Great Construction

What Is World Messianity? (Eikō 253)

     Carried below is the preface to the forthcoming book Gospels of Heaven. I am releasing it here first.

What Is World Messianity?—Preface

     One point that should be made clear first is that World Messianity is not simply a religion. Yes, there is one part that does include the field of religion, but religion does not account for all of World Messianity. We use the name World Messianity because our work is an epoch-making task of salvation that in the history of humanity was not even contemplated, so we unavoidably use the name. Rather than use some abnormal or unique name, World Messianity is easy to understand and approachable. Frankly speaking, though, World Messianity is a religion above religion, a super religion. It can be thought of as an unprecedented task of salvation.
     Here allow me to give an outline of our work. To begin, in the long period since the primitive times of humanity until now, many superlative individuals have appeared in this world and to the utmost of their abilities have labored long and hard for a great ideal. Because the dazzling civilization that we can see today has come about, it is only right that we human beings should greatly applaud and appreciate these blessings. But, in truth, however, that is not the true situation, which, it is fair to say, is strange. And, given some consideration, the situation is strange because the essential element of happiness has not accompanied our dazzling civilization. Needless to say, the reason for this lack is because somewhere in our contemporary world, there is a great defect. God has informed me of this defect. This defect is that our contemporary civilization is not complete progress, that our civilization is progress of only one half, that of the material field. The other half, that of the spirit and of the spiritual, has not been thoroughly scrutinized at all. There is a reason for this imbalance. That is, in the divine economy, in order to develop material culture, the progress of spiritual culture had to be obstructed for a certain period of time. Nowadays, as the development of the material has reached its designated level, God will have come about a great leap in the progress of spiritual culture, utilizing both fields to create a truly civilized world. Because World Messianity was born in order to fulfill this mission, World Messianity differs from all existing religions to an incomparable extent.
     As can be seen from my explanation, basically, theistic thought which has lain dormant for so long will be awakened, not an easy task. Nowadays, when the souls of most of the civilized peoples have been stolen by material science and God has been ignored, to rekindle and activate captive souls requires an astonishingly super human power. With this power, the actuality of God will be recognized. The method for gaining recognition of the actuality of God are miracles. That is why there are so many miracles in World Messianity. The very power for these miracles is absolute power that is transmitted from the Lord God on most high, so even the most ardent atheist will be forced to recognize and submit to theistic thought. Such will be the start of an age of flourishing spiritual culture. As a result, the crippled culture of the present will be corrected, and together with realization of a world of true civilization, humanity’s greatest sources of suffering: the three great disasters of disease, poverty, and conflict, will be resolved. This is not a declaration I make for the first time.
     Since antiquity, numerous saints and enlightened individuals have prophesied this coming world, and the time for realization of that world has arrived. These prophecies include the approach of heaven by Christ, the descent of Maitreya by Shakyamuni, the world of the pedestal of ambrosia by the founder of Tenri, the world of pine by the founder of Omoto, the world of just agriculture by Nichiren, and the advent of the Messiah in the tradition of Judaism. All these concepts refer to this prophecy, but there is a point on which these prophecies deserve attention. That is, these were all prophecies with no prospect for immediate realization. As I am the one who will actually construct paradise on earth, however, I am the administrator, the one who will back up and substantiate the prophecies of these holy persons. When I declare so, the extremity of my words may astonish and impress the listener as boasting, but for me to be able to make such a claim shows the level of confidence I possess. That is because, in order to accomplish this purpose, the Lord God has endowed me with the necessary wisdom and ability and has also bestowed upon me super human divine power. This divine power or energy is something hitherto not experienced by human beings in all their history, so it is impossible to comprehend. I am utilizing this power to manifest countless miracles. Therefore, any who becomes a member of World Messianity will at once be able to bathe in these good tidings.
     The sick are healed, those in poverty come to have plenty, conflict vanishes like the mist, and the unfortunate are transformed into fortunate individuals, all inspired by the profundity of divine blessings. The amalgamation of individuals comprises society the combination of which forms a nation which is part of the world, and as World Messianity grows and develops, a peaceful and happy paradise on earth becomes a reality, and thus is accomplished God’s purpose. The beginning of that time is now, so to know this fact and then to grasp happiness is to attain the height of honor.
     Consequently, this volume is an explanatory guide through the agency of divine wisdom to the essence of religion and all phenomenon, compiled by my disciples under my direction, from the great amount of material I have so far written. Indeed, my works are the first and probably the last enlightenment of truth, without even a speck of error. Further volumes are to be planned and scheduled for publication as enough essays have been collected. This volume is the bible of World Messianity, and in the future, a treasury to be handed down to posterity.

Eikō, Issue 253, March 24, 1954
    translated by cynndd