Great Construction

From the Inorganic to the Organic

     As described in the preceding chapter, “Spirit Precedes the Physical,” the true essence of disease is clouds on the spirit, and I will now explain step by step the process of generation of pathogens, that is, germs, from these clouds. How clouds generate on the human spirit that in the beginning is transparent and how clouds are formed from the reflection of impure blood in the physical body to the spirit has already been explained. The reason germs generate from clouds is that as the density of the clouds reaches a certain degree, super infinitesimal particles naturally generate. This principle is of the highest levels of science. An easier way to understand these concepts is to think of them in opposite terms. For example, when the wide expanse of the sky is viewed, it is infinitely large, but instead, think of the principle of pathogenic generation in terms of smallness. The essence of all on earth is infinitesimally small, so as such, positive equals negative.
     This principle can also be applied to the human body. Clouds on the spirit as well are composed of ultra infinitesimal particles, and through constant purification activity, the particles increase in density, and as they grow denser, individualized infinitesimal particles of a vegetable nature generate on the spirit. This generation occurs because clouds are an amalgamation of spirit of water [hydrogen] which is conducive to vegetable matter. From this stage, the cloudy mass gradually develops and ultimately becomes organic. This organic matter are the eggs of germs. As these eggs develop, they become the early forms of germs, but at this stage, of course, germs are still not visible under a microscope. Germs that have become living organisms require food and they begin to eat each other which is the natural principle of living organisms, that is, the strong feeding upon the weak, a struggle for survival. In a way that resembles human society, among the mass of germs do appear those that are strong, the weaker are culled, and the strong grow larger. It is these strong germs that are visible by a microscope.
     Because as outlined above, clouds that first generate on the spirit are the origin of disease, unless these clouds are eliminated, not possible is a method or therapy for fundamentally healing disease. As I have repeatedly pointed out, moreover, as long as contemporary medical science does not advance to the point where clouds that are the origin of disease have been discovered, medical science cannot be called true healing.
     Finally, what I would like to say by way of a conclusion concerns the elimination of clouds on the spirit. Even if the fundamentals of pathology are understood, this knowledge is of no moment unless the elimination of these clouds is possible. I have discovered the method to eliminate clouds. This method is called Johrei. Johrei has and is continuing to show tremendous results. How these clouds can be eliminated through Johrei is a principle that rather than being considered of the highest levels of science is a principle of the highest levels of religion. As this subject is pursued, human knowledge will advance to the reality of the spirit and of the divine. As the purpose of this volume is to be read by those with no previous knowledge of my work, explanations are made as scientifically as possible and religious interpretations are avoided so that the reader may accept what I have to say.
     Given such circumstances, those individuals who are not satisfied unless they pursue a subject as thoroughly as possible will probably find it most ideal to become followers and actually administer Johrei, but because such a recommendation would be religious propaganda, I make a point of not doing so. Even so, writing in this way, however, could be taken as a form of clever promotion, but such is unavoidable. I make a big issue about this point because members of the general public are greatly suspicious of new religions. This suspicion is not unreasonably unfounded as its source are largely the false rumors spread by newspapers and magazines. Inevitable is such reaction by the mass media as unreliable new religions are springing up everywhere. However, the one hundred actual accounts that follow will let one and all learn that the theories I teach contain no error whatsoever.

Revolutionary Therapy for Tuberculosis, August 15, 1951
translated by cynndd