Great Construction

Is Medical Science Truly Benevolent?

     Since antiquity the science of medicine has been called a benevolent art, and such was inevitable because medical science did not understand the fundamentals. To be sure, medical science is actually the opposite of being a benevolent art. We exert great efforts to get members of the public to understand this point, and when is read the account below where a spirit from the spiritual world says medical science is harmful, it can be understood this is no mistake. This record shows not only that medical science is not even benevolent but rather that it is a malevolent act which produces the opposite of the desired results. This calls to mind a point that I have continued to hear for a very long time now that there are many unhappy and unfortunate people among the descendents of doctors. If all you doctors understood this fact you probably could not but lose heart. The medical profession turns many persons into unfortunate beings and also makes so their own members. Nothing could be so lacking in worth. To save people from these circumstances is World Messianity, so I would hope that all medical practitioners carefully read, understand, and think about this account.

One After Another, Those in the Spiritual World Saved

                        Mineko Yuzuriha, 30    
Ryûkô Church, Shimane

     Meishu-sama, since joining the church on December 13, 1949, I have lived in this corrupt world without any anxiety under your strong protection, and I am able to continue my life each day pleasantly and cheerfully for which I express my most profound thanks.
     I do bear a heavy burden of much sin, but I would like, of the blessings I daily receive to make, as awkward as my words may be, a report of my experience.
     Not long after marriage, my husband, leaving behind two sons, one of nineteen months and one of four months and a grandmother of eighty years, died of tuberculosis in February 1949. Suffering from worry about the weakened condition of my sons and struggling in poverty, I lived a very lonely life. With a stipend from the city, and with young children who could not get milk, that year in August I asked my mother to come help out, so I could try to find work. But as the boys alternated between them with conditions of fever, diarrhea and so forth, I spent most of my time at the hospital, so I was always either late to work or had to leave early, which made for difficult conditions that were repeated over and over again. In the midst of my misery, in November I heard about precious God from my elder brother who said I should try to depend on something, so on November 18, I worshipped at the monthly service of the Minamita-cho Branch in Matsue. It was just at this time that my youngest son was suffering from tympanitis, so right away, the head of the church, Rev. Ishizaka, channeled Johrei to him. Until then, puss had oozed out of his ear, but the following day, the puss abruptly stopped. I thought this most uncanny, and for two to three days, I continued going, having Johrei channeled by the branch head, Rev. Sugitani. I thought it most mystifying but I was grateful and decided to join. On December 13, I took the introductory course from Rev. Sugitani at the branch and received my sacred focal point. At that time, I stopped going to the hospital with my children and only received Johrei. There were often times of experiencing purification, and every time, recovering health. At that period, my children had been pronounced malnourished at their physical check-ups, but now they were quite energetic, playing every day and getting into mischief. I myself was able to go to work without anxiety, all due to the blessings of Meishu-sama for which I express my gratitude.
     But for me, with much sin, there were still trials to come. At the end of 1949, my landlord started to ask me to leave. In this age of poor housing, where was I to go? In addition, as I had children, I would not be welcomed anywhere. I had no choice but to borrow a room at my family’s house where I presently reside. My brother is also a fervent follower who has dedicated a sacred scroll, a photograph of Meishu-sama, and a Kannon screen in the family altar. I too want to dedicate these sacred objects as soon as possible, but permission has still not been granted. I have not yet dedicated a scroll, but I did dedicate a Kannon screen in my family altar in May last year and every day I chant poems and read the teachings in front of it. After I had dedicated the Kannon scroll and started to read the teachings each day following Meishu-sama’s teachings, I came to realize through various experiences that my ancestors in the spiritual world may be able to gain salvation more quickly.
     The first incident that gave me such a realization was in May last year when I experienced a spiritual possession. The death of my husband’s birth mother had not been legally recognized, but she possessed me and said, “I committed suicide in Korea some twenty years ago. For that sin and also for the sin of having been a nurse, I fell into hell and had been suffering, but I was saved by the Tathagata of Divine Light and am now up in heaven. My husband is also in a good place and all are living happily. This is all a result of your faith.” She was very happy and added, “I have to do something to repay you.”
     The second episode started at the beginning of September one day as I read the sacred teachings Glimpses into the Spiritual World before my family altar, I suddenly felt a heavy pressure on the region between my head and shoulders which continued for two or three days. When I received Johrei from my elder brother, sure enough I was spiritually possessed and my husband’s grandfather appeared. According to him, “I am now in hell. This person (me) joined this faith and has been praying for me every day. At first I was angry with her, but the other day when she started reading Glimpses into the Spiritual World, I changed my mind. At first I didn’t think much of what she was reading, but as I listened to her I gradually began to realize how wrong I had been. I realized I have been doing wrong. I realized that from now on, I should listen carefully, try very hard to put what she reads into practice, and try to improve myself. But, right now I am in the very bottom of hell and find it very difficult to rise any higher, but I am sure that before too long, I will be permitted to go to a better place. I am in hell because I used to be a doctor. That’s it! I didn’t intend to do wrong, so it cannot be helped. Being a doctor is of no use at all!” and went on to say some other things, and then, “Finally, I want to say that from now on I will try very hard and follow along, so please keep praying very hard every day. That’s all I ask.” Until then I had thought of medical science as the benevolent art and that it was good to help people, but in the spiritual world, rather unexpectedly, practicing and following medical science is the cause for formation of sin and grounds to be sent to hell…
     Next, my long-held desire, in spite of my heavy sin, was answered, and I express my thanks to be able to have attended a meeting with Meishu-sama on the occasion of his recent trip to Western Japan. I would like to report the blessing I received on that occasion.
     What happened was that before I was possessed by the spirit of my husband’s grandfather and my head had begun to feel heavy, the back part of my head purified and five to six times a day it felt as if the crown of my head was being squeezed. I realized how strong Meishu-sama’s spiritual light is, because, after having the meeting with Meishu-sama, my head area purified even more, and I was able to learn how important it is to attend meetings with Meishu-sama.
     Meishu-sama, thank you very much indeed. I close my report with my profound gratitude. (February 27, 1953)

God Works Miracles, 1953, page 296; 1954, page 298
    translated by cynndd