Great Construction

The Reverse Effect Phenomenon

     Upon observing the actions of individuals in the world, that they cannot obtain the results they seek in spite of their straining for goals they think permissible is because they do not know and understand the phenomenon of reverse effects. Put in other terms, they fail to discern that every rule has its exceptions. I will explain myself here, and if readers can understand this argument, it will probably lead to unexpected benefit for them.
     Let me begin by an example. Among my followers are those who have obtained some rank or title in the organization and it happens that many times these individuals try to show off their worth on a level higher than it really is. They have the idea they can make all think they are greater than they are. But their speech and actions are transparent to others, and conversely, they do not seem so great. Thus, in all occasions and matters, the individual with a modest attitude who is satisfied with being in second place will, conversely, seem greater. There are those who brag about themselves, but such statements are not agreeable and listeners will find them disgusting, so those who do not show off, who tell things simply as they are, will receive the most favorable impression. Those who speak moderately in all matters will be seen as modest. Another aspect is that in guiding and helping others, one should be careful not to make a favor of what you do for them, otherwise your worth is seen as less.
     The preceding is only one small part of the illustrations available, but in all matters and affairs, there  will be a reverse effect, so when that phenomenon is taken into consideration, the results are unexpectedly good. There are many occasions when people I do not wish to meet happen to get in to see me through the introduction from someone else, so I reluctantly agree to receive them. These people will ask things like, “What kind of deity is that in World Messianity?” to which I reply, “I haven’t the faintest idea.” Next, they will say, “Meishu-sama, you know everything that will happen in the world…” at which point I say that I am not God and have no idea what will occur. The questioners seem disappointed, and I never see them again. Then, there are times when I want to buy a piece of land and the owner is selling. I ask the price, and the landowner taking advantage of the fact that I am asking, cites a ridiculously high price. I ignore him, and after a while he gets fidgety and comes to ask what I am going to do. When I tell the owner I am no longer interested in the property, he takes me at my word, and greatly reduces the price. Over the years, there have been individuals who came visiting in order to try to defraud me. At the times when I met them, I would say before they could even open their mouths that I was greatly in need of money and would they loan me some for a while. They would silently leave. On the other hand, there are those individuals who I think will be of great use in the future. I treat them rather indifferently on purpose. In response they try very diligently to do good work. These very people are those I consider excellent individuals and place in important positions of trust. There are many more instances I could cite, but the point is that it is very beneficial to be well informed of and consider the phenomenon of reverse effects.

Eikō, Issue 124, October 3, 1951
translated by cynndd

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“Gyakukōka no Setsu,” which appeared originally in Eikō, Issue 124, October 3, 1951, and, later while Meishu-sama still alive, was reprinted in Goshinsho: Shūkyō-hen (Divine Writings: Volume on Religion), page 59, March 25, 1954, has previously appeared in translation. Citation is given below for reference.

“Reverse Effect,” Foundation of Paradise, 1984, page 373.

“Reverse Effect,” Teachings of Meishu-sama, Volume Four, 2005, page 5.

“Don’t Put on Airs,” Reaching for Faith, 2010, page 69.