think of this individual as other than a person who lacks love for humanity, or who is in a special circumstance which prevents him from doing something positive, or who is a mental case.
     I am afraid my way of writing has been too frank, but since we are working in according with the Will of God, Who wishes to save humanity, please understand that this is my irresistible cry.

Hikari, Issue 14, page 1, June 25, 1949
translated by KH

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“Tengokuka to Kenkō Mondai,” which originally appeared on the front page of Hikari, Issue 14, June 25, 1949, was reprinted in the anthology Igaku Kankei Goronbun Shū (Collected Essays on Medical Science) that did enjoy a limited circulation. Igaku Kankei Goronbun Shū contains no publication data, but internal evidence suggests that its editing stopped several months preceding Meishu-sama’s death. Furthermore, since the book lacks publication data, whether the volume had Meishu-sama’s imprimatur or not is unknown, so details concerning this volume are probably impossible to research.