New Translations
Date | Original | |
・Leaving Matters in the Hands of God Eikō, Issue 132, page A1, November 28, 1951 | Nov. 28, 1951 by cynndd | 御任せする 『栄光』132号 |
・This Is Also an Example of Conceit Eikō, Issue 121, page A1, September 12, 1951 | Sep. 12, 1951 by cynndd | 之も慢心 『栄光』121号 |
・Erroneous Conceit Eikō, Issue 111, page A1, July 4, 1951 | July 4, 1951 by cynndd | 慢心取り違い 『栄光』111号 |
・Skepticism Eikō, Issue 96, page 1, March 21, 1951 | Ma. 21, 1951 by cynndd | 懐疑 『栄光』96号 |
・The Technique for Channeling Johrei To Be Changed Eikō, Issue 84, page 1, December 27, 1950 | Dec. 27, 1950 by cynndd | 浄霊法変る 『栄光』84号 |
・Daijo and Shojo (Eikō, Issue 81) Eikō, Issue 81, page 1, December 6, 1950 | Dec. 6, 1950 by cynndd | 大乗と小乗 『栄光』81号 |
・Truthful Love and False Love Eikō, Issue 74, page 1, October 18, 1950 | Oct. 18, 1950 by cynndd | 正愛と邪愛 『栄光』74号 |
・Regarding the Poetry Volume Landscapes Kyūsei, Issue 61, page 1, May 6, 1950 | May 6, 1950 by cynndd | 歌集「山と水」に就て 『救世』61号 |
・I Preach Truth Teachings of Meishu and Kyoshu, page 5, no date | no date | 真理を説く 『救世』58号 |
・I Preach Truth The Glory, Number 003, page 1, January 1, 1955 | Jan. 1, 1955 | 真理を説く 『救世』58号 |
・Religious Insensitivity Kyūsei, Issue 57, page 1, April 8, 1950 | Apr. 8, 1950 by cynndd | 宗教不感症 『救世』57号 |
・Door of Mystery Opened Teachings of Meishu and Kyoshu, page 1, no date | no date | 神秘の扉は開かれたり 自観叢書12編『自観説話集』 |
・Daijo Religion (Narratives) Narratives, Jikan Library, Volume 12, page 29, January 30, 1950 | Jan. 30, 1950 by cynndd | 大乗宗教(再録) 自観叢書12編『自観説話集』 |
・My Philosophy Concerning Romantic Love Hikari, Issue 46, page 1, January 21, 1950 | Jan. 21, 1950 by cynndd | 恋愛哲学 『光』46号 |
・The Irresponsibility of Suicide Hikari, Issue 45, page 1, January 14, 1950 | Jan. 14, 1950 by cynndd | 自殺者の無責任 『光』45号 |
・Children with Intellectual Disabilities Improve Hikari, Issue 45, page 1, January 14, 1950 | Jan. 14, 1950 by cynndd | 低能児は治る 『光』45号 |
・Pitiable People Nowadays Hikari, Issue 44, page 2, January 7, 1950 | Jan. 7, 1950 by cynndd | 憐むべき現代人 『光』44号 |
・My Way of Maintaining Good Health Hikari, Issue 43, page 2, January 1, 1950 | Jan. 1, 1950 by cynndd | 私の健康法 『光』43号 |
・The Facts Speak for Themselves Chijōtengoku, Issue 11, page 6, December 20, 1949 | Dec. 20, 1949 by cynndd | 事実は雄弁なり 『地上天国』11号 |
・Cigarettes and Medical Science Hikari, Issue 40, page 2, December 17, 1949 | Dec. 17, 1949 by cynndd | 煙草と医学 『光』40号 |
・The Superstition That Is Science Hikari, Issue 38, page 1, December 3, 1949 | Dec. 3, 1949 by cynndd | 科学迷信 『光』38号 |
・Daijo Religion (Chijōtengoku 9) Chijōtengoku, Issue 9, page 6, October 25, 1949 | Oct. 25, 1949 by cynndd | 大乗宗教 『地上天国』9号 |
・Spiritual Impulses to a U.S.-U.S.S.R. Thaw Hikari, Issue 30, page 1, October 8, 1949 | Oct. 8, 1949 by cynndd | 米ソ融和の霊感 『光』30号 |
・The Abacus Is Not To Be Ignored Hikari, Issue 26, page 1, September 10, 1949 | Sep. 10, 1949 by cynndd | 算盤を無視するな 『光』26号 |
・Order Assorted Reflections, Jikan Library, Volume 5, page 9, August 30, 1949 | Aug. 30, 1949 by cynndd | 順序 自観叢書第5編『自観隨談』 |
・Embodiment of Truth(The Glory) The Glory, Number 002, page 1, December 1, 1954 | Dec. 1, 1954 | 真理の具現 『光』18号 |
・Embodiment of Truth(TMK) Teachings of Meishu and Kyoshu, page 3, no date | no date | 真理の具現 『光』18号 |
・The God of Time Chijōtengoku, Issue 5, page 8, June 25, 1949 | Jun. 25, 1949 by cynndd | 時の神様 『地上天国』5号 |
・Bide One’s Time Hikari, Issue 14, page 2, June 25, 1949 | Jun. 25, 1949 by cynndd | 時期を待て 『光』14号 |
・Life and Death (Gospel of Heaven) Gospel of Heaven, page 263, February 5, 1947 | Feb. 5, 1947 by cynndd | 生と死 『天国の福音』 |
・The Catastrophes That Are Typhoons Eikō, Issue 230, page A1, October 14, 1953 | Oct. 14, 1953 by cynndd | 台風禍 『栄光』230号 |
・Health Is Everything Eikō,Issue 182, page A1, November 12, 1952 | Nov. 12, 1952 by cynndd | 健康は一切なり 『栄光』182号 |
・Feudalism in Science Eikō, Issue 149, page A1, March 26, 1952 | Mar. 26, 1952 by cynndd | 科学封建 『栄光』149号 |
・The Superstition of Atheism Eikō, Issue 134, page A1, December 12, 1951 | Dec. 12, 1951 by cynndd | 無神迷信 『栄光』134号 |
・Mikans Non-Fertilized for Forty Years Eikō, Issue 133, page A1, December 5, 1951 | Dec. 5, 1951 by cynndd | 無肥四十年の蜜柑 『栄光』133号 |
・The Superstition Behind Lying Eikō, Issue 120, page A1, September 5, 1951 | Sep. 5, 1951 by cynndd | 嘘吐き迷信 『栄光』120号 |
・Preface Chijōtengoku, page 4, Issue 25, June 25, 1951 | Jun. 25, 1951 by KH | 巻頭言 『地上天国』25号 |
・How To Help Children To Grow Healthy Eikō, Issue 95, page 1, March 14, 1951 | Mar. 14, 1951 by KH | 子供を健康にするには 『栄光』95号 |
・The Power of the Soil Introduction to Nature Farming, January 15, 1951 | Jan. 15, 1951 cynndd | 土の偉力 『自然農法解説』 |
・Church of World Messianity And Myself Chijōtengoku, Issue 18, page 5, November 25, 1950 | Nov. 25, 1950 by KH | 本教と私 『地上天国』18号 |
・Victory of Natural Cultivation Eikō, Issue 79, page 1, November 22, 1950 | Nov. 22, 1950 by cynndd | 自然栽培の勝利 『栄光』79号 |
・Nature Farming (Guide to World Messianity) A Guide to World Messianity, page 43, November 20, 1950 | Nov. 20, 1950 by cynndd | 自然農法 『世界救世教早わかり』 |
・One of My Sufferings Kyūsei, Issue 65, page 1, June 3, 1950 | June 3, 1950 by KH | 一つの苦しみ 『救世』65号 |
・One Source of Agony Kyūsei, Issue 65, page 1, June 3, 1950 | June 3, 1950 by cynndd | 一つの苦しみ 『救世』65号 |
・Changing The World Into Paradise Through Health The Divinely-Inspired Approach to Health, page 38, April 20, 1950 | Apr. 20, 1950 by cynndd | 健康による天国化 自観叢書10編『神示の健康法』 |
・A Human Being Is A Receptacle Of Health The Divinely-Inspired Approach to Health, page 13, April 20, 1950 | Apr. 20, 1950 by KH | 人間は健康の器 自観叢書10編『神示の健康法』 |
・Truth About Health The Divinely-Inspired Approach to Health, page 10, April 20, 1950 | Apr. 20, 1950 by KH | 健康の真理 自観叢書10編『神示の健康法』 |
・Control the Self Kyūsei, Issue 50, page 2, February 18, 1950 | Feb. 18, 1950 by cynndd | 我を去れ 『救世』50号 |
・Individuals of Good! Strengthen Yourselves! (Narratives) Narratives, Jikan Library, Volume 12, page 20, January 30, 1950 | Jan. 30, 1950 by cynndd | 善人よ強くなれ(再録) 自観叢書12編『自観説話集』 |
・Door of Mystery Opened (The Glory) Hikari, Issue 25, page 1, September 3, 1949 | Sep. 3, 1949 by cynndd | 神秘の扉は開かれたり The Glory, Number 001 |
・The Character Which Embodies Order (Narratives) Narratives, Jikan Library, Volume 12, page 20, January 30, 1950 | Jan. 30, 1950 by cynndd | 主の字(再録) 自観叢書12編『自観説話集』 |
・Philopon Addiction Hikari, Issue 36, page 1, November 19, 1949 | Nov. 19, 1949 by cynndd | ヒロポン中毒 『光』36号 |
・Individuals of Good! Strengthen Yourselves! Hikari, Issue 31, page 1, October 10, 1949 | Oct. 10, 1949 by cynndd | 善人よ強くなれ 『光』31号 |
・The Character Which Embodies Order Hikari, Issue 25, page 1, September 3, 1949 | Sep. 3, 1949 by cynndd | 主の字 『光』25号 |
・The Spiritual World and the Physical World Glimpses of the Spiritual World, Jikan Library, Volume 3, page 7 | Aug. 25, 1949 by cynndd | 霊界と現界 自観叢書第3編『霊界叢談』 |
・The Existence of the Spiritual World Glimpses into the Spiritual World, Jikan Library, Volume 3, page 5 | Aug. 25, 1949 by cynndd | 霊界の存在 自観叢書第3編『霊界叢談』 |
・Changing The World Into A Paradise And The Problem Of Health Hikari, Issue 14, page 1, June 25, 1949 | Jun. 25, 1949 by KH | 天国化と健康問題 『光』14号 |
・The Art of Healing Revealed by God The Principle of Johrei Hikari, extra edition, page 2, May 30, 1949 | May 30, 1949 by KH | 神示の医学・浄霊の原理 『光』号外 |
・A Believer And A Non-Believer Hikari, Issue 2, page 1, March 20, 1949 | Mar. 20, 1949 by KH | 無信仰と有信仰 『光』2号 |
・Good and Evil (Essays on Faith) Essays on Faith, page 90, September 5, 1948 | Sep. 5, 1948 by cynndd | 善と悪 『信仰雑話』 |
・Paradise on Earth (Essays on Faith) Essays on Faith, page 38, September 5, 1948 | Sep. 5, 1948 by cynndd | 地上天国 『信仰雑話』 |
・Good and Evil (Gospel of Heaven) Gospel of Heaven, page 317, February 5, 1947 | Feb. 5, 1947 by cynndd | 善と悪 『天国の福音』 |
・True Health and Pseudo-Health Gospel of Heaven, page 112, February 5, 1947 | Feb. 5, 1947 by KH | 真健康と擬健康 『天国の福音』 |
・The Civilization Of Tomorrow Medicine for Tomorrow, Volume 3 | Feb. 5, 1943 by KH | 明日の文化 『明日の医術 第三編』 |
・A Way To Happiness #3 Medicine for Tomorrow, Volume 2 | Oct. 23, 1943 by KH | 幸福への道 『明日の医術 第一編』 |
・A Way To Happiness #2 Medicine for Tomorrow, Volume 2 | Feb. 5, 1943 by KH | 幸福への道 『明日の医術(再版)第二編』 |
・A Way To Happiness Medicine for Tomorrow, Volume 2 | Sep. 28, 1942 by KH | 幸福への道 『明日の医術(初版)第二編』 |
・The True Substance of Sickness Medicine for Tomorrow—Okada-Style Spiritual Finger-Pressure Therapy as the New Japanese Medicine | May 15, 1936 by KH | 病気の本体 西洋医学の大誤謬(一) 『明日の医術・新日本医術としての岡田式療病法』 |
・Nine, Natural Therapy Lectures on Japanese Medicine, Volume 1, 1935 | 1935 by cynndd | 九、自然療法 『日本医術講義録』第1篇 |
・A World Completely Free From Disease, Poverty and Conflict What Is the Kannon Movement That Will Construct a World Free of Disease, Poverty, Conflict? | Sep. 15, 1935 by KH | 病貧争絶無の世界 『病貧争絶無の世界を造る観音運動とは何?』 |
・Paradise on Earth Creation of Civilization, unpublished, 1952 | unpublished by cynndd | 地上天国 未発表『文明の創造』 |
・The Redeemer and the Savior Creation of Civilization, unpublished, 1952 | unpublished by cynndd | 救い主と贖罪主 未発表『文明の創造』 |
・Health and Longevity Creation of Civilization, unpublished, 1952 | unpublished by cynndd | 健康と寿命 未発表『文明の創造』 |
・The Origin of Evil and Its Relation to Disease Creation of Civilization, unpublished, 1952 | unpublished by cynndd | 悪の発生と病 未発表『文明の創造』 |
・Evil and the Three Spirits Creation of Civilization, unpublished, 1952 | unpublished by cynndd | 悪と守護霊 未発表『文明の創造』 |
・Am I Divine or Human? An Account of Myself, unpublished, 1952 | unpublished by cynndd | 私は神か人か 未発表『私物語』 |
・The Mystery That Is Me An Account of Myself, unpublished, 1952 | unpublished by cynndd | 私の神秘 未発表『私物語』 |
・Preface (An Account of Myself) An Account of Myself, unpublished, 1952 | unpublished by cynndd | 序文 未発表『私物語』 |
・The True Daijo Religion Eikō, Issue 242, page A1, January 6, 1954 | Jan. 6, 1954 by cynndd | 真の大乗宗教 『栄光』242号 |
・Super Science Eikō, Issue 222, page A1, August 19, 1953 | Aug. 19, 1953 by cynndd | 超科学 『栄光』222号 |
・The Rationality of Faith and the Recurrence of Purification Eikō, Issue 210, page A1, May 27, 1953 | May 27, 1953 by cynndd | 信仰の合理性と再浄化 『栄光』210号 |
・A Hero for Peace Eikō, Issue 199, page A1, March 11, 1953 | Mar. 11, 1953 by cynndd | 平和の英雄 『栄光』199号 |
・Judge Others Not Eikō, Issue 157, page A1, May 21, 1952 | May 21, 1952 by cynndd | 人を裁く勿れ 『栄光』157号 |
・How Is Evil Exposed? Eikō, Issue 136, page A1, December 26, 1951 | Dec. 26, 1951 by cynndd | 悪は何故暴露するか 『栄光』136号 |
・I Write Truth Chijōtengoku, Issue 28, page 6, September 25, 1951 | Sep. 25, 1951 by cynndd | 私は真理を書く 『地上天国』28号 |
・What Moderation Is Eikō, Issue 116, page A1, August 8, 1951 | Aug. 8, 1951 by cynndd | 程とは 『栄光』116号 |
・Faith Equals Justice Kyūsei, Issue 65, page 1, June 3, 1950 | Jun. 3, 1950 by cynndd | 信仰即正義 『救世』65号 |
・Preventative Vaccines and Tuberculosis The Divinely-Inspired Approach to Health, Jikan Library, Vol. 10, page 66, | Apr. 20, 1950 by cynndd | 予防接種と結核 自観叢書10編『神示の健康法』 |
・God Is Just Kyūsei, Issue 54, page 1, March 18, 1950 | Mar. 18, 1950 by cynndd | 神は正なり 『救世』54号 |
・Church of World Messianity’s Creed Kyūsei, Issue 53, page 1, March 11, 1950 | Mar. 11, 1950 by cynndd | 世界救世教教義 『救世』53号 |
・Love, Faithfulness, Sincerity Hikari, Issue 47, page 1, January 28, 1950 | Jan. 28, 1950 by cynndd | 誠の有る無し 『光』47号 |
・The Individual Who Is Truly Strong Hikari, Issue 33, page 1, October 29, 1949 | Oct. 29, 1949 by cynndd | 真の強者 『光』33号 |
・The Movement for Heavenly Transformation Through Flowers Hikari, Issue 8, page 1, May 8, 1949 | May 8, 1949 by cynndd | 花による天国化運動 『光』8号 |
・Foolish One! Thy Name Is Evildoer Hikari, Issue 7, page 1, April 30, 1949 | April 30, 1949 by cynndd | 愚かなる者よ! 汝の名は悪人なり 『光』7号 |
・Preface (Gospel of Heaven) Gospel of Heaven, February 5, 1947 | Feb. 5, 1947 by cynndd | 序文 『天国の福音』 |
・Eight, How to Eat Lectures on Japanese Medicine, Volume 1, 1935 | Oct. 21, 1935 by cynndd | 八、食餌の方法 『日本医術講義録』第1篇 |
・Seven, The Complete Nutritional Diet Lectures on Japanese Medicine, Volume 1, 1935 | Oct. 21, 1935 by cynndd | 七、完全営養食 『日本医術講義録』第1篇 |
・Six, The Possibility of Absolute Health and the Way to a Longer Life Lectures on Japanese Medicine, Volume 1, 1935 | Oct. 21, 1935 by cynndd | 六、絶対健康の可能と長寿法 『日本医術講義録』第1篇 |
・Five, The Fallacies of Western Medical Science and Building Japanese Healing Lectures on Japanese Medicine, Volume 1, 1935 | Oct. 21, 1935 by cynndd | 五、西洋医学の誤謬と日本医学の建設 『日本医術講義録』第1篇 |
・Four, The Actual Form of Disease Is in the Soul Lectures on Japanese Medicine, Volume 1, 1935 | Oct. 21, 1935 by cynndd | 四、病気の本体は魂なり 『日本医術講義録』第1篇 |
・Three: An Explanation of Spiritual Light Lectures on Japanese Medicine, Volume 1, 1935 | Oct. 21, 1935 by cynndd | 三、霊光の説明 『日本医術講義録』第1篇 |
・The Bankruptcy of the Primacy of Academic Learning The Light from the East, Issue 8, October 21, 1935 | Oct. 21, 1935 by cynndd | 学問至上主義の破綻 『東方の光』8号 |
・On Contemporary Culture Book of Medical Science Revolution, 1953, unpublished | unpublished by cynndd | 現代文化とは 未発表『医学革命の書』 |
・Life Before Faith 2 An Account of Myself, unpublished manuscript, 1952 | unpublished by cynndd | 無信仰時代2 未発表『私物語』 |
・Regarding Atheism Eikō, Issue 242, page A1, January 6, 1954 | Jan. 6, 1954 by cynndd | 無神論に就いて 『栄光』242号 |
・What I Am (1) Chijōtengoku, Issue 47, page 6, April 25, 1953 | Apr. 25, 1953 by cynndd | 私という者(一) 『地上天国』47号 |
・Cancer Salvation for Americans, page 21, January 1, 1953 | Jan. 1, 1953 by cynndd | 癌 『アメリカを救う』 |
・Treatment Through Medical Science and Treatment Through Faith Eikō, Issue 186, page A1, December 10, 1952 | Dec. 10, 1952 by cynndd | 医学療法と信仰療法 『栄光』186号 |
・Cleansing the Insides of the Human Body Eikō, Issue 147, page A1, March 12, 1952 | Mar. 12, 1952 by cynndd | 体内の入浴 『栄光』147号 |
・Be Daijo Chijōtengoku, Issue 30, page 5, November 25, 1951 | Nov. 25, 1951 by cynndd | 大乗たれ 『地上天国』30号 |
・Nature’s Vitality and the Blind Spots of Medical Science Chijōtengoku, Issue 26, page 6, July 25, 1951 | Jul. 25, 1951 by cynndd | 医学の盲点と自然良能力 『地上天国』26号 |
・The Purification Process Eikō, Issue 93, page 1, February 28, 1951 | Feb. 28, 1951 by cynndd | 浄化作用 『栄光』93号 |
・The Human Being A Guide to World Messianity, page 18, November 20, 1950 | Nov. 20, 1950 by cynndd | 人間 『世界救世教早わかり』 |
・The Human Body Is an Integrated Whole The Divinely-Inspired Approach to Health, Jikan Library, Vol. 10, | Apr. 20, 1950 by cynndd | 人体は綜合体である 自観叢書10編『神示の健康法』 |
・Health Is Truth The Divinely-Inspired Approach to Health, Jikan Library, Vol. 10, | Apr. 20, 1950 by cynndd | 健康の真理 自観叢書10編『神示の健康法』 |
・Fallacies of Western Medical Science The Divinely-Inspired Approach to Health, Jikan Library, Vol. 10, | Apr. 20, 1950 by cynndd | 医学の誤謬 自観叢書10編『神示の健康法』 |
・What I Am(Narratives) Narratives, Jikan Library, Volume 12, page 68, January 30 1950 | Jan. 30, 1950 by cynndd | 私というもの 自観叢書12編『自観説話集』 |
・Me As I See Myself (Narratives) Narratives, Jikan Library, Volume 12, page 62, January 30 1950 | Jan. 30, 1950 by cynndd | 私の観た私 自観叢書12編『自観説話集』 |
・The Human Body Is an Integrated Whole Hikari, Issue 38, page 1, December 3, 1949 | Dec. 3, 1949 by cynndd | 人体は綜合体である 『光』38号 |
・To Borrow Or Not Borrow Money Hikari, Issue 35, page 1, November 12, 1949 | Nov. 12, 1949 by cynndd | 借金是か非か 『光』35号 |
・The Problem of Parasites Hikari, Issue 33, page 2, October 29, 1949 | Oct. 29, 1949 by cynndd | 寄生虫問題 『光』33号 |
・Regarding Journalistic Demagogy—The Dogmatism of Newspapers Is Fascism Hikari, Issue 32, page 2, October 22, 1949 | Oct. 22, 1949 by cynndd | 新聞の独断はファッショ 『光』32号 |
・Medicinal Poisons Should Be Feared—How Drugs Will Be the Ruin of the Nation Hikari, Issue 26, page 2, September 10, 1949 | Sep. 10, 1949 by cynndd | 薬剤亡国論 薬毒怖るべし 『光』26号 |
・What I Am Chijōtengoku, Issue 7, page 8, August 30, 1949 | Aug. 30, 1949 by cynndd | 私というもの 『地上天国』7号 |
・Me As I See Myself Chijōtengoku, Issue 6, page 4, July 20, 1949 | Jul. 20, 1949 by cynndd | 私の観た私 『地上天国』6号 |
・Happiness Chijōtengoku, Issue 1, page 4, Dec. 1, 1948 | Dec. 1, 1948 by cynndd | 幸福 『地上天国』1号 |
・Are There Divinities and Buddhas in The World? Gospel of Heaven, page 257, Feb. 5, 1947 | Feb. 5, 1947 by cynndd | 神仏はあるか 『天国の福音』 |
・Two, Method and Principles Lectures in Japanese Medicine, Volume 1, 1935 | written in 1935 by cynndd | 方法と原理 『日本医術講義録』 |
・Life Before Faith 1 An Account of Myself, 1952, unpublished | unpublished by cynndd | 無信仰時代1 未発表『私物語』 |
・Materialistic Healing and Religious Healing Creation of Civilization, 1952, unpublished | unpublished by cynndd | 唯物医学と宗教医学 未発表『文明の創造』 |
・Some Personal Views on Poetry (tanka) Zuikō, Volume 1, Number 6, November 1, 1931 | Nov. 1, 1931 by cynndd | 短歌私言 『瑞光』第1巻第6号 |
・Civilization With a Soul Eikō, Issue 173, page A1, September 10, 1952 | Sep. 10, 1952 by cynndd | ○ヽ(す)の文化 『栄光』173号 |
・Johrei Is a Scientific Therapy (2) Eikō, Issue 247, February 10, 1954 | Feb. 10, 1954 by cynndd | 浄霊は科学療法なり(2) 『栄光』247号 |
・The Secret to Good Fortune Eikō, Issue 246, February 3, 1954 | Feb. 3, 1954 by cynndd | 幸運の秘訣 『栄光』246号 |
・Johrei Is a Scientific Therapy (1) Eikō, Issue 243, January 13, 1954 | Jan. 13, 1954 by cynndd | 浄霊は科学療法なり(1) 『栄光』243号 |
・Reputation and the Emotions Eikō, Issue 232, October 28, 1953 | Oct. 28, 1953 by cynndd | 評判と感情 『栄光』232号 |
・Nutrition (Treatment of Tuberculosis Through Faith) Treatment of Tuberculosis Through Faith, essay, page 26 | Dec. 1, 1952 by cynndd | 栄養 『結核信仰療法』 |
・A Good Example of a Vegetarian Diet Eikō, Issue 174, page A1, September 17, 1952 | Sep. 17, 1952 by cynndd | 菜食のよき例 『栄光』174号 |
・Love That Is Daijo Eikō, Issue 166, page A1, July 23, 1952 | July 23, 1952 by cynndd | 大乗愛 『栄光』166号 |
・Regarding Cancer Eikō, Issue 158, page 1, May 28, 1952 | May 28, 1952 by cynndd | 癌病に就て 『栄光』158号 |
・The Worth of Human Beings Lies in Their Sense of Justice Eikō, Issue 125, page A1, October 10, 1951 | Feb. 25, 1951 by cynndd | 人間の価値は正義感 『栄光』125号 |
・Low Grade Fever Eikō, Issue 120, page A1, September 5, 1951 | Sep. 5, 1951 by cynndd | 微熱というもの 『栄光』120号 |
・Further Thoughts on the Philosophy of Intuition Eikō, Issue 113, page A1, July 18, 1951 | July 18, 1951 by cynndd | 再びベルグソンに就て 『栄光』113号 |
・Religious Pragmatism Eikō, Issue 106, page A1, May 30, 1951 | May 30, 1951 by cynndd | 宗教プラグマチズム 『栄光』106号 |
・Indignation Toward Evil Chijōtengoku, Issue 21, page 7, February 25, 1951 | Feb. 25, 1951 by cynndd | 悪に対する憤激 『地上天国』21号 |
・Path Opening for the Happiness of Humanity Kyūsei, Issue 53, page 3, March 11, 1950 | Mar. 11, 1950 by cynndd | 人類幸福の道拓けん 『救世』53号 |
・The Birth of World Messianity A Guide to World Messianity, page 5, November 20, 1950 | Nov. 20, 1950 by cynndd | 本教の誕生 『世界救世教早わかり』 |
・Renewing Newspaper Publication Eikō, Issue 66, page 1, August 23, 1950 | Aug. 23,, 1950 by cynndd | 本紙再刊に就て 『栄光』66号 |
・A Divinity Living on Earth Kyūsei, Issue 62, page 1, May 13, 1950 | May 13, 1950 by cynndd | 生神様 『救世』62号 |
・Philosophy of Intuition (Narratives) Narratives, Jikan Library, Volume 12, page 9, January 30, 1950 | Jan. 30, 1950 by cynndd | 直観の哲学(再録) 自観叢書12編『自観説話集』 |
・Let Criticism Be Fair Hikari, Issue 46, page 1, January 21, 1950 | Jan. 21, 1950 by cynndd | 批判は公平であれ 『光』46号 |
・The End of Night Approaches, Repent! Hikari, Issue 42, page 1, December 32, 1949 | Dec. 32, 1949 by cynndd | 夜の終り近づけり汝等悔改めよ 『光』42号 |
・Intriguing Aspects of the Spiritual World Chijōtengoku, Issue 9, page 4, October 25, 1949 | Oct. 25, 1949 by cynndd | 霊界の不思議 『地上天国』9号 |
・A Religion Without Backbone Hikari, Issue 32, page 1, October 22, 1949 | Oct. 22, 1949 by cynndd | 意気地のない宗教 『光』32号 |
・The Secret to Happiness Hikari, Issue 29, page 1, October 1, 1949 | Oct. 1, 1949 by cynndd | 幸福の秘訣 『光』29号 |
・People Are Frightening Assorted Reflections, Jikan Library, Volume 5, page 4, August 30, 1949 | Aug. 30, 1949 by cynndd | 人が恐ろしい 自観叢書第5編『自観隨談』 |
・Faith Is Trust Hikari, Issue 13, page 1, June 18, 1949 | Jun. 18, 1949 by cynndd | 信仰は信用なり 『光』13号 |
・Philosophy of Intuition (Hikari, extra edition) Hikari, extra edition, page 1, May 30, 1949 | May 30, 1949 by cynndd | 直観の哲学 『光』号外 |
・Kannon Faith Chijōtengoku, Issue 3, page 5, April 20, 1949 | Apr. 20, 1949 by cynndd | 観音信仰 『地上天国』3号 |
・Pragmatism |