Great Construction

Expounding the Five Wisdoms (Narratives)

     Wisdom exists as a word, but wisdom has various levels. To classify these levels, first, the highest is divine wisdom, followed by mystic wisdom, enlightened wisdom, shallow wisdom, and cunning wisdom. Roughly, they form five levels which I call the five wisdoms. Let me explain each one of them.
     Divine wisdom is the highest level of wisdom. The average person, people in general, cannot attain this level. It is wisdom given by God to a particular individual. These individuals have divine wisdom because they have been entrusted by God with great missions. This level of wisdom is well described by the old adage, “What is known from study is called human wisdom and what is known without study, divine wisdom.”
     Mystic wisdom is also called “mystic wisdom power of Kannon” and compared to divine wisdom, could also be titled Buddhist wisdom. If it is said that divine wisdom is masculine, then mystic wisdom is feminine. That the ideogram for “mystic” is written with the radical for “woman” is interesting.
     Enlightened wisdom is the wisdom exhibited by intelligent, reasonable people. In Buddhism, there are terms like “wisdom proof knowing,” but when the word “wisdom” is used, this is the kind of wisdom that is being referenced. In our present world, however, there are many for whom even enlightened wisdom does not function. Needless to say, that is due to evil thoughts and it is difficult to arrive at proper judgment of matters. Let me give an example. Nowadays, not only politicians, but intellectuals as well will discuss problems, even minor ones, at great lengths with many participants, cudgel their brains, and still not be able to come to a conclusion. When it comes to greater issues, more than ten and sometimes even several dozens of people will knock heads, argue violently, meeting many times, many days, and still not arrive at a conclusion which shows how dully the brains of these people work.
     Think about it. For whatever problem there may be, there is only one conclusion. There will never be several conclusions. Since such decision-making takes many brains and a lot of days, it cannot be described other than by the word “disgrace.” Such disgraceful lack of resolution is due entirely to a lack of enlightened wisdom, and since a lack of enlightened wisdom is due to clouded brains, when the brains are clouded, evil thoughts are present. When evil thoughts are present, materialism is followed if not espoused. Following materialism means that no recognition is made of the actuality of God, and not recognizing the actuality of God means there is no religion that brings individuals to believe in God. It is the very religion which actually allows human beings to know the actuality of God that should be called truly a living religion. The more that such matters have to be tediously explained, by that much are the brains of contemporary individuals poor.
     In this sense, individuals possessing enlightened wisdom are able to arrive at a conclusion within several minutes if not in less than a half hour of encountering any problem. Thus, I have instructed my subordinates to limit deliberations to thirty minutes, and when anything takes an hour or more, they should suspend discussions, hold discussions at another time, or bring the matter to me directly.
     If I may be permitted to speak of myself, any complex problem I encounter, I arrive at a conclusion within a few minutes. Once in a while there are instances when I cannot decide right away what to do, and at such times, I do not try to force a conclusion but postpone judgment and put the matter aside. And then, before long, invariably inspiration will strike and I will reach a conclusion.
     Next is shallow wisdom, and as all know this is a low level of wisdom based on the surface, superficial, so although it may be successfully employed temporarily, it will certainly fail and lose trust. Shallow wisdom could also be called foolish wisdom or even dull wisdom.
     As the ideogram for “cunning” suggests, cunning wisdom is a wisdom of wickedness, evil wisdom. Examples of this form of wisdom are conspicuously great in the public at large, particularly so in the intellectual and leadership classes, so there is no reason society should improve. Therefore, it is when this evil wisdom has ceased to exist within the Japanese people, that will appear a splendid society and Japan will become admirable. Thus, the way to eliminate evil wisdom is not difficult at all. The origin of evil wisdom must be exterminated from the roots. There is no other way to exterminate the roots of evil wisdom than through the activities of a religion of power that can show the actuality of God.

Narratives, page 6, Jikan Library, Volume 12, January 30, 1950
translated by cynndd

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“Gochi o Toku” was originally published on the front page of Hikari, Issue 23, August 20, 1949. Within half a year, Meishu-sama would make many but not extensive revisions to include “Gochi o Toku” as the second chapter of Narratives, page 6, the twelfth volume of the Jikan Library, January 30, 1950. Later, while Meishu-sama was still alive, the newspaper version of “Gochi o Toku” was reprinted in the essays anthology for ministers Goshinsho: Shūkyō-hen (Divine Writings: Volume on Religion), page 11, March 25, 1954. Several months later on August 25, 1954, the book version was reprinted in Gospels of Heaven, page 2.