Great Construction

“It’s the Nerves”
Divine Medical Science Fragments Four

      There is probably no one who has not heard from a doctor the words, “Your condition is not really serious, it’s only your nerves.” But if you think about these words, you arrive at the following. “Your condition should not cause pain, so if you feel pain, it is because there is something wrong with your nerves. In other words, it is your nervous system that is abnormal and healing your nervous system is not my job.” I occasionally come across patients who have had the experience. Some say, “The doctor says I am all right, so I guess it is unavoidable that I still feel pain.” There are even some who, in spite of being told, “You are cured,” still say, “It still hurts.”

Eikô, Issue 149, March 26, 1952
 translated by cynndd